Sunday, January 31, 2010

Playing Cards

Day 20 (1-31-10)

I woke up around 9ish. I tried to edit my blog for publishing. I tried to upload some of the videos from yesterday but it was taking so long due to the internet speed. I then went to breakfast with Justin, Michele and two Americans. We ended up going to a resturant in San Blas. The portions were small, but so were the prices. In the end we decided that it wasn´t worth going to again, despite having a great view of most of the city.

After, we walked around before heading back to the hostel due to the rain. We hung out at the hostel for a bit. Eventually, Michele, Justin, Natalia and I went to get food. We tried searching various resturants but were unsuccessful. We eventually found a place that we got a lot for ten soles. It was pretty decent. It was fun talking about various thing. We then walked around more. We went to a grocery store to get some stuff.

After coming back to the hostel, I had a meeting with the two girls who I will be volunteering this week with. We have the youngest kids (4-5). )I am very excited. We are hoping to be Mexico for the week. We have some cool plans. Then I played card games with Michele, Justin and Natalia. It was a lot of fun. Then I talked to Abbey before watching American Gangster with people in the hostel. Then I pretty much relaxed for the rest of the evening.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A night of Peruvian music

Day 20 (1-30-10)

I woke up around 9ish and finished writing my blog from yesterday before I posted it. I then headed out with Justin, Michele from Quebec and Natalia from Spain. We got breakfast at this cute little resturant near Plaza de Armas. We chatted over scrambled eggs, toast and juice. From there, we window shopped and walked around the city. We tried to figure out plans for tomorrow but couldn´t figure out any at the moment. We had some drinks at a nice vegetarian resturant.

After a while, it started to rain so we headed back to the hostel. There, I read and hung out many of the Argentines in our hostel. After a while, I had a skype date with Abbey though we had some difficulties. While we chatted, I wrote my next article for the Guilfordian. We shall see if it gets in. After an hour or so, we said our goodbyes. I hung out at the hostel watching Into the Wild for a bit. Second beautiful movie I have seen parts of in the last 24 hours. Then the Argentines decided to watch Chocolat. I have been moving photos to my harddrive while watching it from a far.

After that, I hung out with the Argentines in my hostel. We chatted about a lot of different things. Eventually Natalia and Michele and I went to a couple bars. The first one had a reggae band which was entertaining to say the least. But the bar got way too crowded so we only stayed for 20-30 minutes. Then we went to a neighboring bar where we were able to get a table. They had a cover band playing. They did eight minute plus renditions of Stand by Me and No Woman No Cry. The singer was really good and the guitarist was crazy. Then we headed home.

Baraka trailer - The trailer of Baraka, the movie I mentioned yesterday.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The big show

Me and the Big Head
Day 19 (1-29-10)

I woke up and was kind out of it. This was most evident by the fact that the first thing I did was trying to go the bathroom and smacked my head in the doorway. I keep doing that and I am probably going to end up with a major bump on the top of my head. I asked if I could stay a week longer so I am. I then booked flights to Buenos Aires on 13th. There I will stay in the same hotel till the 15th. Then I am probably going to go a hostel till I don´t know when.

I talked to Abbey for a bit before getting lunch. I headed to the big market. They have many people trying to get you to come get food from them. I found one I liked. I ordered lomo saltado and wrote. It was really good. I then headed back to the hostel and hung out. I eventually walked back to the school with my big head in hand.

Today was pretty easy. For the first part I mostly hung out and watched the children play. Then because today was the day of the show, there was no circle time. We had to practice our dance moves. With some minor difficulties, we finally got the kids to practice. Then we headed to the show. I was amazed by some of the information that the children knew for example that Buddha´s real name is Siddartha. I def did not know that when I was their age. Yuri has done an impressive job with this kids.

My "family" was the second to last group to go. Up to the last minute, my group struggled to focus. But when it came time for the performance, they did a pretty good job. I was pleasantly surprised. Yuri called out Justin, Melisa and I for not partcipating so we had to do it just us three. I have both on video that I will post sometime.

After all the performances, the children said their goodbyes to those who are not rerturning. It was sweet to see all the affection the kids had for them. Then all the volunteers for next week had a meeting. This meeting lasted two hours because of discussion. We discussed everything possible, it seemed like at least, related to the project even cocaine and other random things. We finished at 9:30ish. While we were in the meeting, it apparently hailed.

A bunch of us went to the neighboring pizza place because we were really hungry and it was raining. It was a lot of fun. We talked about all ings of things from tv shows to travels etc. Eventually we paid the bill and went back into the hostel. While I waited for the computer, I watched clips from Baraka. It is an amazing movie. I instantly added it to my Amazon wishlist. I didn´t have much time on the computer because they kick us off at 11:30ish. I got off and read and wrote.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Me and My Big Head

Day 18 (1-28-10)

Today I actually got up and headed to the Peru Rail office. There, I was the only person so I walked up to a desk. When I asked if I could move my ticket to the 6th, the guy told me to just get the refund since they have no idea when it will be open. I guess I will wait and see what happens next week. I then headed back to my hostel.

I relaxed, read, watched some tennis and other stuff with the other guests. I talked to Abbey. I then grabbed some food. There was a lot of things going on in Plaza de Armas. So I observed. Most of it was to get people to donate. It seemed like it was worth it. After getting some food, I walked back to my hostel. I hung out for most of the time trying to figure out what to do about my costume.

We all headed to the school. I started to take pictures of the kids. Like at Glenhaven, the children love to be in front of the camera. Eventually I got them to understand that I wanted them to continue what they were doing. I took photos of them playing games, bonding with the volunteers and other stuff. It was a lot of fun. We finally our group to know the dance but they are still out of control. After, I went into the costume room, and couldn´t find anything supermanish. I instead found a big head like from a person at amusment park of a Peruvian boy (hard to explain without seeing it). So I decided to go as a Super Peruvian. I have my Cusco pants on, pan pipes, my head and a pancho.

