Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

I woke up and relaxed in the morning. When I checked, all my photos of Iguazu finally finished uploading. I then did some reading homework done before continuing on the John Grisham book I am reading. Next week, I plan to hit up the English bookstore and find a new book or two. I had planned to go to the Zoo but when I stepped outside, the weather looked like impending rain so I voted against since it is only 5 blocks away and I got around 80 days left. I grabbed lunch and then came home. I read some more the book and listened to the soothe sounds of Nick Drake.

I then watched Goodfellas, a movie I had been wanting to see for a while but never had. I really liked it and see why people consider a great gangster film. I went out for mediocre sushi for dinner. I guess I should not have high expectations. I am just looking forward to have some real good stuff when I come back stateside in June. During some hour of the night, there was a precession for Good Friday. I tried to get photos, but I got there too late and didn't want to run in socks. I hung out with people the rest of the night before bed.

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