Saturday, February 27, 2010


So I while waited to get into my room, I met other people who were starting yesterday but they all got here yesterday. A girl name Kelsey from Atlanta, boy from LA name Jake (who knows some people I do, of course), a girl from San Diego name Christina, and a boy name Joe from Wisconsin, among others. We sat around and talked. We grabbed lunch, a pasta at the residencia. We finally started to get moved in. Though I am suppose to have three roommates, I only have one. His name is Andrew, he is from near Bakersfield. He did the early start version so been here for a month already. It was nice to finally see the bottom of my bags.

After finally getting everything in or at least comfortable, I took the group minus Andrew around. I had to run a camera errand so they joined so I could show them the subway and things like that. I quickly bounced the stores again and asked for updated prices. Eventually, after getting the info I needed, we headed back. We all relax and tried to deal with the wifi, which sucks with everyone using it at the same time (hence why I am typing this at 8:40 in the morning). I asked some of my photography buddies online for advice on what to get. I have settled on D200, a discontinued but nice camera. I skyped with my Mom which was nice.

Then eventually, it was dinner time. It was pizza but "homemade". It was nice and got to meet other people who have been here. We all chilled after figuring out the game plan for the evening. Some went to bed, because they were out last night. Me and the newbies headed to a bar called Bar 6. There we enjoyed some drinks and just talked. They are quite fun and I am quite excited that it is finally happening. After a while, we called it an evening because have orientation at 9:30, another reason to be up right now.