All the kids loved my costume when I was walking down the street. Adults kind of just stared at me. The dinner was really good food. It was great to see the people´s costumes. We had cheap drinks. We talked and posed for goofy photos. Then we started to play games. It was a lot of fun. We then danced and played limbo. One of the Argentine girls tried to teach me to dance which was a lot of fun. After a couple of hours at the resturant, some of us went to the club. It was an electronic club that brought me back to high school memories. It was a lot of fun. I was even able to check in my big head at the coat check and get it back. It was pretty much amazing. We were there for a few hours and then headed to the hostel. It was a really fun night.

Sad news. J.D. Salinger died.

Howard Zinn R.I.P

After I posted, I saw that Howard Zinn died. What a brilliant man. Defintely one of my heroes. I plan to read all of his books throughout my life. May he rest in peace while his words and wisdom last forever.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Macho Man

I set my alarm from 8 something but was too lazy to get up so I slept till 9:30ish. I got up and chilled. Got some breakfast and watched the news. I showered and relaxed. I finally was able to talk to Abbey for a bit. It was enjoyable.

After, I hung out with the other guests in my hostel. We talked about Machu Picchu and other things. Eventually we headed to the school. Justin and I had to play the role of the macho men by carrying boxes to the school. There, I danced with some of the kids before we started because music was playing. I played more games with the children and then a bunch of the volunteers and the children played some game kinda like duck duck goose but with dancing. Hard to explain.

In the circle, we discussed the show for Friday. It was funny to see what all the different groups were focusing on. In my group, after breaking up from the circle, we worked on our dancing. The children were really hard to get concentrate. We finally had to sit them down and explain it. We got them to focus, relativelly. I am hoping that the show goes alright. We finished and all the volunteers met. We discussed our goods and bads as well as the party tomorrow. The theme is Superheroes or cartoon characters. I am going as Clark Kent/Superman. Yes I am taking the easy way out. I talked to Yuri and he said I can take pictures of the children to use for the website and for myself.

After I got back to the hostel, I grabbed my camera and wallet because I was meeting up with Martha and Danielle who got back in town and were leaving tomorrow. On the way, I took some pictures. I also saw a vigil for all those who lost their homes. I took some night shots. After picking up a message from the girls at their hotel, I met them at Jack´s Cafe. It was great to see them. We talked about our past few days. Also about random stuff. With us, was a guy who works at University of Dreams. It was a lot of fun. I then said bye to them and to keep in touch. I tried to find my Brazilian friends whose last night it was but I could not. It sucks but that is life.
I passed people who were collecting things for those who have lost their home. I prob will go by there later this week and give them waters. I came back to my hostel to write and type. Tomorrow I am going to try to change my Peru Rail ticket for the third time to the 6th.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An email I am sending to various news orgainzations

Dear whom it concerns,
My name is Jack Sinclair. I am currently in Cusco, Peru. I am emailing you because I want to let you know that the landslides and flooding that has been barely on the news is affecting more than the tourists who were stuck at Machu Picchu. There are at least a reported 2000 people who are now homeless. Towns have been destroyed and there is uncertainity about how many people have died. This situation has concerned me. I am a studying journalist and willing to try to help out with whatever you would need.

Frustration at the media though I am part of it

Day 16 (1-26-10)

I woke up in the 9ish hour. After a nice hot, and my first shave in weeks, I chilled with some of the other guests. We watched and followed the news on tv. We are all annoyed with the lack of coverage of the landslides and the floodings here on the global news circuit. All the news is reporting is that tourists have been trapped at Machu Picchu or that people can´t go there. In fact on CNN, it was a weather woman who reported this news. No one outside of Peru seems to care that people are losing their homes and towns at the very least. No one seems to be reporting how many people have lost their lives minus a couple that went back into their house, an Argentine tourist and tour guide. This can not stand and I hope that people are awaken to this tragedy that is happening. I am planning on writing a Guilfordian article about this since most people outside of Peru have no clue or don´t care. Some people here are trying to talk to the Red Cross about trying to help out if they can. Rumor has it that the trains won´t even start running again till the 5th. I am going back to Peru Rail and hope to get my money back. I would be upset but considering all the mess of what is going on, there are more important things in life. So I can get mad. I can always try to come back, unlike the houses and lives that have been lost. So I need to focus my energy on the good that I am trying to do with my volunteering.

On a lighter note, I am also going to probably sacrfice doing the bus back to Buenos Aires from Santiago. I am enjoying working with the children and going to try to do it for a third week and fly back to Buenos Aires the 13th. After that no idea.

After watching the news, I had some juice and bread for breakfast and talked to people online. I am getting a jacket from the place I am volunteering with. I am considering getting a shirt as well. Hmm.. I then relaxed, ate and read until it was time to go volunteer.

At the place, I played more games with the children though I refused to play scrabble. I played this cool game called Set among others. The children are wondeful and full of life. I quite enjoy it. We met in the big circle and discussed the landslides and what not. Despite their ages, the children are well aware of what is going on. Yet CNN doesn´t. Fail.

We then broke up into our groups of "families." Our family´s mission for the day was to get the children to dance. This was extremely difficult because the children in my group are 11 years old and wiling to rebel against the teachers. But eventually after much struggle we got them to do the dance for the show we are having on Friday. It will be interesting. Eventually our work was done for the day and we headed back to the hostel.

I have been hanging out, got dinner and chilling.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jack Sinclair = Example of the Small World Theory

I woke up early for the day. I tried to shower but the rain had damaged the water systems so no water. I got dressed and went to get money to pay the bill. After I got back, I ate breakfast and discussed the weather with other guests in my hostel. We watched the news where towns have been devasted by the landslides and flooding. It is going relatively unreported by the news, so I am planning to write a Guilfordian article about it. I would later learn while people here want it declared a state of emergency, but the tourism forces here don´t for fear of money purposes. This is terrible.

I got in my cab and headed to the next hostel (one connected to my volunteer program), that I hope doesn´t have leaky roofs and more respectful guests. There I got info about the program and whatnot. It sounds like a lot of fun. I put my bags in my room. Because this volunteer thing is a full week commitment, I was suggested to change the date of my plan to Machu Picchu.

I then headed to Peru Rail office. This office is run very similar to the DMV. The people working there are very confused and usually have to ask for help from several colleagues. Also your number is randomly called. After an hour of waiting, I got my turn. It only took like ten minutes. Then I headed back to my hostel.

