Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Do you think the end of the world is coming?"..."so says the preacher man"

I woke up. No progress on my computer. Looks like I have a date with an IT guy tomorrow. I went across the street and checked emails and Facebook and stuff. I was able to talk to Abbey for a bit which was nice. I then read the rest of Seven Madmen, which I really liked and want to read the sequel, if I can find it in English. I then went to get lunch. After lunch, I walked around a ferria. I considered buying a shirt but I wasn´t sure how it would look on me so I need a partner in crime to give me opinions. I also saw some nice dress pants which I think I am going to buy since I want some nice pants so I can have a nice night out here. After coming home, I did my Spanish homework before writing my portion of a presentation about Seven Madmen.

I was able to talk to Abbey some more as well as Meaghan and my mom and brother, whose birthday it is. It was nice to talk about random stuff. I also communicated with my doctor who made it seem that I am really close to getting my remicade treatment which is a good thing. Throughout this process, there was a crazy store of a flash floods, lighting and hail but it only lasted like thirty minutes or so.

Plan for tomorrow, wake up, eat breakfast (if I am up in time), go to the hostel, find out when the guy can come look at my computer, depending on when he can come I will eat lunch and also maybe go to class if his coming doesn´t conflict with it but I am not sure, then eat dinner and do homework. I hope to have a working computer tomorrow.

63.5 days till home. 74.5 days until my birthday.

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