Sunday, May 16, 2010

Un Ratito doesn't mean an Hour and a Half...

I woke up at 7ish and headed out the hospital. I took a cab because I was too tired to walk. Upon my arrival, I checked in and was told to wait a "ratito" (a second basically). But a second here is so much longer. In this case, it was an hour and half. I would start to nod off occasionally and catch myself. My doctor swung by and tried to hurry things along. I finally got permission to go up and get the remicade.

I then headed upstairs where I was to get it. I met another doctor who would be helping me. I then was told that I could move into a room. I ended up getting a bed that usually would seem for a stay in patient. I didn't complained since I figured it allow me to get much needed sleep. I waited for a while and also filled out some forms. I then nodded off a bit while they got it all prepared. I then got the pre stuff and after a while, I waited for the real stuff. It took a while so I just told them that I am going to sleep and they can change it. I put on Cat Power and fell asleep. I spent the better part of the next three hours or so asleep. It was wonderful. I then woke up and watch the final bit drag on. I talked to my doctor and left the hospital. After, I grabbed some much needed food and headed home. I relaxed most of the afternoon and slept some more. I then hung out till dinner. I ate with friends. We made some potential plans. I hung with friends and then some of us went out to a place. Then I headed to bed.

I woke up and talked to friends for a bit. Then I met up with my friend Matt from Brentwood. We got lunch and talked. He told me that one of our classmates is also studying abroad here. After lunch, we walked around. I tried to get a prescription filled but they said I needed a prescription, one which I had until I realized it got thrown out by accident. We walked around a bit more. On the way, we ran into the classmate of ours that we had just been discussing. SMALL WORLD. It was nice to talk to her and we are planning to hang out sometime. Then I walked home and said bye to Matt. After, I tried to find other pharmacies to get it filled. One sent me to another which sent me to another one. I decided to wait till Sunday since it was annoying going further and further away to find this medicine. I will not miss this. I then headed home.

At home, I watched the Al Pacino classic "Dog Day Afternoon." It was instant love in my mind. A great movie, great performances by the leads. After, I went searching for food and then chatted with friends. I then discussed the plans for the night with friends. We got all dressed up and were planning to go to a nice club. Then Andrea and Chelsey and I headed to Andrea's friend's apartment. There we hung out with Argentines and chilled before heading to the the club. At the club, we met up with our NYU friends. We danced and had good times, in the various rooms playing different kind of music. We were there for a good while. Eventually, got tired and tried for a while to get a cab in the cold. I had not expected such a cold here. I didn't pack for it. Un disatre. Eventually, we got home and I slept

I woke up. I then uploaded photos from last night. Then I headed out to the pharmacy I was recommended. I was able to get my medicine finally!! Then I grabbed lunch and headed home. At home, I skyped with my mom and brother which was nice. I then studied for my upcoming exam. I eventually went to dinner with three NYU friends, Lilly from Oakland, Desiree (a different one than the one I have mentioned before) who is from near Seattle, and Natty from Portland Maine. After, I have studied, done Spanish homework and about to catch up in my journal.