At the hostel, I checked somethings online and talked to Abbey. I met a girl from near Seattle who went to Western Washington. Small world. I met some more of the other guests. I relaxed and played with a little girl who I think is someone who works here´s daughter. I also got some cool pictures of a child learning to juggle. I met a girl who is super close friends with Taylor Barrett from their time at Middlebury, small world again (basically my whole life). Eventually I met Yuri who runs the place I am volunteering at. He gathered all of us volunteers from the hostel to walk the block to the school.

At the school, the volunteers were split into words based on the colors, for example I wear a yellow jacket there and I am on group Sol. But first I and another volunteer had to manage the game room for an hour or so. There I played some games with the children. I got my butt kicked by three girls in scrabble. I frequently had to ask the other volunteer to make sure they were not cheating. Then I played a boy in Sorry. I swear the dice was weighted. He kicked my butt too. Finally I beat a girl at Guess Who?

After an hour or so, we were met all in a circle. Yuri then discussed the rules, what the agenda for the week was and introduced all the new volunteers. He is a very cool guy and loves what he does and has done a great job building this program. We then were split in our groups and we had to decide a country to learn about since countries are the theme of the week. Our group choose Brazil.

We went up into a room and discussed Brazil. We talked about the capital, the money, the dancing, the soccer players and whatever. It was a lot of fun. The children are kind of crazy. There were ten children and two other volunteers, Justin from England and I am not sure where Melisa is from. After we finished our agenda, we just went around the room and asked questions. Eventually the day was done. All the volunteers had to meet. There Yuri discussed more of the rules and we talked about our day. I learned that we are having a big group dinner on Thursdays where we will play games and what not. It will be fun. Then I headed back to my hostel and caught up on what I had missed.

I ate dinner at the pizza place next store which is somewhat related to my hostel. It was nice. Now to relax the rest of the evening

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Waking up to Fireworks

Day 14 (1-24-10)
After a much needed sleep, I was awoken to the sound of fireworks. First of all, why are there fireworks going off at like 9 something in the morning. Second, today is a really cloudy day and hard to see much. I got up and checked people´s responses to my epic journey yesterday. I checked the Peru Rail website to see when their office was opened till so I could figure out my plans. I saw that it was open till 12. When I looked at the time it was 9:30. I quickly showered and all that jazz and left my hostel. Grabbed a cab and headed off to the office.

It was a mad house with many people complaining about what happened. I ran into people who I had met on the train. We talked about our various plans. An Argentine couple from our train, who served as translators, helped me, anAmerican girl named Sophie and a couple from Vancouver cut and get bumped up in line. The Argentine and Canadian couples asked for their money back because they couldn´t do it any other time. Sophie and I decided to go Wednesday. We got our money and bought new tickets. We have to take a cab to where we got on the second train yesterday because the full rail is shut down. So I hope Wednesday works.

After we got that all figured out, then we started to walk to the main square. Along the way, we stopped at this place that Sophie volunteered at, to found out where to get the cab on Wednesday. I asked about their volunteer program, it seemed pretty good but costed almost $800 for two weeks and I think the other one that I was waiting on was cheaper. We then parted ways to meet up on Wednesday. I then went back to my hostel. I was able to briefly talk to Abbey which was nice so we could catch up on each other´s Saturdays. She got to go to Bath and have a Jane Austen full day. I am happy for her.

I then went to get lunch. I went to check if Martha and Danielle were at their hotel but no they had left for Puno. So I decided to treat myself after a stressful day yesterday. I went to a resturant called Jack´s Cafe. It serves breakfast all day. I got scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage. It was quite yummy. Then I went back to my hostel to relax for a bit. I then grabbed some dirty clothes and took to a place to get them washed and dryed. I relaxed for a bit more.

I then went to Skype with my mom since it is her birthday. It was nice to talk to her. I also got an email from the other volunteer program that they will be expecting me in the morning. Woohoo. I was then able to Skype with Abbey. It started to thunder and lightening here. It sucked because it looked like it was going to be a nice day. I won´t miss this weather in a few weeks. I ran back to my hostel. I relaxed for a bit before running to my clothes. Since then I have ate some stuff and packing my bags to leave the hostel in the morning. I am hoping for a good night sleep but we shall see.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Attempt One at Machu Picchu

Day 12 continued (1-22-10)
I tried to go to bed but some of the people who I share a room with didn´t show me any respect. They kept coming in and out of the room, turning on the lights to search for things and I don´t know. It really frustrated me. Finally they appeared to be done with this nonsense. Turns out they made friends with girls in the hostel and decided to hang out in the common room that is next to my room. They were very noisy so I couldn´t fall asleep. I tried to ask them nicely if they could be quieter but that didn´t work. 30 minutes later, I went out and asked them to move somewhere else. So they did but that lasted for what they prob assumed was the time it would take me to fall asleep. The hostel really needs quiet hours and I fully plan to mention in my comments. Eventually after all this madness, I fell asleep.

Day 13 (1-23-10)

I woke up at like 5:30-40ish to some Peruvian men thinking it was cool to watch tv. I will not miss this hostel. Maybe if I had a private room, it would be different but who would have thought it was like this. I tried to fall back asleep but was relatively unsuccessful. I got dressed and went to check things online before my cab came.

On my cab ride to the train station, I passed a lot of potential photos. The combination of the windy road and my cab driver´s driving made me feel a little not good but I survived. I got to the train station and ran into my Brazilian friends. It was nice. We talked and shared horror stories of our nights. When I went to check the time, I realized I didn´t have my phone. Did I leave at the hostel, in the cab or was it stolen? I couldn´t remember. This was bad. Caro and Mario tried to calm me down which helped. We then ran into Chileans who Caro and Mario met the day before. They tried to help me. Most people didn´t signal on their phone. Eventually one of the people who work on the train helped me. He asked a friend and he called the hostel. They found it. I had left it by the computer due to dashing out in a rush and being so tired. This was instant relief. I told the group the good news and we all were happy. We all talked for a bit before Caro and Mario had to leave on an earlier train.

I waited for my train with the Chilean women because they were on my train. All the trains were delayed because of the heavy rain last night. Two after the original departure time, we headed out. I was seated with two other Americans. They are out of college. One is working as a freelance writer and photographer in Buenos Aires (pretty cool). She and I exchanged info in between taking lots and lots of photos from the train.

