Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Have you been to Greece?"

I am currenty doing this at an internet cafe with a working keyboard.
So back to day 5
Since I posted about that, I took pictures and videos of people dancing. I then headed to bed but felt relatively lame doing so since everyone in the hostal seemed to be going out but I was tired and had an early morning in front of me. The Floridian girls who I met turned out to be just as lame as I was becaue they had to catch a bus in the morning. I struggled to sleep but finally did.

Day 6 (1/16/10)
I kept waking up during the course of the night, from people coming in from a wild night or the person in the bunk next to mine having the worse snore EVER!!!!!!! I woke up a bit earlier than I had to in hopes that Abbey would be online but she wasn´t but I took care of sme emails. I got my stuff together and a bottle of water before the cab picked me up.

I got to the airport with no problem at all. Checked in and got through the security. Stopped in a store to buy some postcards. They had a lot of books in English I considered but I resisted. They also had a Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and a Ruby Tuesday in the airport. Legit. I went to my gate and wrote my postcards that I plan to send tomorrow. I then boarded and then fell asleep for most of the flight despite a movie that I wanted to see was showing. I woke up and read and filled out the forms. I got through passport control no problem because I didn´t have to pay an entrance fee (though I will prob have to pay an exit fee from what I hear). I exchanged some money and grabbed my ba. I met up with the driver I orgainzed through my hostel.

The city reminds me a lot of California. It is right on the coast. I can´t wait to explore it. The hostel is in a neighborhood called Miraflores which isn´t the center but I don´t mind. I plan to go there on Monday. The hostal is a pretty cool building with lots of rooms and games and movies. I talked to some people. I relaxed and went on the computer in the lobby. Turns out the keyboard is broken so I have to point and click every key which is better than nothing but still a pain. Luckily Abbey was online when I was. We skyped voice to voice because they have a headset for it.

After we chatted for a while, I walked to the beach. There I met two Canadian couples. They were very nice and I explained my journey and its possibilities. They said Bolivia, if you are smart, isn´t that bad. So that is a possibility but I will touch on that later. I took some pictures (will upload some to Facebook sometime, though they will be better if I can play with them on photoshop first, if you can wait). I then walked around and bought a water bottle and walked to my hostel. I met an Australian, some Greeks (who asked everyone if they had been to Greece, it was a running joke by the end of the night) and a man from near Rome. We talked about our respected journeys and shared advice. I then read my book.

After reading I napped for a bit. I got up and ran into an American couple, a Canadian and a half American half Peruvian boy and we all went to dinner. It was a lot of fun. I got a frozen lemonade and streak and rice and vegetables. I love South American food. We headed to the hostel but made a stop to buy some beer. We hung out with most of the people in the hostel, playing games, taking photos, talking about our trips, singing to the radio playing random American music. Then I headed to bed.

Day 7 (1/17/10)
I woke up at various times this morning but pretty much slept till ten which was amazing. I got up and talked to the Australian and Italian guys. I then hopped online and so did Abbey we had a great Skype date where we talked about her wild night (wish I could have been there, though I had fun). My mom called me for all of five seconds but then she got on Skype. After Abbey and I said bye. I talked to my mom about things. We tried to figure out what to do with my month of whatever. We discussed some volunteer work and we looked at places. I found one in Cusco I liked and would enjoy. It would be working with children which I love. I emailed them seeing if I could volunteer for 2 weeks from like the 25th to the 7th. Then I can get to Mendoza and get back to Buenos Aires from there. It would eat up 2 weeks which would be nice and I could help and play with kids. So I hope I can do it.

I then said bye to my mom and heading into the Miraflores area. I bought an orange from a nice lady but she turned me down when I asked if I could take a photo of her. :(. It would have been a good one but I had to respect her wishes. This will be difficult. I continued to walk around and take some photos on both my D80 and my Holga. I walked through a park and then stopped in an internet cafe to type this. Now to continue walking and get some food. Post sometime soon.

Still lack of keyboard

The title pretty much explains it all so I won't write much. Still got way too much time on my hands. I just wish I could kill time by visiting Abbey in London. This sucks.