Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Joys of being an Adult Child

My inner child was screaming out at the top of his little lungs last class. I really enjoyed talking about our papers, because I think that having these dialogues are wonderful. Only in a few classes have I been able to discuss the papers and the guidelines and flexibility like this class. It makes it really unique.

I loved the setting that our class had before the edible schoolyard. The second meadows provided a beautiful fog that made me really excited inside. I loved sharing some wonderful quotes with the class. I loved quotes so much and I was really interested in what my classmates had to say and thought about them in terms of the class. I think that we focused a little too much on the "ecstasy of grief" though it is an important thing to discuss.

I loved discussing the food stuff. I know that some of my peers care a lot about the food that they eat while others less so. I am willing to admit that I am in the middle. I am getting more aware and observant about what I am putting in my body. These readings and videos have made me even more aware of what I am putting in. I know that money shouldn't be as a big of a factor according to the readings but for me it is. I don't have as much access to the farmer's market as I would like at the moment. But when I move on from this place, it is part of my goal to eat healthier. So I am starting to make movements, it will be a process but one of my most important goals.

I loved the edible schoolyard. I wish I had that learned about what they taught this during my elementary school years. I am really interested now to grow and eat my own products. While I did have a garden growing up, but Katrina did a great job engaging us and teaching us in the same way that she teaches her kids. I loved learning how a seed became a plant. I loved learning that pea greens are DELICIOUS and ADDICTING! I could learn so much from being a little kid there. But I am an almost 23 year old man. :( Maybe I can find a way to learn all these things in wherever I live after Guilford.

I loved and I know that many (if not all) of my classmates did too the fact that we could run around the museum and play like children. We escaped all the stress that existed just a mere two or three hours ago, when we discussed the final paper. Who would have thought that? We ran around pretending to be police officers, firemen, postmen, etc. And it was wonderful and engaging. We became creative in the ways that we played with the toys. We took our adult consciences and our child intuition of play and combined them. That was an amazing realization to me. It isn't very often that as 21-23 year olds that we are able to have this combination of mindsets. I know now that my youngest cousin is 10, I can not play with him on the same level. He is trying to become more mature. So I have to wait till I am father, uncle or have friends with young children until I can combine my wisdom with my inclination to play.

I loved Kat's path to where she got to where she is. Being a recent college graduate, it was really refreshing. I am applying all over the country but I am also realizing that something may fall in my lap and I should seriously consider it. If a friend suggested a job, like Gabriela did to Kat, I would be dumb not to consider it. I also am planning to buy a board to turn into a vision board after college. I would buy one now, but I can't afford to get more stuff when I am strapped for space but its on my list of things.

After every class, I fall more and more in love with the class and what we do. I can't wait for this weekend.