After 40ish minutes, our train stopped. No one seemed to know why. Eventually, I learned that there was major landslides blocking a section of the track. So we waited to see what was going to happen. I played some Texas Hold Em with the Americans. After 45 minutes, we finally started to move again. But that was short lived. We only pulled into a place so we could get buses. We were given a choice, go to Cusco and try another day or bus it for an hour to another train to take us the rest of the way. As the Italian who I met in Lima said to me, I may die tomorrow (his twisted way of saying Carpe Diem). So I said to myself, I am going for it. While we waited for the buses, I took some pictures of whatever town we were in. The picture above is of a nice woman who allowed the photo (it is currently unedited so that will happen in a few weeks).

I finally got on a bus. After an hour or so, we got another train. At this rate, I had maybe a few hours there but that is better than nothing, right? We had heavy delays getting out of this station too. I sat with two woman from Southern California, Martha and Danielle, and a New Zealander named Ara. They were enjoyable company considering the circumstances. We talked about a wide range of things. I also taught them some stuff about their cameras since they had some questions. Turns out within an hour or so, another landslide had happened. We were about 20 km away from Aguas Calientes. But we couldn´t go any further. I guess we were lucky that we were not there when it happened. People are currently trapped at Machu Picchu. Luckily I had no travel plans that got messed up through this. I plan to try again next weekend (I have to go to the office tomorrow to figure out what to do). It sucked but that is a part of the adventure.

On the train back to the station we got this second train, I met two people who had been doing volunteer work here so I got a suggestion that I am going to try out since I haven´t heard back from this other one. Martha and Danielle and I chatted some more. They are in some kind of medical field but I couldn´t figure it out. But when I mentioned that I had Crohn´s, they became very insistant that I get off Gluten. I plan to investigate this more. The change would not happen till after I get back at the soonest. We then had to get back a bus to get back to Cusco. I mostly tried to sleep with the aide of the music of Explosions in the Sky. Eventually, Martha and I swapped iPods. She has a good taste in music including cds I want and she wanted some of mine.

We ended up at the Peru Rail office (where I need to go tomorrow to get either my money back or try to change my ticket till next Saturday (I am thinking the landslides will be cleared by then). The SoCal girls and Igrabbed a cab since their hotel is near my hostel. We went to grabbed dinner. Martha played the role of interrogator but I am used to it. I also showed them the photo album that I am traveling around. After, we said bye and good luck on things. I might try to see if they are around tomorrow. I came back and checked facebook. I had to let people down by not going to Machu Picchu. I then uploaded while the people who woke me up this morning are watching Peruvian music videos. I will tell them to turn it down so I can sleep.

Plan for Sunday
Wake up. Try to go the Peru Rail office early to figure out what to do, then check out this volunteer opportunity. Then hopefully going to Skype.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Rainy Friday

I had another battle with waking up since light comes in through a window and people don´t know howto be quiet. Luckily, I was able to fall back asleep. Eventually I got up at around 9:30. I had breakfast and read for a bit. Then I showered and got ready for the day. But unfortunately it was a bit rainy so I held off going into the main part of the city.

Eventually I went into the city. I grabbed some food. After I stopped in a market with different vendors. I bought some gifts for friends and some pants that are comfortable and easy to sleep in since it is kind of cold here. From there, I walked around a bit. My shoes were not meant for all this rain. So I went into a shoe store. I bought some nice and decent hiking type shoes that will be really good for going to Machu Picchu. I am so excited for that. Due to the weather and the bags I had, I decided to go back to my hostel. I ended up staying there for several hours because there was so much rain. I only left to have a Skype date with Abbey since it is our 17 months today. After our date, I ran into my Brazilian friends and hung out with them for a little bit.

Since then, I have been moving photos to my harddrive and watching the Hope for Haiti telethon. Though I am sure they care, there people in my hostel who somewhat seem indifferent to this tragedy. Its really sad that they seem relatively unaffected.

Now to pack and go to bed early since I have an early morning in front of me.

The Kindness of Strangers

My first Guilfordian article of the semester

Currently working on the second. Enjoy

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cusco For Sale

I periodically woke up before getting up at nine something. I went downstairs and had some bread and tea for breakfast. I then showered and read for a bit because there was some rain because it is the season for it. Eventually it stopped so I headed into the main part of the city. I passed many people who tried to sell me things, from weighing me to belts to pictures with Alpacas. Cusco is a really beautiful city but it is sad that there is so much poverty here. They have to sell their roots as a way to provide. I mean I am not helping by taking photos of it. It just makes me sad.

I took photos and walked around. Anytime I snapped a photo near certain people, I was harrased for money so I had to say no. I took pictures of the various churches and religious things in the area. I stumbled upon a political rally but didn´t quite understand it so I left. I walked into a massive open airtype market, but covered due to the rain. There they had plenty of food and other kinds of products. I saw lots of animals being butchered in front of me. The smell and the sight of dead animal heads was a bit too much for me, and I love meat. After walking around for a bit, I headed back to my hostel. I had perfect timing because it started to pour after I got back. I read for a bit.

Eventually it stopped, so I headed back in the city. I got some food to eat. I then dropped off a roll of film from Lima. I went inside one of the nearby churches and walked around. It was pretty but I unfortunately couldn´t take any photos. I eventually left and walked around somemore. I window shopped for gifts. I may make some purchases tomorrow. I took some more pictures. I ended up sending another batch of postcards and buying my next batch. After walking some more, I ended up at the convent of Santo Domingo. I went in but was not allowed any pictures. They had a mausoleum for a fake Jesus. I didn´t understand but I don´t understand most Catholic things.

I walked around some more after and ended up at a park where I sat and took photos. I watched children play hide and seek. I listened while dog howled like a wolf. It was pleasant to watch to sit there and observe. I then picked up my photos. None of them are amazing but they are something. I went back to my hostel and relaxed. I had to drink water. That is the hardest part of the high altitude, breathing. I then went to an internet cafe for a Skype date with Abbey. After an hour or so, we bid adieu. I then had to make a mad dash to my hostel due to the rain.

