Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A scene out a movie

I woke up. I ate breakfast and studied. I showered then studied more. I took a break to watch Lost. Then I studied more. I dropped off laundry and grabbed my bag and headed to lunch. I studied more. I got on the bus and try to study some more. Around being 3 or 4 minutes away from the school driving, we collided with a car, taking off one its side view mirrors. While the two drivers conversed, I was worried that I wouldn't make it to school in time (though i had like 35 minutes but wanted time to study). So I jumped off the bus and sprinted to school. Luckily I had the right music playing (Pretty Lights), it gave me the energy to move fast. I jumped by people, ran through crossWALKS and jumped over things all in order to school. I was getting stared at by strangers, who probably were like why is this person running? I felt like I was in a movie. A bit epic. I made to school, the ten blocks or so, in five or ten minutes.

There, I relaxed and studied in the cafeteria. I then headed down ten minutes early and studied with people. It was time to take the exam. The first question was what were pros and cons of globalization. I could some what make that up based on discussion and my previous class on globalization. The second question was about the external factors that affect the Latin American economies. I knew some and one spot blank. The next was about Mercosur and its original reasons for existence. Similar as the previous. The big question was about the proposals and suggestions for helping the Latin American economies. I think I did alright but not amazing. I need a 4 to pass but hoping for 6 so I don't have to worry about this stuff on the Final. I then hung out with the four amazing people who run my program here. One who preformed the very crucial duty of cleaning my glasses, since I didn't do a good enough job according to her. We talked about randoms stuff and other people joined us. I had a very delicious freshly squeezed strawberry and orange juice. I also did my Spanish homework.

In Spanish class, we talked more about the future tense and also learned some more grammatical stuff. I then headed home. Less eventful bus ride. At home, I chilled which was nice. Tomorrow evening, I leave for Mendoza but I will post before I leave.


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