Friday, April 30, 2010

"We no longer have to rob the pharmacy" - Nahuel

After my night out, I woke up and relaxed for a bit. Then I headed out to my doctor and set up Remicade. It was such a beautiful day that I walked the 20 blocks to the hospital. After waiting for sometime, I talked my doctor. We set up an appointment for the 14th. Woot woot!!! After I met up with the people who will be doing the process.

I then headed out to a lunch. The lunch was a goodbye one for all the people who were in just Spanish classes. It is so strange that people are leaving already. The lunch was amazing. It was all you can eat buffet of Argentine/Spanish food. Sooooo delicious. After, Chelsey and I walked back and relaxed. Eventually, I called Kelsey and Alex via Skype. It was nice to talk to them. Among other topics, we talked about our apartment. Kelsey and Alex are planning to move in early August. Andrew and I then headed to get stuff for International Night at the university. It was fun but eventually my friend Jamie and I headed back to the residencia. I got food and hung out with friends. No idea for the rest of the evening.

Getting LOST

I woke up and did the bibliography for my paper. I then emailed it to myself and headed out to class. When I got to school, I went in printed my paper and headed up. My teacher was late but showed up. We discussed random things about Seven Madmen and related its themes to the themes of Tango songs. It was interesting. After class, I went to lunch with some friends and ate delicious food. I then headed home. I tried to continue to watch the Natural but fell asleep. I was out for at least an hour or so. I relaxed and talked to friends at dinner. I then decided that I was either going to go out out or go out and see a movie. Eventually one of my friends from NYU came up with a plan, so I went out with her and some of her peers for a bit then she and I went to a club where I danced and had a good ole time.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Getting the paper done

I woke up and had breakfast. After, I continued to work on my paper while uploading my photos from the weekend. It was really taking a while. I then had lunch with friends. I headed to school to pick up some papers that could help with my paper. I decided to swipe in. I thought my economics class was canceled but it was not. But he barely was on topic. I passed my midterm but hope to improve my score for the final.

After, I had Spanish class. I had a headache relating to my cold. So I went to the nurse to get an aspirin. We went over some stuff that will be related to the midterm that is next week. Eventually school was over, and I talked to friends. I then headed to Starbucks to work on my paper. I got myself a Blueberry Muffin and went to work. I was able to write some more pages before I headed home. At home, I talked to some girls about my trip to Peru since they are going there some time, while I ate dinner. After dinner, I finished my paper. I then rewarded myself with some ice cream and started the Natural before I fell asleep

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Writing an Essay

I woke up and went to breakfast. I talked to some of the friends including people who are in the same literature class that I am in. We talked about the paper due on Thursday. I decided that in my best interest I would skip my class today in order to have more time on my paper. After getting showered and ready, I headed to school. At school, I tried to find a book the library that my teacher said would help with the paper. But alas it wasn't.

It was lunch time, so I ate with my friend Cassi and Lucilia. We talked about homework, trips (Lucilia gave me advice on my plans on Salta) and more. I also pulled up some websites to help me out with the paper. Eventually, I went back to the library and wrote some of my paper. Then I couldn't get a strong enough internet connection so I moved onto Starbucks and wrote nearly two out of the five pages by the end of it. I was planning to write more tonight but the internet back at the residencia wasn't that great. I am planning to wake up tomorrow morning and writing a good portion before Spanish since I don't have economics tomorrow.

I emailed my uncle and I am pretty sure now I have a job for the summer. I also emailed some people who posted on Craiglist about weddings in the Seattle area over the summer. So we shall see about that too.

I am currently fighting a cold

Monday, April 26, 2010

A weekend of just LIVING

The Empty Road
Me on top of a massive slab of rock that Ryan and I climbed

The Guacho who led the horse riding

Just a fraction of the land of the Algodon vineyard

The mountain I climbed solo on Sunday

My view from my solo hike

The view from part of the horseback riding

I woke up but decided to sleep in instead of breakfast. I showered and shaved. I then grabbed my stuff for my literature class. At school, I hung out with one of my partners for my presentation. I grabbed some juice and croissant before class. I then hung out until class. In class, we discussed the Seven Madmen. We got some background information about the author. Then my presentation came up and it went smoothly.

After school, I hung out at the residencia. I read some about the NFL draft which I was missing this weekend. I met up with Michele. We walked and talked. We had lunch at a Chinese place near where I am living. After, we walked and talked more before we had to say bye till who knows when. I then went home and packed. After packing, I went to withdraw money. I also bought some nice pants for myself to wear out sometime. I then talked to Abbey for a bit. Then Chelsey, Joe and I went and grabbed food and headed to school.

