Sunday, February 14, 2010

Recap of the weekend due to bad internet connection

I did manage to wake up in time for my cab at 6:30. I got to the airport with some time to spare despite new regulations. I slept pretty much my whole flight to Lima. It is weird to have left Cusco. I was thre for 3.5 weeks. It was an amazing place and made great friends. In Lima, I ran with an Australian couple to our various gates. Got through passport check and made it to my gate with time to spare again. On the flight, I read 100 pages of my book, watched the Proposal, which was better than expected, and listened to music. I got through passport check again with no problem. Was worried my bag didn´t make it but it did eventually show up. I have come back to Argentina 29 days after leaving. So much has changed within me.

I headed to the hotel. There I relaxed and was reunited with my stuff. I relaxed and was going to out to dinner with my friend Dana but she wasn´t feeling all that great. I talked to a girl from my study abroad program who I am friends with on facebook. She told me about a Pub crawl happening in the area of my hotel. I figured this was a good way to meet people I would be spending the semester with so I went. At the meeting spot, I had another small world experience. I ran into Nick Penfold, someone who I was in carpool with in Los Angeles. It was really werid. I met the girl who extended the invite and some of her friends. We chatted. I am liking a lot of the people who I have met. I had another small world experience later on, when I met a girl who went to my school in London a few years before me so we knew the some similar peeps. I met people from all different place state side. I am excited now to start my program. Eventually, I walked back to my hotel and went to bed.

I woke up around 11 (amazing). I hung out, chatted with Abbey for a bit. Then went out to meet with my friend Dana from Guilford. We walked around, grabbed lunch, chit chated about various things. It was a lot of fun. We walked through the gardens. It was pleasant minus the bug bites. Eventually, we parted ways. I walked back to my hotel where I discovered my computer is not being my friend right now. I am currently scanning it for viruses. First my camera gets messed up (going to a store tomorrow, wish me luck), then this. I am cursed.UGH. Then the internet pooped out in the hotel. Went to a resturant where I got dinner and downloaded an anti virus thing. I talked to Abbey but then the internet pooped out again. So I am writing this on the lobby comp.

Plan for the rest of the night, edit photos on my comp if it lets me, watch tv and sleep. Tomorrow I am going into a hostel (with hopefully decent wifi), go the camera store (to have my baby repaired I hope, PLEASE!) then relaxing.