Friday, January 1, 2010

Broken Flash Drive

Today was rather uneventful.
I slept into around 11, which is late for me. After watching some of the bowl games, I went to my brother's track practice. There I finished off the book I was reading, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. It was a good book. Really sad for the vast majority but the ending was sweet. After getting back, I had to clean up because a former babysitter and her family came to visit. It was nice seeing her again. Afterward, I realized my flash drive, containing some of the original files of photos I have taken here, broke in a way I couldn't get my files off. This was majorly frustrating. After watching part of the Sugar Bowl, my brother and dad and I went out to rent a movie. We chose District 9, a real good movie and commentary on humanity, and grabbed food from Baja Fresh. After watching the movie, I pretty much downloaded all my jpeg files from Flickr, so it was better than nothing.
Pretty meh day.

Twenty Ten - Starting Again A Year Later

Being that this New Years, I shall announce my resolution here.
I will either blog or write or both every day of this year of 2010 (no matter if you call it twenty ten or two thousand ten). Because of my planned travels, I will not be able to blog for periods on end. I will write in my journal, but I plan to write in my journal even when I can a blog. I am slowly preparing myself for my time abroad. It is slowly hitting me.
Anywho, this is only the beginning. I hope to be still at this in 365 days from now.
Good luck to all and Happy New Years.