Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Parade/Editing Photos

5-25-10 continued
I hung out for a bit. Then Andrea, Chelsey and I headed into the madness that was downtown. We got off at Nueve de Julio. We walked around. I bought an Argentine flag. We met up with friends and walked around. We sat in Starbucks and kind of relaxed from the insanity of the big day. We finally headed into Plaza de Mayo for the parade. After like 20 min, not much was happening so some people headed back, leaving Tracey and I there. We watched it for like 30 minutes or so. It was really disorganized in a very comical way. I got video. I will put all my videos up when I get back stateside since the internet is bad and I can also edit them. We then headed home.

I relaxed and edited photos till bed.

I woke up and edited more photos. I then ready for school and ate lunch with friends. I went to class. My economics class was alright. Next week is our last class class which is really weird to think about. So much left but so little time. In Spanish, we went over imperatives. It was good to review it since I haven't learned that in like 3 or 4 years. I headed. I chilled for a bit and edited photos. I got money from the bank. I ate dinner with friends. We caught up on things.

I started the process of uploading photos, we shall see how long it takes. I went to Starbucks for a hot drink with Chelsey since it is starting to get cold here. No me gusta. Then I hung out and talked to friends.