Monday, March 22, 2010

New Roommate

I woke up in time for breakfast. An amazing feat. I ate the food and then with so much time to spare, I read and relaxed for a good while. Andrew and I got a new roommate for the week from Argentina. It seems strange that he is only here for a week but whatever. Eventually I grabbed lunch and ate with some people before heading to school.

At school, I talked to some friends about their weekend at the beach. I am kind of jealous I didn't end up going but I shall live. In history, we discussed some of the early parts of post independence Argentina. It was pretty interesting. In Spanish, we discussed how Americans are perceived as well as Europeans (due to us also having some French and Italian students). It was rather amusing. I walked and talked to people after class. Eventually headed home.

At home, I emailed some professors about classes for the fall and my credits here and making sure that they will carry over since I don't want to drop the major. I relaxed most of the evening since I had done my homework for tomorrow previously. Eventually I went to dinner. After food, I hung with friends. Then I talked to my friend Desiree, and I went over to her place to watch Babel. I forgot how incredibly depressing that movie is. Then I came back home where I wrote this before bed.

Maybe its due to all the healthcare stuff going, but I have these scabs on me that I have had for several weeks now and maybe they are not healing because I itch like the Dickens but I really am thinking I should have them checked out either here or back in Seattle. But priority numero uno, is getting a Gasto doctor here.