Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cusco For Sale

I periodically woke up before getting up at nine something. I went downstairs and had some bread and tea for breakfast. I then showered and read for a bit because there was some rain because it is the season for it. Eventually it stopped so I headed into the main part of the city. I passed many people who tried to sell me things, from weighing me to belts to pictures with Alpacas. Cusco is a really beautiful city but it is sad that there is so much poverty here. They have to sell their roots as a way to provide. I mean I am not helping by taking photos of it. It just makes me sad.

I took photos and walked around. Anytime I snapped a photo near certain people, I was harrased for money so I had to say no. I took pictures of the various churches and religious things in the area. I stumbled upon a political rally but didn´t quite understand it so I left. I walked into a massive open airtype market, but covered due to the rain. There they had plenty of food and other kinds of products. I saw lots of animals being butchered in front of me. The smell and the sight of dead animal heads was a bit too much for me, and I love meat. After walking around for a bit, I headed back to my hostel. I had perfect timing because it started to pour after I got back. I read for a bit.

Eventually it stopped, so I headed back in the city. I got some food to eat. I then dropped off a roll of film from Lima. I went inside one of the nearby churches and walked around. It was pretty but I unfortunately couldn´t take any photos. I eventually left and walked around somemore. I window shopped for gifts. I may make some purchases tomorrow. I took some more pictures. I ended up sending another batch of postcards and buying my next batch. After walking some more, I ended up at the convent of Santo Domingo. I went in but was not allowed any pictures. They had a mausoleum for a fake Jesus. I didn´t understand but I don´t understand most Catholic things.

I walked around some more after and ended up at a park where I sat and took photos. I watched children play hide and seek. I listened while dog howled like a wolf. It was pleasant to watch to sit there and observe. I then picked up my photos. None of them are amazing but they are something. I went back to my hostel and relaxed. I had to drink water. That is the hardest part of the high altitude, breathing. I then went to an internet cafe for a Skype date with Abbey. After an hour or so, we bid adieu. I then had to make a mad dash to my hostel due to the rain.

After hanging for a bit, I ended up being asked to dinner by two Brazilian cousins, Mario and Carolina. I had met them the day before when they were in my shuttle to the hostel. We walked around looking at the many options for food. After a bit, we decided to eat at a bar type resturant that had Thai food. I ordered a mix of steak and chicken satay. It was pretty good. We talked about various places we want to go to, soccer, the Spanish lifestyle, Paulo Coelho, politics etc. It was a lot of fun. I quite enjoyed it. Carolina lives in Portland currently which is pretty cool. She gave me advice on a bar in Buenos Aires, and Mario tried to teach me some Portuguese but most of it has not stuck. We got back to our hostel. I typed this up and will soon head to bed.

PS. Happy 17 months Abbey!!!