Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Way up high, 11,000 Ft. high to be exactly

Day 10 (1-20-10)
I did my daily battle with waking up but eventually gave in. I finished putting things in my bag. I tried to pay my bill but there was someone new at the front desk and clearly didn´t know what he was doing. So I waited around for a bit. Eventually I paid the bill and got myself in a taxi. I left the hostel not sure if and when I would return. I liked it and if I have to stay in Lima for a night it will probably be there.

My cab driver was pretty cool. We talked about a variety of subjects, like travel plans, my Spanish which he though was pretty good, people getting robbed, and Michael Jackson since his music was playing. It was a pretty enjoyable cab ride. I got to the airport and checked my bag. I then passed various American food places like McDonald´s, Papa John´s, Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. I bought some postcards. I then paid my 6 dollar exit fee and got through security. Then I walked toward my gate. I bought my ticket to Machu Picchu. I am so excited. One day, I hope to do the trek but I want to do it with a buddy. More meaningful in my eye. I then sat at my gateand wrote postcards. Have tons more to write, so don´t stress. Then I boarded.

I fell asleep for most of what I thought was my flight. I was reading my book when over the PA it was announced that we had to turn around to Lima, when we were maybe 20 min from Cusco and an hour from Lima, because of bad weather. Its currently raining season here so thats why. So then we went back to Lima. It sucked majorly. We landed and sat at the tarmac for probably around an hour. While we waited, I looked at pictures and looked at quotes for comfort during this stressful period. As Paulo Coelho says, "Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant." In my life, those brilliant moments are the ones of a shared laugh, a deep discussion, or any moment with those people who I love and keep dear to my heart. Seeing them again one day is the gold on the other side of the rainbow.

Then we finally off the ground. I read some of the way and played solitare the rest. Then we finally got to Cusco over three hours later. Because of the high altitude, it is cooler here, so once I got my bag, I grabbed the fleece and put it on. Luckily, my shuttle to my hostel was still there. Cusco is smaller but prettier than that of Lima. So much to see.

Eventually, we got to the hostel. I checked in and put my stuff in my room. I started to feel lightheaded, due to the high altitude. But I pushed on. I checked emails and saw I got one from one of the volunteer places I emailed. I gave them my dates (the 25th-5th). If this works out, I could fly out the 6th to Lima, stay the night then go to Santiago and get a bus from there to Mendoza and get myself back to BA somehow.

Eventually, I went out. I walked to a plaza called Plazoleta de San Blas. It was full of life.People making products to sell, children playing games, juggelrs doing their thing, even girls walking Alpacas. I stayed in the general areaof here.

I went back to my hostel and chilled for a bit. Talked to some people for a while.I then went out to dinner. The guy who runs the hostel, suggested a resturant so I went there. It was very tiny so I had to sit with a stranger but it was ok. We talked in Spanish. He is from Lima. We talked about my plans, my life etc. It was fun. I had pizza and and my first pisco sour shot. It was pretty good. One of the meals that I turned down was Guinea Pig, I don´t think I could eat that but I probably eat there again. I went back to my hostel, just in time because it started to pour. There I watched the Simpson´s including the episode where they go to London. Soon I plan to go to bed.