After hanging for a bit, I ended up being asked to dinner by two Brazilian cousins, Mario and Carolina. I had met them the day before when they were in my shuttle to the hostel. We walked around looking at the many options for food. After a bit, we decided to eat at a bar type resturant that had Thai food. I ordered a mix of steak and chicken satay. It was pretty good. We talked about various places we want to go to, soccer, the Spanish lifestyle, Paulo Coelho, politics etc. It was a lot of fun. I quite enjoyed it. Carolina lives in Portland currently which is pretty cool. She gave me advice on a bar in Buenos Aires, and Mario tried to teach me some Portuguese but most of it has not stuck. We got back to our hostel. I typed this up and will soon head to bed.

PS. Happy 17 months Abbey!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Way up high, 11,000 Ft. high to be exactly

Day 10 (1-20-10)
I did my daily battle with waking up but eventually gave in. I finished putting things in my bag. I tried to pay my bill but there was someone new at the front desk and clearly didn´t know what he was doing. So I waited around for a bit. Eventually I paid the bill and got myself in a taxi. I left the hostel not sure if and when I would return. I liked it and if I have to stay in Lima for a night it will probably be there.

My cab driver was pretty cool. We talked about a variety of subjects, like travel plans, my Spanish which he though was pretty good, people getting robbed, and Michael Jackson since his music was playing. It was a pretty enjoyable cab ride. I got to the airport and checked my bag. I then passed various American food places like McDonald´s, Papa John´s, Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. I bought some postcards. I then paid my 6 dollar exit fee and got through security. Then I walked toward my gate. I bought my ticket to Machu Picchu. I am so excited. One day, I hope to do the trek but I want to do it with a buddy. More meaningful in my eye. I then sat at my gateand wrote postcards. Have tons more to write, so don´t stress. Then I boarded.

I fell asleep for most of what I thought was my flight. I was reading my book when over the PA it was announced that we had to turn around to Lima, when we were maybe 20 min from Cusco and an hour from Lima, because of bad weather. Its currently raining season here so thats why. So then we went back to Lima. It sucked majorly. We landed and sat at the tarmac for probably around an hour. While we waited, I looked at pictures and looked at quotes for comfort during this stressful period. As Paulo Coelho says, "Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant." In my life, those brilliant moments are the ones of a shared laugh, a deep discussion, or any moment with those people who I love and keep dear to my heart. Seeing them again one day is the gold on the other side of the rainbow.

Then we finally off the ground. I read some of the way and played solitare the rest. Then we finally got to Cusco over three hours later. Because of the high altitude, it is cooler here, so once I got my bag, I grabbed the fleece and put it on. Luckily, my shuttle to my hostel was still there. Cusco is smaller but prettier than that of Lima. So much to see.

Eventually, we got to the hostel. I checked in and put my stuff in my room. I started to feel lightheaded, due to the high altitude. But I pushed on. I checked emails and saw I got one from one of the volunteer places I emailed. I gave them my dates (the 25th-5th). If this works out, I could fly out the 6th to Lima, stay the night then go to Santiago and get a bus from there to Mendoza and get myself back to BA somehow.

Eventually, I went out. I walked to a plaza called Plazoleta de San Blas. It was full of life.People making products to sell, children playing games, juggelrs doing their thing, even girls walking Alpacas. I stayed in the general areaof here.

I went back to my hostel and chilled for a bit. Talked to some people for a while.I then went out to dinner. The guy who runs the hostel, suggested a resturant so I went there. It was very tiny so I had to sit with a stranger but it was ok. We talked in Spanish. He is from Lima. We talked about my plans, my life etc. It was fun. I had pizza and and my first pisco sour shot. It was pretty good. One of the meals that I turned down was Guinea Pig, I don´t think I could eat that but I probably eat there again. I went back to my hostel, just in time because it started to pour. There I watched the Simpson´s including the episode where they go to London. Soon I plan to go to bed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Preparing for the next leg

Day 8 (1/18/10) continued:
I went out to the supermarket and bought myself a Caprese sandwich. I then walked back to the hostel and ate with some of people I am friends with. We chit chatted for a while. Then two older brothers from San Fran joined us. We all talked for like 20 minutes or so. Then we decided to head out. We ended up at a wine bar. We got two Argentine bottles for seven of us. We talked about travels, video, photography, and more. It was pretty fun. Then we all headed back and then slowly made our way to bed.

Day 9 (1/19/10):
Today was a pretty simple day. I woke up and grabbed some breakfast and drank some orange juice. I chatted with some of the people in my hostel. I showered, brush my teeth and got ready for my day.

I then headed out and took some pictures for 30 minutes or so. I finished off my first roll here on the Holga. I hope the pictures turned out. I eventually meandered into the internet cafe. There I looked up more volunteer programs since I was hearing very little responses. I figured I might actually have to go the places and ask in person. I skyped with Abbey which is always wonderful. We discussed a possible weekend getaway in September which would be amazing. Then I headed to the grocery store and bank. I got some fried rice for lunch and stir fry for dinner. I headed back to the hostel.

I ate my lunch and watched some tv. I then read some of my book and printed my boarding pass. I got online to check things and had another Skype date with Ms. Dean. We swapped Time Traveler's Wife quotes. Unfortunately, we could not do voice to voice the whole time because of a weak internet connection. I discovered a few places in London I want to go that I have never been before. So I hope to go there whenever I shall make my return to that fabolous city. Eventually she had to go because of things to do and I had a guy kind of creepying. He is quite awkward. I then ate dinner and chilled and packed for Cusco.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lack of Facial Hair

Day 7 (1/17/10) continued
After I continued on my journey. I ended up walking to the Parque de Amor. It had a huge sculpture of lovers and along the wall, they had gaudi type thing with quotes about love in Spanish. It was really romantic and it reminded me of Abbey. Overhead, paragliders flew. I would like to do it but being afraid of falling makes it hard. Maybe one day. I walked to lighthouse and then my hostel.

I got back and read a bit of my book then took a nap. So strange, I am not used to napping but whatever. After I woke up and hung out with people in my hostel. Eventually, I decided to go grab some food. I went to the supermarket. It was pretty snazzy and full of life. I grabbed some bread, jamon serrano and an ice tea. Then I headed back to the hostel.

