Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Sometimes I forget I am in South America, and then things like this happen"

I woke up a bit tired but got up. I watched Lost then got ready for the day. After getting my stuff together, I headed over and grabbed lunch. I ate with some friends from last night. It was enjoyable. I then headed over to school. Once on campus, I met up with some friends and one of my program heads. I had a question about my Spanish homework so I asked my program head. I then headed into my economics class.

While we waited for my professor, the power random went out. The quote up top is from one of my peers on the matter. Then my professor showed up. Like last week, he went off on many tangents. He tried to teach us some stuff. But then he went on like a 20 minute thing about "Charley" Marx and socialism, and Chavez. He is very interesting...somewhat not very PC which is unusual coming from Guilford. After making through the class, I headed to Spanish.

In Spanish, we went over the homework and talked about various subjects. I quite enjoy the teacher. She and I like to make jokes to each other. For example when we were talking about the bad weather here that she blamed on climate change courtesy of the First World, I said no problem.

After class, I headed home to get away from the rain. I relaxed for most of the evening while the rain came down as did thunder and lighting. I considered going out to celebrate St. Patrick's but it was too rainy that I don't really want to risk it. So it is a nice evening in. I am trying to figure out classes for the Fall

Wine and Cheese

I woke up and quickly got my stuff together. I eventually headed to school. I met up with some friends before class started. My teacher was not there, due to sickness, so my history teacher played the role of sub. The two classes are pretty connected so it works. After the lecture, I talked to some friends before I went home. I then ate some food.

After food, I relaxed for a bit. Then I did some homework for my Spanish class. After, I did lots of reading for my political science class. It was pretty interesting. I then relaxed and read until dinner time. After dinner, I chilled for a bit. My roommate me and others went to a friend's apartment where we had a wine and cheese night. It was very chill.

Eventually, I went to a club where there was a special DJ. It was a lot of fun. I hung out with a lot friends from another program. Eventually I headed home. It was fine day.