Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Day of Band Aids

Today started off with my Remicade treatment. Got to the hospital in Bellevue where I chilled than met with doctor here where we talked about study abroad and socialized medicine and how it pretty much kicks ass. Then I during my two and a half hours of Remicade, I read a good portion of my book, probably will finish tomorrow morning before my dentist appointment (UGH). Afterwards, I went to drop my prescription and film. Than grabbed lunch before I left for the travel clinic. There I learned a lot about the places I am going and what to watch out for. It shall be interesting. I have to stay clear of the jungle so I don't get yellow fever. I ended up getting 6 shots, three per arm which sucked but they only lasted for like 5 minutes.

After I got back, I went bowling where I pretty decent considering my arms were stiff from the shots. After three games, I went home only to get texted by my cousin Hank. We met up at his house and him, his sister, Ellis and I went to a restaurant/bar where Hank's friends met us. It was really chill. Ellis, who is going Brazil, and I talked about our respected trips. Then we all met this older couple from North Carolina. The man is a big basketball person who coached Stephen Curry and some others. Pretty cool. Even cooler is that the guy, Joe Frazier, went to Greensboro College. So we talked Guilford basketball. Such a small world. We all talked for like 30-45 minutes and he and his wife bought us all a round of whatever. It was really chill. Then I had a Skype date. Then bed.