I ate and chatted with the other guests and one of the owners. We talked about learning the languages and other things. I then had a long Skype date with Abbey. Then after saying goodbye, I went outside to join the grouype. Someone had bought some really sweet wine and bread and nutella and dulce de lece. It was really cool chatting and sharing good food. An American, from Northern California, came out and we discussed the lack of the facial hair in South America. We teased him about growing the beard as a statement for leaving San Jose for Humbolt. After a little bit, I headed to bed.

Day 8 (1/18/10)

I woke up around tenish. I had a mediocre crossiant. I then showered, brushed my teeth and then headed to the internet cafe. There, I skyped with Abbey and she helped me make my corrections to my Guilfordian article. She is just smarty. We then said our goodbyes and I headed back to the hostel.

An Australian girl and I headed into the center of the city. It was very smoggy and dirty. The city had a lot of traffic. Eventually we got a few blocks from Plaza Mayor. We had to get out a few blocks away because of the plaza being blocked off due to the 475th anniversary of the founding of Lima. We saw people waiting outside the town hall. So we hung out there to see what is up. We saw people coming out with medals and others came out to cheers. I took some pictures of the scene.

After, we walked to the Cathedral of Lima. It was really pretty. It also serves the museum of religious art. I took some pictures in there. It was pretty interesting to see the differences between a South American church and churches from Europe and North America. I will post pictures on my Flickr and Facebook upon my return to Buenos Aires since I need to edit them. From there, we walked to the Museo San Francisco. Unfortunately, I could not take photos in there. We got a tour who showed us around. It was pretty interesting. We went into the catacombs, where they have uncovered 25,00o bodies so far. They had tons of bones. It was interesting and musty. They also had a cool library that I wanted to take a picture but couldn't.

After, we headed out to the post office. I sent six postcards but have plently more to write and send. We then grabbed a cab and headed back to the hostel. There I wrote in my journal, Skyped with Abbey, checked emails and moved my photos.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Have you been to Greece?"

I am currenty doing this at an internet cafe with a working keyboard.
So back to day 5
Since I posted about that, I took pictures and videos of people dancing. I then headed to bed but felt relatively lame doing so since everyone in the hostal seemed to be going out but I was tired and had an early morning in front of me. The Floridian girls who I met turned out to be just as lame as I was becaue they had to catch a bus in the morning. I struggled to sleep but finally did.

Day 6 (1/16/10)
I kept waking up during the course of the night, from people coming in from a wild night or the person in the bunk next to mine having the worse snore EVER!!!!!!! I woke up a bit earlier than I had to in hopes that Abbey would be online but she wasn´t but I took care of sme emails. I got my stuff together and a bottle of water before the cab picked me up.

I got to the airport with no problem at all. Checked in and got through the security. Stopped in a store to buy some postcards. They had a lot of books in English I considered but I resisted. They also had a Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and a Ruby Tuesday in the airport. Legit. I went to my gate and wrote my postcards that I plan to send tomorrow. I then boarded and then fell asleep for most of the flight despite a movie that I wanted to see was showing. I woke up and read and filled out the forms. I got through passport control no problem because I didn´t have to pay an entrance fee (though I will prob have to pay an exit fee from what I hear). I exchanged some money and grabbed my ba. I met up with the driver I orgainzed through my hostel.

The city reminds me a lot of California. It is right on the coast. I can´t wait to explore it. The hostel is in a neighborhood called Miraflores which isn´t the center but I don´t mind. I plan to go there on Monday. The hostal is a pretty cool building with lots of rooms and games and movies. I talked to some people. I relaxed and went on the computer in the lobby. Turns out the keyboard is broken so I have to point and click every key which is better than nothing but still a pain. Luckily Abbey was online when I was. We skyped voice to voice because they have a headset for it.

After we chatted for a while, I walked to the beach. There I met two Canadian couples. They were very nice and I explained my journey and its possibilities. They said Bolivia, if you are smart, isn´t that bad. So that is a possibility but I will touch on that later. I took some pictures (will upload some to Facebook sometime, though they will be better if I can play with them on photoshop first, if you can wait). I then walked around and bought a water bottle and walked to my hostel. I met an Australian, some Greeks (who asked everyone if they had been to Greece, it was a running joke by the end of the night) and a man from near Rome. We talked about our respected journeys and shared advice. I then read my book.

After reading I napped for a bit. I got up and ran into an American couple, a Canadian and a half American half Peruvian boy and we all went to dinner. It was a lot of fun. I got a frozen lemonade and streak and rice and vegetables. I love South American food. We headed to the hostel but made a stop to buy some beer. We hung out with most of the people in the hostel, playing games, taking photos, talking about our trips, singing to the radio playing random American music. Then I headed to bed.

Day 7 (1/17/10)
I woke up at various times this morning but pretty much slept till ten which was amazing. I got up and talked to the Australian and Italian guys. I then hopped online and so did Abbey we had a great Skype date where we talked about her wild night (wish I could have been there, though I had fun). My mom called me for all of five seconds but then she got on Skype. After Abbey and I said bye. I talked to my mom about things. We tried to figure out what to do with my month of whatever. We discussed some volunteer work and we looked at places. I found one in Cusco I liked and would enjoy. It would be working with children which I love. I emailed them seeing if I could volunteer for 2 weeks from like the 25th to the 7th. Then I can get to Mendoza and get back to Buenos Aires from there. It would eat up 2 weeks which would be nice and I could help and play with kids. So I hope I can do it.

I then said bye to my mom and heading into the Miraflores area. I bought an orange from a nice lady but she turned me down when I asked if I could take a photo of her. :(. It would have been a good one but I had to respect her wishes. This will be difficult. I continued to walk around and take some photos on both my D80 and my Holga. I walked through a park and then stopped in an internet cafe to type this. Now to continue walking and get some food. Post sometime soon.