On the bus, I hung out and talked to a lot of the people who were near me. We played some new form of Bingo. I got close to winning but didn't. We had dinner which was ok. After, they played Be Kind Rewind. It was not as good as I was hoping. I slept for a bit before we stopped for a bathroom break. I played with a cute dog. I then slept the rest of the way.


I woke up around 8:15 for breakfast and tea. I listened to music and wrote for the first part. We finally got there. I hung out with people. We met up with the people who were on the other bus. We got lunch and hung out. We then got a laydown on all the rules and agenda for the weekend. My friend Ryan, who coincidentally is originally from Greensboro, and I headed out to explore.

We walked along the road. We found some chill places. We climbed some rocks. We saw a guy who tried to tell us to grab his soccer ball that was floating down the river. We chased and chased but didn't catch up to it. After, Ryan and I observed the surrounding area to see if there was a good place to jump into the river. After much debate about time and if we should do it, we jumped in.

Ryan went first and I followed. The current pulled us pretty fast. Ryan reached the other side and extended his hand for me. I luckily grabbed it. We climbed the rocks and searched for a place to jump in the river. Then we decided it would be best to just go back to our stuff and head back. But the current was so strong that we had to pick the right place. This proved difficult. At I slipped a couple times, including one time really hard against a rock. There also some places where the water was spinning in circles that I had to avoid. I tried to swim across but failed. Eventually, Ryan found a good place and did. I tried to do but ended up further down river a little in a thorn bush that cut me all over the place. I met up with Ryan and put on my clothing quickly and we hurried back to the hotel because we thought we were late.

Turns out no one was ready. I changed shoes. We met up as a group and headed out on our hike. It was relatively easy one. We had dogs that followed us the whole way. At one point, we had to run down a part which was a lot of fun. After we got back, it was time for snacks. After which, we hung out and some people played basketball while others commentated.

Then we had dinner. Then we had a party in one of the cabins which was a lot of fun since most of our group was there. We sang including a group rendition of "Lean on Me", talked and what not. Eventually I headed to bed.

I woke up and went to breakfast. After, I had the choice of rappelling or free time. I chose free time. I hung out with some of the guys. We talked and played Foosball. After, four of us decided to go horseback riding. We got on our horses. Mine was a cautious one and a relatively newbie. We rode up and down mountains. The views were spectacular. I love the desert. So beautiful. We galloped and sometimes it felt that my horse was double timing it to catch up. After the ride, we met up with the group and ate lunch.

After lunch, we had a little down time before going wine tasting. Some people sang songs on our bus. After a 45 or hour bus ride, we got to the first winery. It was massive. The company's name is Algodon. They are originally from New York. The vineyard had a golf course, restaurant, tennis courts besides the vineyard. We walked around and learned about their process of making wine before trying their wine. It was not as great as I was thinking it would be. We then headed back.

After a short ride, we arrived at a smaller, family own winery. We saw some of their livestock which included some MASSIVE PIGS. They reminded me of the pigs from Hannibal, and I worried about my health. We then saw their process of making wine. It was different. After, I tried their dessert wine and Malbec. I bought their Malbec and some raisins. We then headed back to the hotel. After snack time, most of the guys and I played Foosball, Pool or Ping Pong. It was chill, then we had dinner.

After dinner, we had a similar party to the night before. Then we started to play Capture the Flag. It was a lot of fun. Then we chilled more. I went to wash my hands, and the faucet sprayed water all over the place. It kept rushing after I turned it off so I tried to stop it with a towel while people tried to find someone to help. The lobby was locked but we got someone's attention. He came and checked it out. After slowing it down but not finishing the job, he walked off. Then the water pressure increased. After fighting it some more, we tried to find the guy again but all the person said was tomorrow he or someone will fix it (proof I am not in the First World). So the boys in the cabin were stuck there with water flooding. We made a joke out of it by calling the cabin Team Pirate. Eventually I headed to bed.

I woke up and headed to breakfast. The water was still flooding in the cabin. We told the people who were supervising us for the weekend. They got people to turn off the water. We all got changed for river rafted and headed down the road to the place. We got dressed in our goofy outfits and got instructions. We then headed down the river. It was a lot of fun. The river was extremely calm compared to the Rogue River. I bounced around from boat to boat, either by kidnapping, or jumping ship and ending up in another. After, we got on buses back. My bus had a dance party on it which was fun.

