Monday, January 18, 2010

Lack of Facial Hair

Day 7 (1/17/10) continued
After I continued on my journey. I ended up walking to the Parque de Amor. It had a huge sculpture of lovers and along the wall, they had gaudi type thing with quotes about love in Spanish. It was really romantic and it reminded me of Abbey. Overhead, paragliders flew. I would like to do it but being afraid of falling makes it hard. Maybe one day. I walked to lighthouse and then my hostel.

I got back and read a bit of my book then took a nap. So strange, I am not used to napping but whatever. After I woke up and hung out with people in my hostel. Eventually, I decided to go grab some food. I went to the supermarket. It was pretty snazzy and full of life. I grabbed some bread, jamon serrano and an ice tea. Then I headed back to the hostel.

I ate and chatted with the other guests and one of the owners. We talked about learning the languages and other things. I then had a long Skype date with Abbey. Then after saying goodbye, I went outside to join the grouype. Someone had bought some really sweet wine and bread and nutella and dulce de lece. It was really cool chatting and sharing good food. An American, from Northern California, came out and we discussed the lack of the facial hair in South America. We teased him about growing the beard as a statement for leaving San Jose for Humbolt. After a little bit, I headed to bed.

Day 8 (1/18/10)

I woke up around tenish. I had a mediocre crossiant. I then showered, brushed my teeth and then headed to the internet cafe. There, I skyped with Abbey and she helped me make my corrections to my Guilfordian article. She is just smarty. We then said our goodbyes and I headed back to the hostel.

An Australian girl and I headed into the center of the city. It was very smoggy and dirty. The city had a lot of traffic. Eventually we got a few blocks from Plaza Mayor. We had to get out a few blocks away because of the plaza being blocked off due to the 475th anniversary of the founding of Lima. We saw people waiting outside the town hall. So we hung out there to see what is up. We saw people coming out with medals and others came out to cheers. I took some pictures of the scene.

After, we walked to the Cathedral of Lima. It was really pretty. It also serves the museum of religious art. I took some pictures in there. It was pretty interesting to see the differences between a South American church and churches from Europe and North America. I will post pictures on my Flickr and Facebook upon my return to Buenos Aires since I need to edit them. From there, we walked to the Museo San Francisco. Unfortunately, I could not take photos in there. We got a tour who showed us around. It was pretty interesting. We went into the catacombs, where they have uncovered 25,00o bodies so far. They had tons of bones. It was interesting and musty. They also had a cool library that I wanted to take a picture but couldn't.

After, we headed out to the post office. I sent six postcards but have plently more to write and send. We then grabbed a cab and headed back to the hostel. There I wrote in my journal, Skyped with Abbey, checked emails and moved my photos.