Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"All of the Sudden I Miss Everyone"

Day 1: 1/11/2010
After a late night of packing and what not, I had to wake up early because of my flight to Dallas leaving at 11:30. I stirred and tried to fight my alarm clocks but eventually walked up stairways in a zombieesque fashion. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and waiting on Skype to chat with Abbey. Eventually, she showed on schedule, fresh from her first day of class. While we chatted, I had to finish my packing which I did. Eventually we said our goodbyes but planned to Skype more before I leave for Chile, Peru and hopefully Bolivia.

After loading my bags into the car, my mom and I headed to the bank to deposit a check. Then we fought the pounding rain and got to the airport. I checked in and said my goodbyes to my mom. Security was a relative breeze considering all what is going on and what is being said. I walked around the terminal. During this I realized the first thing I didn't pack, a Flipcam. So I went to get one, only to find out there was an issue with my new debit card so I had to pay with another one. This was a scary and stressful moment. I called my bank to find out the issue. Apparently the airline I am flying to Peru was booked twice. So I called the airline and they demanded lots of information, including proof of the double purchase. This I could not do since I was minutes away boarding. I called my mother and explained what happened and everything needed and she took care of it (I am fairly certain). I don't understand why they couldn't do anything about it since they have the records right there. This was unneeded stress.

I boarded my flight but once I was aboard, I had a breakdown. The reality of the study abroad finally hit me. I started to fight tears that had been building up for years. I realized all who I will miss and I felt helpless. This will be a difficult journey but I must make it work because there is so much to look forward to on the other side. I must be strong. While on the flight, to distract my mind, I started reading The Audacity to Win by David Plouffe, Obama's campaign manager. At the rate I was reading, I thought I would finish by the time I arrived in Buenos Aires (this did not prove true). For lunch, I had a decent chedder and BBQ chicken sandwich and then wrote up to here.

After I finished righting all that, then I napped until final decent. In Dallas, I roamed around and tried to get online but no success. My mom called with an update on the situation (I think it is all good now). I walked around the airport looking at books (including L. Ron Hubbard's books) but didn't find anything that I felt like getting (I may regret that). I grabbed some food. I then heard the PA announce my flight was to board soon so I sent out my final goodbye texts and a welcome home to Abbey for when she gets back from London. After I got on my plane, I again was hit by study abroad and had a breakdown, so I put my nose in the book to distract me. I then worked on the customs forms and then wrote in my journal (which I am typing up now). The movie selection is pretty weak so I watched mostly repeats of shows I watch. I need to remember to download some movies or shows before I head back to the US. Then I tried to sleep.

Day 2: 1/12/2010
Last night, I struggled to fall asleep due to having a lot on my mind. So much change, so fast. But eventually I fell asleep (don't know for how long). I woke up but tired to go back to bed but no so luck. So I watched more show re runs before returning to my book. After a while, we hit a bumping patch going into the final descent so I kind of got a little sick feeling. We finally landed with me still feeling dizzy and shaky. I disembarked and headed into passport control. There I had to fork over $131 because apparently this is how much it costs Argentines to get a visa and so they want revenge. But I think now I won't have to pay again till 2020. I grabbed my bags and converted my money. I went through customs with no hassle at all. Then I got myself a taxi and paid in advance so I wouldn't get scammed. I noticed instantly a temperature change (I switched into shorts post shower). I got in my cab and headed into the city. It is huge. So many buildings and people. Eventually I got to my hotel. There I waited like 40 minutes before I got into my room and headed almost instantly into the shower. Then I relaxed for a bit. I plan to explore in a bit