We changed out of the outfits and headed back to the hotel and ate lunch. We boys then had to talk the hotel about the costs. The manager was trying to charge 500 pesos for the damage but we argued and won, with some help, that the faucet was old and was bound to break. So we didn't have to pay for any of it. After, I grabbed my camera and hiking boots and walked. I decided to climb the mountain right near my hotel. It was pretty much all rock and some dead bushes, there was no trail. It was difficult and scary at times. I had to push myself but when I made it to the top. I felt so strong. I felt so alive. I felt amazing. I eventually climbed down, resulting in more scratches on my body, and watched some of my friends play a pick up soccer game. Then it was snack time. After, I quickly packed my bag and said bye to people going on the other bus before boarding my own.

On the bus, we played a game of Bingo, this time. I was only one away from winning. Then I wrote in my journal and listened to music. I especially turned up the music to avoid hearing High School 3 playing. Then I had dinner which was alright. After, they played V for Vendetta. After, I fell asleep.

I woke up at 8 when we pulled up to school. I headed back to the residencia. There, I had breakfast before talking to Abbey and relaxing. I showered and unpacked. Eventually it was time for lunch. I then headed to school with Chelsey. In history class, we talked about Juan Peron and the 60's in South America. In Spanish, we talked about our upcoming midterm among other things. I then headed home to relax and talk to Abbey and edit photos. Unfortunately the internet is really bad here at times. So it made it hard.

It is nice to relax after such an amazing weekend. Photos will be up sometime soon. This weekend was amazing for among other things, I lived for me and for me alone. I did what made me happy and feel alive.

Some quotes from my list that are especially applicable this weekend
1) “I would like to learn, or remember, how to live.” – Annie Dillard
2) "Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread.” – Edward Abbey
3) "I read somewhere... how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong, but to feel strong... to measure yourself at least once." - Christopher McCandless
4) "Love the world and yourself in it, move through it as though it offers no resistance, as though the world is your natural element." – Audrey Niffenegger
5) “Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in.” – Ricky Fitts – American Beauty
6) “I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.” - Rosalia de Castro
7) “No man should go through life without once experiencing healthy, even bored solitude in the wilderness, finding himself depending solely on himself and thereby learning his true and hidden strength.” – Jack Kerouac
8) "It is enough that I am surrounded with beauty." – Everett Ruess
9) “To the desert go prophets and hermits; through deserts go pilgrims and exiles. Here the leaders of the great religions have sought the therapeutic and spiritual values of retreat, not to escape but to find reality.” - Paul Shepard

Only 8 weeks left until I am in Seattle. So strange...
I plan to go to Salta in a few weeks either alone or with people.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A scene out a movie

I woke up. I ate breakfast and studied. I showered then studied more. I took a break to watch Lost. Then I studied more. I dropped off laundry and grabbed my bag and headed to lunch. I studied more. I got on the bus and try to study some more. Around being 3 or 4 minutes away from the school driving, we collided with a car, taking off one its side view mirrors. While the two drivers conversed, I was worried that I wouldn't make it to school in time (though i had like 35 minutes but wanted time to study). So I jumped off the bus and sprinted to school. Luckily I had the right music playing (Pretty Lights), it gave me the energy to move fast. I jumped by people, ran through crossWALKS and jumped over things all in order to school. I was getting stared at by strangers, who probably were like why is this person running? I felt like I was in a movie. A bit epic. I made to school, the ten blocks or so, in five or ten minutes.

There, I relaxed and studied in the cafeteria. I then headed down ten minutes early and studied with people. It was time to take the exam. The first question was what were pros and cons of globalization. I could some what make that up based on discussion and my previous class on globalization. The second question was about the external factors that affect the Latin American economies. I knew some and one spot blank. The next was about Mercosur and its original reasons for existence. Similar as the previous. The big question was about the proposals and suggestions for helping the Latin American economies. I think I did alright but not amazing. I need a 4 to pass but hoping for 6 so I don't have to worry about this stuff on the Final. I then hung out with the four amazing people who run my program here. One who preformed the very crucial duty of cleaning my glasses, since I didn't do a good enough job according to her. We talked about randoms stuff and other people joined us. I had a very delicious freshly squeezed strawberry and orange juice. I also did my Spanish homework.

