Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Walk in the Park/Survivor: My Computer

I had overslept that caused me not to go to San Isidro, plus the weather was not great. It is only 20 minutes by train away so I will make it one day. So in the morning, I read and socialized with people. Then some of us went out and picked up some empanadas. We came back to the residencia ate them. So delicious. I then decided to walk around the neighborhood. So many people were out due to the weekend. But it was a pretty day. While I enjoyed the walk and the sun, I did not enjoy the bugs that bit me.

Back at the residencia, I hung out and read some more. I talked to Abbey and other friends from home. I went out and grabbed some food for dinner. Then I hung out the rest of the night.

I am glad that Butler beat Michigan State, but I was hoping for West Virginia would beat Duke. I will be interested in seeing the final on Monday. I am rooting for Butler because seeing a mid-Major win it all would be nothing short of Amazing, especially over Duke. Tomorrow brings the beginning of baseball season, starting with Red Sox/Yankees. I am hoping for another title coming to Beantown in 2010. It shall be interesting. I have continued with my tradition of not drafting Yankees on my fantasy team. We shall how that goes as well.

In other news, my computer is being its usual self and suffering at something. It is telling me, over a month later, that the Windows that was installed wasn't an original. Am I surprised, no but am I skeptical of this accusation, yes. It hasn't really affected the computer minus the continual telling me of it. In a hopefully unrelated matter, iTunes stopped playing songs. I have downloaded the latest version and hoping that is fixed. We shall see when I wake up in the morning. I just can not wait to get a new computer. This computer is a survivor of sorts. It is on its third life some could say. It has its battle wounds but is surviving. But not sure how much longer.

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