Monday, April 26, 2010

A weekend of just LIVING

The Empty Road
Me on top of a massive slab of rock that Ryan and I climbed

The Guacho who led the horse riding

Just a fraction of the land of the Algodon vineyard

The mountain I climbed solo on Sunday

My view from my solo hike

The view from part of the horseback riding

I woke up but decided to sleep in instead of breakfast. I showered and shaved. I then grabbed my stuff for my literature class. At school, I hung out with one of my partners for my presentation. I grabbed some juice and croissant before class. I then hung out until class. In class, we discussed the Seven Madmen. We got some background information about the author. Then my presentation came up and it went smoothly.

After school, I hung out at the residencia. I read some about the NFL draft which I was missing this weekend. I met up with Michele. We walked and talked. We had lunch at a Chinese place near where I am living. After, we walked and talked more before we had to say bye till who knows when. I then went home and packed. After packing, I went to withdraw money. I also bought some nice pants for myself to wear out sometime. I then talked to Abbey for a bit. Then Chelsey, Joe and I went and grabbed food and headed to school.

On the bus, I hung out and talked to a lot of the people who were near me. We played some new form of Bingo. I got close to winning but didn't. We had dinner which was ok. After, they played Be Kind Rewind. It was not as good as I was hoping. I slept for a bit before we stopped for a bathroom break. I played with a cute dog. I then slept the rest of the way.


I woke up around 8:15 for breakfast and tea. I listened to music and wrote for the first part. We finally got there. I hung out with people. We met up with the people who were on the other bus. We got lunch and hung out. We then got a laydown on all the rules and agenda for the weekend. My friend Ryan, who coincidentally is originally from Greensboro, and I headed out to explore.

We walked along the road. We found some chill places. We climbed some rocks. We saw a guy who tried to tell us to grab his soccer ball that was floating down the river. We chased and chased but didn't catch up to it. After, Ryan and I observed the surrounding area to see if there was a good place to jump into the river. After much debate about time and if we should do it, we jumped in.

Ryan went first and I followed. The current pulled us pretty fast. Ryan reached the other side and extended his hand for me. I luckily grabbed it. We climbed the rocks and searched for a place to jump in the river. Then we decided it would be best to just go back to our stuff and head back. But the current was so strong that we had to pick the right place. This proved difficult. At I slipped a couple times, including one time really hard against a rock. There also some places where the water was spinning in circles that I had to avoid. I tried to swim across but failed. Eventually, Ryan found a good place and did. I tried to do but ended up further down river a little in a thorn bush that cut me all over the place. I met up with Ryan and put on my clothing quickly and we hurried back to the hotel because we thought we were late.

Turns out no one was ready. I changed shoes. We met up as a group and headed out on our hike. It was relatively easy one. We had dogs that followed us the whole way. At one point, we had to run down a part which was a lot of fun. After we got back, it was time for snacks. After which, we hung out and some people played basketball while others commentated.

Then we had dinner. Then we had a party in one of the cabins which was a lot of fun since most of our group was there. We sang including a group rendition of "Lean on Me", talked and what not. Eventually I headed to bed.

I woke up and went to breakfast. After, I had the choice of rappelling or free time. I chose free time. I hung out with some of the guys. We talked and played Foosball. After, four of us decided to go horseback riding. We got on our horses. Mine was a cautious one and a relatively newbie. We rode up and down mountains. The views were spectacular. I love the desert. So beautiful. We galloped and sometimes it felt that my horse was double timing it to catch up. After the ride, we met up with the group and ate lunch.

After lunch, we had a little down time before going wine tasting. Some people sang songs on our bus. After a 45 or hour bus ride, we got to the first winery. It was massive. The company's name is Algodon. They are originally from New York. The vineyard had a golf course, restaurant, tennis courts besides the vineyard. We walked around and learned about their process of making wine before trying their wine. It was not as great as I was thinking it would be. We then headed back.