In Spanish class, we talked more about the future tense and also learned some more grammatical stuff. I then headed home. Less eventful bus ride. At home, I chilled which was nice. Tomorrow evening, I leave for Mendoza but I will post before I leave.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Changing Directions and Apperances

I woke up in time for breakfast but missed the eggs unfortunately. I ate some cereal before heading back to my room to quickly shower before class. I then headed out. I took the bus with some friends. I chit chated with people before class. In class, we discussed Populism and how it got its rise. It was quite interesting. After class, my friend Mark and I discussed how some of the roads (most are one ways) are changing directions due to a major street becoming a two way. Literally a street will go one way and change the direction the next day. It happened to one of the streets my residencia is on the corner of. I then headed home for lunch.

At lunch, I ate talked to friends about midterms and what not. After, I studied a bit for my econ mid term that I have tomorrow. Ugh. Not really looking forward to it. I then headed out and got a hair cut (you should be happy mom and dad). After, I spent most of the afternoon studying minus a skype date with Abbey. I ate dinner and studied more. Took a break for ice cream. Despite my studying, I am still iffy. This is not my area of expertise so it is having trouble clicking in my mind.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Saviour on Calle Sinclair

I was going to wake up for breakfast but preferred to sleep a bit longer. When I did wake up, I went to check Facebook and emails before heading out to the hostel. There, I was given the number of the IT guy who fixed my computer last time. When I got back to my residencia, I called them. They said they couldn't come to me but I could come to them. They were on Calle Sinclair. I laughed at the irony (is it ironic?). I headed out and got there. The guys were really nice. They offered me something to drink which I asked for water. The process of cleaning out my computer took three hours but they also showed me how to got rid of some other stuff that were dangerous as well as registering my anti virus so then I can now check in the future. After all their help, I headed back and dropped off my computer and grabbed my stuff for school.

I missed my first class, so I grabbed lunch before my Spanish class. In class, we talked about Space, what we would do with ten million dollars and more. After class, I headed home. At home, I chilled before starting to study for my midterm that is on Wednesday. I am not really excited for it. I also downloaded some music, including Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings, a band I am considering seeing in Seattle, even if it is the first night I am home. As my brother described them, a flashback to Motown days. I also listened to a radio segment my grandfather did about living with Cancer. It was really interesting and cool to hear him talk so openly about it.

I am currently fighting a cold. I think the bug that entered my computer has left it and come into my body. I am trying to fight it with orange juice, tissues and cough drops.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Do you think the end of the world is coming?"..."so says the preacher man"

I woke up. No progress on my computer. Looks like I have a date with an IT guy tomorrow. I went across the street and checked emails and Facebook and stuff. I was able to talk to Abbey for a bit which was nice. I then read the rest of Seven Madmen, which I really liked and want to read the sequel, if I can find it in English. I then went to get lunch. After lunch, I walked around a ferria. I considered buying a shirt but I wasn´t sure how it would look on me so I need a partner in crime to give me opinions. I also saw some nice dress pants which I think I am going to buy since I want some nice pants so I can have a nice night out here. After coming home, I did my Spanish homework before writing my portion of a presentation about Seven Madmen.

I was able to talk to Abbey some more as well as Meaghan and my mom and brother, whose birthday it is. It was nice to talk about random stuff. I also communicated with my doctor who made it seem that I am really close to getting my remicade treatment which is a good thing. Throughout this process, there was a crazy store of a flash floods, lighting and hail but it only lasted like thirty minutes or so.

Plan for tomorrow, wake up, eat breakfast (if I am up in time), go to the hostel, find out when the guy can come look at my computer, depending on when he can come I will eat lunch and also maybe go to class if his coming doesn´t conflict with it but I am not sure, then eat dinner and do homework. I hope to have a working computer tomorrow.

63.5 days till home. 74.5 days until my birthday.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Never Ending War with Technology....

Today, I woke up and checked up on my computer. No progress. This is frustrating. Due to that, I went to the computer room in the residencia across the street. There, I checked emails, facebook etc. I got a facebook message from my 11th grade math teacher, Mr. Robertson. Him and his family are moving back to Seattle so we might catch up over the summer which would be cool. After, I left this computer, I tried another scan but alas no change. Whatever is in my computer, is in deep. The pro is that it forces me to be more focused on work. The con is that I need my computer for work coming up. Looks like I will be using one of the computers across the street or in an internet cafe tomorrow to type something up. I read a good portion of the book for literature. After reaching a stopping point, I grabbed some empanadas for lunch. After, I read more before reaching another stopping point.

