Monday, May 10, 2010

Jackhammer Alarm Clock and Bogus Attendance

I missed breakfast to enjoy sleep but this was short lived due to a jackhammer outside pounding away at the sidewalk. I got up, and showered. I then studied for my history exam. I knew most of the material. I eventually got ready and headed to lunch. After a quick bite to eat, I headed to school. There I met up with some of my classmates and studied before taking my exam. I think I did well but I don't know based on the point scheme.

After, I chilled since I had a thirty minute gap between classes. I then headed to Spanish where we learned a new tense and talked about the Barajas bombing in December 2006. After class, I headed home. At home, I almost napped but didn't. My friend Chelsey came in and complained about some problem with the attendance policy. Here you swipe your student card. When I checked my attendance for my classes, I was doing fine except for one that is at 18% which is bogus. I plan to eat with my adviser about it tomorrow because it is a lie. So frustrating. I will not miss this system at ALL. After, I chilled before going to get a bite to eat. Then Chelsey and I headed to our friend Mark's homestay for his birthday. His host mom made all the guests delicious food, and a delicious cake dulce de leche frosting. We talked and played games before I headed home.