After a short ride, we arrived at a smaller, family own winery. We saw some of their livestock which included some MASSIVE PIGS. They reminded me of the pigs from Hannibal, and I worried about my health. We then saw their process of making wine. It was different. After, I tried their dessert wine and Malbec. I bought their Malbec and some raisins. We then headed back to the hotel. After snack time, most of the guys and I played Foosball, Pool or Ping Pong. It was chill, then we had dinner.

After dinner, we had a similar party to the night before. Then we started to play Capture the Flag. It was a lot of fun. Then we chilled more. I went to wash my hands, and the faucet sprayed water all over the place. It kept rushing after I turned it off so I tried to stop it with a towel while people tried to find someone to help. The lobby was locked but we got someone's attention. He came and checked it out. After slowing it down but not finishing the job, he walked off. Then the water pressure increased. After fighting it some more, we tried to find the guy again but all the person said was tomorrow he or someone will fix it (proof I am not in the First World). So the boys in the cabin were stuck there with water flooding. We made a joke out of it by calling the cabin Team Pirate. Eventually I headed to bed.

I woke up and headed to breakfast. The water was still flooding in the cabin. We told the people who were supervising us for the weekend. They got people to turn off the water. We all got changed for river rafted and headed down the road to the place. We got dressed in our goofy outfits and got instructions. We then headed down the river. It was a lot of fun. The river was extremely calm compared to the Rogue River. I bounced around from boat to boat, either by kidnapping, or jumping ship and ending up in another. After, we got on buses back. My bus had a dance party on it which was fun.

We changed out of the outfits and headed back to the hotel and ate lunch. We boys then had to talk the hotel about the costs. The manager was trying to charge 500 pesos for the damage but we argued and won, with some help, that the faucet was old and was bound to break. So we didn't have to pay for any of it. After, I grabbed my camera and hiking boots and walked. I decided to climb the mountain right near my hotel. It was pretty much all rock and some dead bushes, there was no trail. It was difficult and scary at times. I had to push myself but when I made it to the top. I felt so strong. I felt so alive. I felt amazing. I eventually climbed down, resulting in more scratches on my body, and watched some of my friends play a pick up soccer game. Then it was snack time. After, I quickly packed my bag and said bye to people going on the other bus before boarding my own.

On the bus, we played a game of Bingo, this time. I was only one away from winning. Then I wrote in my journal and listened to music. I especially turned up the music to avoid hearing High School 3 playing. Then I had dinner which was alright. After, they played V for Vendetta. After, I fell asleep.

I woke up at 8 when we pulled up to school. I headed back to the residencia. There, I had breakfast before talking to Abbey and relaxing. I showered and unpacked. Eventually it was time for lunch. I then headed to school with Chelsey. In history class, we talked about Juan Peron and the 60's in South America. In Spanish, we talked about our upcoming midterm among other things. I then headed home to relax and talk to Abbey and edit photos. Unfortunately the internet is really bad here at times. So it made it hard.

It is nice to relax after such an amazing weekend. Photos will be up sometime soon. This weekend was amazing for among other things, I lived for me and for me alone. I did what made me happy and feel alive.

Some quotes from my list that are especially applicable this weekend
1) “I would like to learn, or remember, how to live.” – Annie Dillard
2) "Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread.” – Edward Abbey
3) "I read somewhere... how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong, but to feel strong... to measure yourself at least once." - Christopher McCandless
4) "Love the world and yourself in it, move through it as though it offers no resistance, as though the world is your natural element." – Audrey Niffenegger
5) “Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in.” – Ricky Fitts – American Beauty
6) “I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.” - Rosalia de Castro
7) “No man should go through life without once experiencing healthy, even bored solitude in the wilderness, finding himself depending solely on himself and thereby learning his true and hidden strength.” – Jack Kerouac
8) "It is enough that I am surrounded with beauty." – Everett Ruess
9) “To the desert go prophets and hermits; through deserts go pilgrims and exiles. Here the leaders of the great religions have sought the therapeutic and spiritual values of retreat, not to escape but to find reality.” - Paul Shepard

Only 8 weeks left until I am in Seattle. So strange...
I plan to go to Salta in a few weeks either alone or with people.

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