I walked the four blocks to my hostel here, where the ladies who still remember me told me that if I came on Monday, the guy can look at it. UGH. I tried to download some software to try to solve the problem. But one required my computer to update some stuff which it couldn't due since to make it work, I have to keep my computer in safe mode, but that means no internet. So it looks like I am stuck without my computer until Monday. Booo. The never ending battle with technology continues. 65 days till I am home, 76 until my birthday which means a new and much needed computer. I will continue to read for a bit more before I am going out to meet up with some of my friends from my trip to Mendoza.

So I guess, the best way to reach me is via email at the moment or facebook. :(. Hopefully it can be fixed on Monday.

Mom, I guess for skyping for Nick's birthday tomorrow, email me a time that works and I can either ask one of my friends to borrow their computer for like ten or so minutes or go to a internet cafe.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Cat Power Fueled Nap

I woke up and relaxed most of the morning. My computer was being slow, which I thought was nothing new. I read and hung out with people most of the morning. I went to lunch and then headed to class. In class, since it was make up one for history, we watched a documentary about Juan and Eva Peron. It was interesting to learn about his rise. I am interested to read more about the subject. After, I picked up my police record and got a form from the school. Then I picked up my blood work and dropped it off at my doctor.

I headed home. At home, my computer was still slow. So I did a malware scan. While this happened, I took a nap which is rare for me. It was enjoyable. Cat Power is the right music for a nap. I just put all of her music on and put it on shuffle and slept. So amazing a sleep. My computer got some of it but still acted up so I am doing it as I write this on a friend´s computer. Only 11 weeks, exactly, until my birthday and a new computer!!!! I ate dinner and hung with friends. I also am getting closer apparently to getting Remicade which is exciting.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seven Madmen...equals Sanity

I woke up for breakfast and talked to friends. I watched Modern Family before going to class. In class, we talked about Roberto Arlt's book, "Seven Madmen." It is interesting. I am not sure how I feel about it but it is a lot more straightforward and easier to read than "Civilization and Barbarism". After class, I went and met up with Michele from my time in Cusco. It was a lot of fun. We ate Indian food, that was delicious and swapped our travel stories from all of our time apart. She is in town till next Friday, so we will hang more. I headed home. At home, I did some homework and hung with friends. I grabbed dinner. After dinner, I ate some sorbet, read, looked through pictures to come up with some options for my common room in my apartment in the fall.

The zoo photos have been uploaded by the way.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Final Spanish

I woke up. In the morning, I read before watching Lost. I ate lunch with some friends before taking the bus to school. I asked some about travel advice along with going to a soccer game here. At school, I picked up the next book for my literature class. I then went to my economics class where he actually didn't mention Che and Evita. SHOCKER. We discussed about the Argentine economic problems a lot and his personal narratives with it. He is pretty into himself or at least likes to insert personal tales somehow related to what we are talking about. I am not sure how I feel about this since it does drag on a bit.

In Spanish, we talked about Space, due to a reading, a new future tense I had not really learned a lot before. It was only touched on while I lived in Madrid so it is nice to learn it. After class, I headed home. There I read the new book for Literature, the Seven Madmen. I am kind of unsure about it so I hope tomorrow's class will be enlightening. I had pasta at dinner. Then I hung out with people, talked to Abbey, we bought baseball tickets for June 23rd, Mariners vs. the Cubs. It will be fun. I relaxed for the night since I have class at 11. Tomorrow, after class, I am meeting up with Michele, my dear friend from Cusco. I am quite excited.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Missed class and fingerprints scanned

I overslept due to my phone's alarm being on vibrate. I totally forgot to change it. This resulted me missing class. Luckily it is the first one I have missed of this particular class so I have a grace. I met up with friends for lunch after fighting the rain. After, we headed down to the center of town to do the first step of the visa process. It was a relatively easy first step. We got our numbers, paid the cashier, then went to our passport info put into the database along with our fingerprints scanned. I headed home after.

At home, I did homework as well watching some shows. I talked to Abbey, as well as talked to a woman from Corbis about potentially working with them over the summer. Our convo didn't last too long due to her having trouble hearing me but we are in email contact so we will see what happens. I need to explore various options still. Most of the evening involved relaxing. I also ate dinner before watching "The Last of the Mohicans."

In some cool news, Bill Clinton will be among the speakers of Bryan Series. I will definitely be trying to get my hand on a ticket to that one if not for more.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Viva la Revolución!