Still lack of keyboard

The title pretty much explains it all so I won't write much. Still got way too much time on my hands. I just wish I could kill time by visiting Abbey in London. This sucks.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Estoy en Lima

I would write more but due a broken keyboard I have to point click everything. So I decided to just show proof of life :). Write more later

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 5 continued

I got some money and food for relatively cheap. I think the economy isn't much better here than in Argentina. I came back to my hostel and wrote for a bit. There were two American girls from Florida. When I told them that I go to Guilford, one of them knows someone who I am somewhat acquinted with. The small world theory that defines my life strikes again. They decided to nap, I to shower. After showering, I got up in my bed and starting Michael Crichton's The Lost World. Like Jurassic Park, it has traits of the movie but different prob better in the end. I then drank with the two Floridians some beeer called Cristal that the hostal was having a barbaque for only like 10 dollars max (I am not sure about the exchange rate). We chatted about our various travel plans, and maybe I will meet them somewhere in Argentina. We then moved our drinks outside and talked to one of the chefs of the evening, Sergio. He chatted to us about the conflicts that Chile has been, for example Peru and Bolivia, and how each country saw the conflict. I took some pictures of the intereaction that I will post sometime. He also talked about the election happening on Sunday and the various people running for the high office. Soon a group of Brazilians came and joined us and chatted about soccer. Then a German woman who is traveling around the world (I want to do that and plan it well). It was fun. Eating great food and chatting about travels. I then went to take my medicine for being up in Peru because of the high altitude.
If I dont go to Bolivia, again due to safety issues, maybe I will come back here for a few then bus it to Mendoza and start a trek from Mendoza to Buenos Aires.


Day 4 (1/14/10)
After packing, I talked to Abbey for a bit. I then worked on the forms for customs. I then rested for a while. Then Alexandria, Jane and I went out to dinner to a resturant near by. It was pretty good we had plenty of food. We had an awkward waiter who invited us to a bar with other people from the resturant but it was kind of weird. Jane and I continued to catch up. After dinner, our waiter informed us that someone, I don't think we ever found out who, bought us each a flute of champagene. This was pretty cool. We left and headed back to the hotel and chilled with Hugo. I said my goodbyes and headed to bed early because I had an early flight. After some struggles to go to bed, I finally fell asleep

Day 5 (1/15/10)
Like falling asleep, I had trouble getting up but eventually I did and put on clothes and went to talk to Abbey before I left for Chile. We got to talk for a bit which was pleasant. Eventually I had to go. I grabbed my bags, checked out and stored one. I hope nothing bad happens to it. I got my computer among other stuff I need in there. Before I checked out, Jane was having trouble falling back asleep came to say goodbye. It was nice to run into her and hang out with her. Hope to see her sooner.
I left in the cab with no problems. Got to the airport and got on an earlier flight by an hour. Security was muy facil. I bought and wrote some postcards. I boarded and did my immigration forms. Then I went to sleep. I woke up and disembarked. Then I waited 50 minutes or so to pay my visa fee. Then went through passport control, got my bags, called my mom that lasted a few minutes because of roaming and international costs. Then I went through customs and then got a taxi here. Now at my hostel and about to get some money.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What to do for a month in South America

1-13-10/Day 3 (continued)
After I left the Starbucks, I went back to my hotel to hang out. I read and finished my book, leaving me with a few books to read though I am thinking of borrowing a book from my hotel. I watched some tv and then went out for a quick dinner. After I relaxed for a while, before hanging out in the lobby with some of the night staff and their friends. I got to practice my Spanish, which I have not lost much of which is nice. After a few hours of hanging, and chatting, I went to bed.

1-14-10/Day 4
I woke up this morning around 9ish but still wifi (still not working, no real surprise there). I very briefly talked to Abbey but she had an emergency to take of so she had to go. I then booked a flight from Lima to Cusco, due to its relatively cheap price and it is much safer. I realized that if I stay in Cusco for five days, which is what I am thinking, that still gives me roughly a month of unplanned activities. I really am unsure about what to do with this time. I am thinking Bolivia but I am going to plan it, if I go, either in Chile or Peru to make sure it is safe in La Paz. I don´t want to go if it is too risky, obviously. I miss my life in the US, but I will not let it comsume me. I guess I just wish I had a travel buddy. It would make this a lot easier but I will meet people like I have already and then when my program starts it will be fun too.

I went to figure out what happened with my phone. When I got to Movistar, they couldn´t figure it out at first but they eventually did. They told me to wait 30 minutes so I grabbed a quick lunch and went to the bank. When I returned, my phone was working. Me and the ladies at Movistar were very happy about this. They even gave me ten extra pesos on my phone for which I gave them a hight five each and many graciases. I then headed back to my hotel. I then headed back to Starbucks to use their wifi. There I checked and sent out emails, uploaded photos my facebook, wrote a possible article for the Guilfordian, talked to some friends and booked a hostel in Cusco, apparently very near the center but also close to the airport. I am now planned till the afternoon of the 25th. No idea what to do from then on. I want to go back to Buenos Aires for a little bit and I might go to Patagonia with a friend but besides that, I have no plans. So if you got suggestions, let me know. I headed back and started to pack but I took a break to post this.

Agenda for the next few days
Santiago tomorrow for the night, Lima: Saturday-20th, Cusco: 20th-25th. So don´t expect a blog entry every day, but occasionally and same with photos. I might do mini things to show I am alive and well but don´t expect a lot

Check my photos on my flickr, You will see the Argentina labeled album. Remember, any is for sale and enjoy

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Chance Encounter

After walking around the neighborhood for a couple hours yesterday and taking some pictures. I went back to my room and watched shows and relax. While lying in my bed, a girl walked by my window who looked vaguely familiar. After we did a double look, I realized she was a super old friend of mine, named Jane Rosenthal. We talked and caught up and it was wonderful. She and her friend from Bard, Alexandira, are in town studying Spanish for a few weeks.

After catching up, we decided to go out. So we met up around 9ish to go a restaurant recommended to us. It's name was Des Nivel. It had really good steak which Argentina is known for. We talked over a bottle of red wine. Jane and I discussed a lot of our old classmates and Los Angeles and life. We then shared a liter of beer. Then we headed back to our hotel there. Once there, we hung out with two guys who work the night shift at the front desk of our hotel. We shared another bottle of wine but now between the five of us. We talked about various things and then went to the roof and talked more with one named Hugo. I might try to interview him because he sounds very interesting. After, we went back downstairs where Jane and I shared a bottle of beer. Then we headed out to a bar, with Hugo and another guest named Jeremy. It was fun. We all did a shot of tequila which was intense. It was a lot of fun though. After a while I headed back to my room and went to bed.

