Thursday, February 18, 2010

Delicious Mexican Food

After my night last night, I slept in which was enjoyable. I didn't feel too great in the morning but I managed. I relaxed for a while. Then I went off searching for this used camera store that Stephanie told me about. After many searches and go in a different store I finally found it. The guy was nice. I explained the situation. The guy there was really understanding. They actually had the models of my lens and camera there. I now have several options to work with after next week. I then grabbed food and then headed back to the hostel

There I finished editing photos (minus the ones I can not get off the card yet), so now busy uploading them to my Flickr and probably eventually my Facebook. Then I watched (500) Days of Summer, a wonderful movie that got shorted by the Oscars. Then I relaxed for a while before meeting up with Dana. We walked until we found a really cool, cheap, fun, delicious Mexican food place in the area. We ate great food and talked. Then I walked her a bus area. I said bye.

Currently watching Transformers, while uploading photos, writing my journal and relaxing. Tomorrow I head to Mendoza.

Editing Photos

I woke up and relaxed. I then booked my hostel and bus way to Mendoza wootie woot. I then chilled for a while and had a Skype date with Abbey. I went for a walk around the Botanical gardens where I got chewed alive. Eventually I got tired of being bit so I went to grab food. After, I hung and installed Photoshop on my computer. I finally am in the process of editing and posting photos. I have edited the Chile, Lima and the ones from the way to Machu Picchu.

Eventually, I went out to meet this girl Stephanie. We were getting drinks. I met her on the way to Machu Picchu. Its her head that is in the picture below. She was who I had the joking photo competition with. It was cool to catch up and talk. She has a show opening in a month or so I told her I would check out. She told me about a used camera store to check out so I am going to do that. Then this American woman, named Veronica, from Austin who heard us speak in English. We invited her to join us. She is a designer whose husband is copywriting and doing a job for a week here. We talked about all kinds of stuff like our experiences in South America and our futures. I might have made a potential buyer :). Then she mentioned a restaurant her friend had told her about. So we went there. Ate delicious food, drank great wine, talked about politics, tattoos, parenting and random other stuff. It was a lot of fun. After dinner, we said bye Veronica. Then Stephanie and I got another drink, well too but I mixed them together. Eventually, we said bye till after I get back from Mendoza.

My friend Desiree texted me asking if I wanted to go clubbing. So I changed shirts and met up with her. I took the bus for the first time. The club ended up being closed for Summer unfortunately. So we headed back and then grabbed a drink and talking. It was quite present.
Then I went to bed and crashed.