Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seven Madmen...equals Sanity

I woke up for breakfast and talked to friends. I watched Modern Family before going to class. In class, we talked about Roberto Arlt's book, "Seven Madmen." It is interesting. I am not sure how I feel about it but it is a lot more straightforward and easier to read than "Civilization and Barbarism". After class, I went and met up with Michele from my time in Cusco. It was a lot of fun. We ate Indian food, that was delicious and swapped our travel stories from all of our time apart. She is in town till next Friday, so we will hang more. I headed home. At home, I did some homework and hung with friends. I grabbed dinner. After dinner, I ate some sorbet, read, looked through pictures to come up with some options for my common room in my apartment in the fall.

The zoo photos have been uploaded by the way.