I woke up and did my Spanish homework. I relaxed and uploaded photos the rest of the morning. I then grabbed some lunch. After my quick bite to eat, I headed to class. In class, I and others led the discussion of the Mexican Revolution for my class. My teacher helped us out by filling in some of the missing details as well talking about Subcomandante Marcos. I love Latin America's history, that is why I hope to take Modern Latin American history in the Spring if I can. I then relaxed and talked to friends after class. Then in Spanish, we discussed immigration and other topics in my class.

After class, I headed home with some friends. I hung out for a while, talked to Abbey and continued to upload photos. I ate dinner and talked to Abbey. Then I ate some ice cream and chilled. I plan to go to bed soon.

Photo Update
Horse pictures are uploaded here.
Zoo Pictures are almost done.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday: Tombs and Horses/ Sunday: Lions, Tigers and Bears

My friend Joe and I on an elephant
Me and the Tiger
Unfortunately the turtle didn't appreciate me as much as I it
Me either receiving or getting the cute little fuzz ball
My Favorite from La Recoleta Cemetery
I woke up and relaxed. Eventually, I headed out and took the bus to the San Telmo area. There I walked until I found the bookstore that I had been looking for. There were many options I considered, but some too huge, some uncertain if I owned or not. In the end I bought a book by Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club and other books. I was happy with this choice. I then headed home with a quick stop to eat. At home, I dropped off the book and then headed back out with Kelsey and Chelsey. We met up with some of our group at the La Recoleta Cemetery. There we were shown around the cemetery and told various stories from the woman and her dog died on the same day countries apart and so there is a monument to them, or the woman who was apparently buried alive and more. It was fascinating. After, some of us went to the feria, the market, and checked out the vendors and tango performers.

After, Chelsey and I headed back. But we decided to check out this horse show/competition thing happening. I took plenty of photos of the Guachos warming up the horses while she talked some trainer who is top in the continent, since Chelsey loves horses. It was cool. Some Gauchos thought I was an Argentine because I gave him a kiss on the cheek goodbye (I have been told I should not expect to give even girls kisses on the cheek to greet them or say goodbye, blast American cultural boundaries. It is one custom I love). After, we ate delicious shawarma, which is the Turkish version of a Gyro. Then we headed home. I edited the photos from the day and relaxed. I watched Sicko. It brought our major frustration in our health care system but also made me really glad that we will no longer have pre-existing conditions in 2014!!!!

I woke up. I talked to Abbey for a bit. Then I showered and headed out. I grabbed some sandwiches for the road. I met up with my friends and some Argentine guys some of them knew. We then headed out. We took a 1.5 hour bus ride. We eventually go to this zoo where you can pet some of the animals including lions and tigers. We walked around. Fed some camels, horses, goats and llamas. Then we walked around and pet a tiger which was cool. We also held a puma/jaguar/cheetah. I am kind of unsure what one it was. We held some turtles including one that decided it was time to go to the bathroom when I held onto it. We rode elephants for like a 3 minute ride which was crazy then had parrots climb on us. It was a crazy day. Then we headed home. At home, I edited photos and relaxed before bed.

Status of Photos
La Recoleta ones are up. Check the link above.
Horse ones are uploading while I sleep. Will post the link tomorrow
Zoo ones are edited. Will try to post tomorrow.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Classes...Unfortunate

I unfortunately had class today. When classes are canceled or whatever, they get moved to Fridays. This is a very unfortunate thing. Anyways, I woke up and got some breakfast and quickly showered. Then I headed off to school. On the way, I printed my paper for class. In class, we discussed modernization and the changing political scene in South America. It was interesting. Then after class got out, Chelsey and I grabbed some delicious Mexican food at a place near school before going to our literature class. This class is all over the map and I feel like most of the people in it are completely lost. After class, I headed home. At home, I relaxed and read. I took a nap and talked to friends. Then I had some dinner. After dinner, I watched "Ray" since no one I talked to have any concrete plans.

Plan for tomorrow: Bookstore, La Recolta Cemetery, and not sure after that.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

No longer will take Guilford for granted

I woke up and grabbed some breakfast and talked to friends. Then I hung out before heading to class. When I got to school, we found out that class was canceled. They never tell us until we get there which is annoying. I am realizing what I take for granted at Guilford. I headed home where I grabbed some food and worked on my essay for my class tomorrow. The paper lacks serious guidelines which is very annoying. Again, I will not miss this crazy stuff down here. I also read some more. I am planning to hit up an English based bookstore in the next few days. I talked to Abbey for a bit. Then I had dinner and talked to friends. Because I finished my paper, I relaxed most of the evening. I watched a strange film by the name of Art School Confidential. I am not sure how I felt.

