Friday, April 16, 2010

Cat Power Fueled Nap

I woke up and relaxed most of the morning. My computer was being slow, which I thought was nothing new. I read and hung out with people most of the morning. I went to lunch and then headed to class. In class, since it was make up one for history, we watched a documentary about Juan and Eva Peron. It was interesting to learn about his rise. I am interested to read more about the subject. After, I picked up my police record and got a form from the school. Then I picked up my blood work and dropped it off at my doctor.

I headed home. At home, my computer was still slow. So I did a malware scan. While this happened, I took a nap which is rare for me. It was enjoyable. Cat Power is the right music for a nap. I just put all of her music on and put it on shuffle and slept. So amazing a sleep. My computer got some of it but still acted up so I am doing it as I write this on a friend´s computer. Only 11 weeks, exactly, until my birthday and a new computer!!!! I ate dinner and hung with friends. I also am getting closer apparently to getting Remicade which is exciting.


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