Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday: Tombs and Horses/ Sunday: Lions, Tigers and Bears

My friend Joe and I on an elephant
Me and the Tiger
Unfortunately the turtle didn't appreciate me as much as I it
Me either receiving or getting the cute little fuzz ball
My Favorite from La Recoleta Cemetery
I woke up and relaxed. Eventually, I headed out and took the bus to the San Telmo area. There I walked until I found the bookstore that I had been looking for. There were many options I considered, but some too huge, some uncertain if I owned or not. In the end I bought a book by Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club and other books. I was happy with this choice. I then headed home with a quick stop to eat. At home, I dropped off the book and then headed back out with Kelsey and Chelsey. We met up with some of our group at the La Recoleta Cemetery. There we were shown around the cemetery and told various stories from the woman and her dog died on the same day countries apart and so there is a monument to them, or the woman who was apparently buried alive and more. It was fascinating. After, some of us went to the feria, the market, and checked out the vendors and tango performers.

After, Chelsey and I headed back. But we decided to check out this horse show/competition thing happening. I took plenty of photos of the Guachos warming up the horses while she talked some trainer who is top in the continent, since Chelsey loves horses. It was cool. Some Gauchos thought I was an Argentine because I gave him a kiss on the cheek goodbye (I have been told I should not expect to give even girls kisses on the cheek to greet them or say goodbye, blast American cultural boundaries. It is one custom I love). After, we ate delicious shawarma, which is the Turkish version of a Gyro. Then we headed home. I edited the photos from the day and relaxed. I watched Sicko. It brought our major frustration in our health care system but also made me really glad that we will no longer have pre-existing conditions in 2014!!!!

I woke up. I talked to Abbey for a bit. Then I showered and headed out. I grabbed some sandwiches for the road. I met up with my friends and some Argentine guys some of them knew. We then headed out. We took a 1.5 hour bus ride. We eventually go to this zoo where you can pet some of the animals including lions and tigers. We walked around. Fed some camels, horses, goats and llamas. Then we walked around and pet a tiger which was cool. We also held a puma/jaguar/cheetah. I am kind of unsure what one it was. We held some turtles including one that decided it was time to go to the bathroom when I held onto it. We rode elephants for like a 3 minute ride which was crazy then had parrots climb on us. It was a crazy day. Then we headed home. At home, I edited photos and relaxed before bed.

Status of Photos
La Recoleta ones are up. Check the link above.
Horse ones are uploading while I sleep. Will post the link tomorrow
Zoo ones are edited. Will try to post tomorrow.