Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chocolate: The Saviour.

I woke up especially early since I had to get blood drawn. I dragged my hungry self to the clinic where I waited for like ten minutes or so. I got my blood drawn no problem. I have to pick up the results on Monday or so. I then headed home. It took a little longer than it should have due to a delay on the subte. When home, I read for my class today before I watched Lost. Lunch time came and I rushed to eat due to the fact that I couldn't earlier because of the blood drawing. So I was hungry and lightheaded. After lunch, I headed to class with friends. Before class, I talked to friends. In my first class, my teacher mentioned that the musical Evita is false due to Che and Evita never actually knowing this. This would seem like an ok thing except he has mentioned it every class. We did talk about some of the supposed topics like the IMF and part of the Argentine economic crisis.

After class, I rushed to the cafeteria to buy some chocolate due to the fact I was again feeling light headed. In Spanish class, we went over the homework before talking about random stuff. After class, I picked up the book I needed for my Political and Social Change class. I then headed home. At home, I relaxed and talked to Abbey. My computer is again acting up. I really am excited for the day that I no longer have it. I ate dinner and talked to friends. I then did some of my essay that is due Friday. I will finish it tomorrow afternoon. It shouldn't take me too long. I also chatted with someone who I knew at Brentwood who is studying abroad here too. It is such a small world I live in. We are about to meet up and catch up. This shall be interesting.

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