I have entered three of my photos in a silly contest that Bing is putting on. My mom alerted me to it. Its all about Earth Day. The links to my entries are below. Check them out and send them to people. It would be cool to win.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chocolate: The Saviour.

I woke up especially early since I had to get blood drawn. I dragged my hungry self to the clinic where I waited for like ten minutes or so. I got my blood drawn no problem. I have to pick up the results on Monday or so. I then headed home. It took a little longer than it should have due to a delay on the subte. When home, I read for my class today before I watched Lost. Lunch time came and I rushed to eat due to the fact that I couldn't earlier because of the blood drawing. So I was hungry and lightheaded. After lunch, I headed to class with friends. Before class, I talked to friends. In my first class, my teacher mentioned that the musical Evita is false due to Che and Evita never actually knowing this. This would seem like an ok thing except he has mentioned it every class. We did talk about some of the supposed topics like the IMF and part of the Argentine economic crisis.

After class, I rushed to the cafeteria to buy some chocolate due to the fact I was again feeling light headed. In Spanish class, we went over the homework before talking about random stuff. After class, I picked up the book I needed for my Political and Social Change class. I then headed home. At home, I relaxed and talked to Abbey. My computer is again acting up. I really am excited for the day that I no longer have it. I ate dinner and talked to friends. I then did some of my essay that is due Friday. I will finish it tomorrow afternoon. It shouldn't take me too long. I also chatted with someone who I knew at Brentwood who is studying abroad here too. It is such a small world I live in. We are about to meet up and catch up. This shall be interesting.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stressful Day Medically Speaking

Two days in a row for breakfast. I guess I am a roller coaster of sorts on the whole breakfast front. I quickly showered, grab my stuff and headed to class. My class was actually not scattered brain. I found out I had bought the wrong version of the thing containing our readings. So after class, I had to fix that problem. I then had lunch with friends. Then I headed to the hospital where my doctor works.

After getting there, we discussed the price of remicade here which is around $7,700 US! AHHH. It would almost be cheaper to have some fly to the US with it. Haha. We, as in my doctor, my mom and I are all trying to figure out what to do. Worse case scenario I go without it until end of June which my doctor says won't mess me up that bad because I have been on it for a while and am on 6MP. If it was a longer period of time, it would be different. We shall see what pans out. She is also helping find a doctor to look at my scab things. I really like her a lot. After we parted ways, I walked the 30 or so blocks home which was enjoyable to walk around. I definitely living in a place where I can walk a lot. At home, I relaxed before doing some homework. After, I talked to friends and had dinner. I watched a good portion of "Up in the Air" but it didn't finish loading so I have to wait.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Por El Amor de Che

I woke up in time for breakfast which made me happy though I did miss out on the fabulous orange juice. I talked to some people before heading out in search of the place my doctor told me about to get my blood drawn. This was a failed mission. Even when I asked an officer where the suggested place was, he had no idea. Guess there was some miss-communication but I am seeing my doctor tomorrow so I will get it all figured out. I came back in time to have lunch at the residencia. After, I headed to school.

I found out my History class was canceled when I showed up for class. It has yet to be postponed till a date yet to be decided. I hung in the cafeteria and talked to friends in the time since there was no point to going home. I eventually headed to Spanish class. We talked about our Semana Santas, the love of Che here, and other stuff like that. Back at home, I tried to work on my schedule for the fall. I talked to friends and read. Then I grabbed dinner. I came back, talked to Abbey about her visit to Seattle among other things. After she went to bed, I signed up for classes. Granted they could be some changes but it looks likes this at the moment.

8:30-9:45 - Art History Survey
10:00-11:15 - Colonial Latin America
6:30-8:00 - Guilfordian meeting (only on Mondays)
1:00-2:50 - 2D Design
4:00-5:15 - Senior English
7:30 - Photo Club (On Tuesdays)

Now to rest before sleep since I have class at 10... Adios.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fall is coming, such a strange feeling

I woke up. I did some homework and read. I went out and grabbed lunch. Fall is coming here, it is surprising a bit cold. It came unexpected. I came back from getting some food and socialized with people. I then watched the "Fantastic Mr. Fox." I loved it and it definitely was a true Wes Anderson film. It was humorous and a brilliant adaptation of the classic Ronald Dahl book. I then had a Skype date with my mom and brother which was nice to talk to them face to face since I hadn't in a while. After, I continued with some homework which I finished due to the limited I had. I then chatted with Abbey for a while. I grabbed dinner and read for a while. I started to watch the "Informant" but it couldn't keep me interested sadly because I thought it would be entertaining.
Now to bed.

