Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Macho Man

I set my alarm from 8 something but was too lazy to get up so I slept till 9:30ish. I got up and chilled. Got some breakfast and watched the news. I showered and relaxed. I finally was able to talk to Abbey for a bit. It was enjoyable.

After, I hung out with the other guests in my hostel. We talked about Machu Picchu and other things. Eventually we headed to the school. Justin and I had to play the role of the macho men by carrying boxes to the school. There, I danced with some of the kids before we started because music was playing. I played more games with the children and then a bunch of the volunteers and the children played some game kinda like duck duck goose but with dancing. Hard to explain.

In the circle, we discussed the show for Friday. It was funny to see what all the different groups were focusing on. In my group, after breaking up from the circle, we worked on our dancing. The children were really hard to get concentrate. We finally had to sit them down and explain it. We got them to focus, relativelly. I am hoping that the show goes alright. We finished and all the volunteers met. We discussed our goods and bads as well as the party tomorrow. The theme is Superheroes or cartoon characters. I am going as Clark Kent/Superman. Yes I am taking the easy way out. I talked to Yuri and he said I can take pictures of the children to use for the website and for myself.

After I got back to the hostel, I grabbed my camera and wallet because I was meeting up with Martha and Danielle who got back in town and were leaving tomorrow. On the way, I took some pictures. I also saw a vigil for all those who lost their homes. I took some night shots. After picking up a message from the girls at their hotel, I met them at Jack´s Cafe. It was great to see them. We talked about our past few days. Also about random stuff. With us, was a guy who works at University of Dreams. It was a lot of fun. I then said bye to them and to keep in touch. I tried to find my Brazilian friends whose last night it was but I could not. It sucks but that is life.
I passed people who were collecting things for those who have lost their home. I prob will go by there later this week and give them waters. I came back to my hostel to write and type. Tomorrow I am going to try to change my Peru Rail ticket for the third time to the 6th.