In other news, iTunes is now playing music, just needed to be upgraded. Windows is still telling me its a fake. Donovan McNabb has been traded to the rival Redskins. That was a move I did not see coming and I am interested in seeing the results of. The Red Sox are currently dueling the Yankees. We aren't playing great, especially Beckett which isn't good for me since he is on my fantasy team but we aren't playing bad. We can still win this game. Let's get them.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Walk in the Park/Survivor: My Computer

I had overslept that caused me not to go to San Isidro, plus the weather was not great. It is only 20 minutes by train away so I will make it one day. So in the morning, I read and socialized with people. Then some of us went out and picked up some empanadas. We came back to the residencia ate them. So delicious. I then decided to walk around the neighborhood. So many people were out due to the weekend. But it was a pretty day. While I enjoyed the walk and the sun, I did not enjoy the bugs that bit me.

Back at the residencia, I hung out and read some more. I talked to Abbey and other friends from home. I went out and grabbed some food for dinner. Then I hung out the rest of the night.

I am glad that Butler beat Michigan State, but I was hoping for West Virginia would beat Duke. I will be interested in seeing the final on Monday. I am rooting for Butler because seeing a mid-Major win it all would be nothing short of Amazing, especially over Duke. Tomorrow brings the beginning of baseball season, starting with Red Sox/Yankees. I am hoping for another title coming to Beantown in 2010. It shall be interesting. I have continued with my tradition of not drafting Yankees on my fantasy team. We shall how that goes as well.

In other news, my computer is being its usual self and suffering at something. It is telling me, over a month later, that the Windows that was installed wasn't an original. Am I surprised, no but am I skeptical of this accusation, yes. It hasn't really affected the computer minus the continual telling me of it. In a hopefully unrelated matter, iTunes stopped playing songs. I have downloaded the latest version and hoping that is fixed. We shall see when I wake up in the morning. I just can not wait to get a new computer. This computer is a survivor of sorts. It is on its third life some could say. It has its battle wounds but is surviving. But not sure how much longer.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

I woke up and relaxed in the morning. When I checked, all my photos of Iguazu finally finished uploading. I then did some reading homework done before continuing on the John Grisham book I am reading. Next week, I plan to hit up the English bookstore and find a new book or two. I had planned to go to the Zoo but when I stepped outside, the weather looked like impending rain so I voted against since it is only 5 blocks away and I got around 80 days left. I grabbed lunch and then came home. I read some more the book and listened to the soothe sounds of Nick Drake.

I then watched Goodfellas, a movie I had been wanting to see for a while but never had. I really liked it and see why people consider a great gangster film. I went out for mediocre sushi for dinner. I guess I should not have high expectations. I am just looking forward to have some real good stuff when I come back stateside in June. During some hour of the night, there was a precession for Good Friday. I tried to get photos, but I got there too late and didn't want to run in socks. I hung out with people the rest of the night before bed.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Craving Chocolate Eggs

So due to it being Semana Santa (Easter weekend), there was no school today. I enjoyed my ability to sleep in VERY much so. I relaxed most of the morning. Read some of the book I am reading since I want to finish it in the near future and move onto a new book, though so far in my searches of bookstores here, most of the books in English are James Patterson novels or that type. Not really my cup of tea. But I am planning to make an excursion to an actual bookstore that specializes in English books one day. I had lunch with friends where we all were tortured because the tv in the place where we eat was on a cooking show that was showing how to make those chocolate eggs.

After lunch, I hung out with folks and then did some history reading. I also continued to struggle in the uploading photos (I have 32 left, final push, here we come). I then had to go out and buy some toothpaste and I bought some chocolate since I was craving it. I relaxed and watched some episodes of Oz. I grew tired for some reason and took a 2 hour nap. I was impressed with myself. I woke up in time for dinner where it was pizza night. After, I watched Miami Vice movie, which wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I would say 3.5-3.75 out of 5. Kind of a typical Michael Mann film.

Stand by for notice on the photos from Iguazu