1/13/10 Day 3: I originally woke up this morning around 9 something but it was way to early to function so I went to bed for a few more hours. When I woke up this time, I tried to get online but no so luck(wifi is down in the hotel, so I am currently typing this at Starbucks). After showering and getting dressed, I chilled before seeing Jane and Alexandria. We headed out to lunch at a place called Bar 6. It was good. I had chicken, rice and vegetables made in a wok bowl. So good. After lunch, we headed out for a walk. We went to get money and me a phone. I did get a phone from Movistar but I am not sure if works currently because I never got a confirmation text that it was activated so I might go investigate tomorrow if I don't know. After, we went searching for the mausoleum where Eva Peron and others are buried. We eventually found it and wandered. Apparently there are 5000 people or something in the there. I didn't hear all what was being said. After spending like thirty or forty minutes there, we left and grabbed a beer. Then we got in a cab, despite some warnings, with a nice old driver who talked to us about a variety of things. Then we got back and I headed back out to get online to check somethings and talk to Abbey. Not sure the plans for tonight but you eventually hear about them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"All of the Sudden I Miss Everyone"

Day 1: 1/11/2010
After a late night of packing and what not, I had to wake up early because of my flight to Dallas leaving at 11:30. I stirred and tried to fight my alarm clocks but eventually walked up stairways in a zombieesque fashion. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and waiting on Skype to chat with Abbey. Eventually, she showed on schedule, fresh from her first day of class. While we chatted, I had to finish my packing which I did. Eventually we said our goodbyes but planned to Skype more before I leave for Chile, Peru and hopefully Bolivia.

After loading my bags into the car, my mom and I headed to the bank to deposit a check. Then we fought the pounding rain and got to the airport. I checked in and said my goodbyes to my mom. Security was a relative breeze considering all what is going on and what is being said. I walked around the terminal. During this I realized the first thing I didn't pack, a Flipcam. So I went to get one, only to find out there was an issue with my new debit card so I had to pay with another one. This was a scary and stressful moment. I called my bank to find out the issue. Apparently the airline I am flying to Peru was booked twice. So I called the airline and they demanded lots of information, including proof of the double purchase. This I could not do since I was minutes away boarding. I called my mother and explained what happened and everything needed and she took care of it (I am fairly certain). I don't understand why they couldn't do anything about it since they have the records right there. This was unneeded stress.

I boarded my flight but once I was aboard, I had a breakdown. The reality of the study abroad finally hit me. I started to fight tears that had been building up for years. I realized all who I will miss and I felt helpless. This will be a difficult journey but I must make it work because there is so much to look forward to on the other side. I must be strong. While on the flight, to distract my mind, I started reading The Audacity to Win by David Plouffe, Obama's campaign manager. At the rate I was reading, I thought I would finish by the time I arrived in Buenos Aires (this did not prove true). For lunch, I had a decent chedder and BBQ chicken sandwich and then wrote up to here.

After I finished righting all that, then I napped until final decent. In Dallas, I roamed around and tried to get online but no success. My mom called with an update on the situation (I think it is all good now). I walked around the airport looking at books (including L. Ron Hubbard's books) but didn't find anything that I felt like getting (I may regret that). I grabbed some food. I then heard the PA announce my flight was to board soon so I sent out my final goodbye texts and a welcome home to Abbey for when she gets back from London. After I got on my plane, I again was hit by study abroad and had a breakdown, so I put my nose in the book to distract me. I then worked on the customs forms and then wrote in my journal (which I am typing up now). The movie selection is pretty weak so I watched mostly repeats of shows I watch. I need to remember to download some movies or shows before I head back to the US. Then I tried to sleep.

Day 2: 1/12/2010
Last night, I struggled to fall asleep due to having a lot on my mind. So much change, so fast. But eventually I fell asleep (don't know for how long). I woke up but tired to go back to bed but no so luck. So I watched more show re runs before returning to my book. After a while, we hit a bumping patch going into the final descent so I kind of got a little sick feeling. We finally landed with me still feeling dizzy and shaky. I disembarked and headed into passport control. There I had to fork over $131 because apparently this is how much it costs Argentines to get a visa and so they want revenge. But I think now I won't have to pay again till 2020. I grabbed my bags and converted my money. I went through customs with no hassle at all. Then I got myself a taxi and paid in advance so I wouldn't get scammed. I noticed instantly a temperature change (I switched into shorts post shower). I got in my cab and headed into the city. It is huge. So many buildings and people. Eventually I got to my hotel. There I waited like 40 minutes before I got into my room and headed almost instantly into the shower. Then I relaxed for a bit. I plan to explore in a bit

Monday, January 11, 2010

The End of the Beginning

Today, I woke and relaxed a bit before having breakfast. Then I packed some before I had to go out and pick up some photos as well as buy some boxers. When I got back, I grabbed some lunch and watched the football games. I am rooting for the Cardinals because they are exciting especially Larry Fitzgerald. Then I worked on packing which took some time since I had numerous things to pack. But I worked at it slowly. I also got to have a Skype date with Ms. Abbey Dean which was pleasant as always. I helped her figure out things to do in London. My mom joined in for a bit. After Abbey went to bed, I went back to packing. This took most of the evening but I got it done eventually. I grabbed dinner, talked to my dad and watched a special on the Simpsons. I can almost say that the Simpsons and I are one in age. After, I watched Ridley Scott's American Gangster while I finished packing. I also had to fix a minor mix up with my flight to Peru but I got it done. Then I headed to bed for an long day in front of me.

Tomorrow (or I guess today) I leave the country for five months and ten days to be back June 21st. So weird. This is hard. For a person who is so used to leaving, the last two times I have left the country (including this one), are getting harder and harder. I have found a good fit here in the U.S after many doubts about it before. I have found wonder in the ways of friends who I love with all my life. I shall miss everyone who has touched me in a sincere way but I am excited for the adventure in front of me. I will miss Guilford and the life it has given me but I know I will be back in August. I will miss the laughters and smiles of all your faces but I will keep where no one can ever steal them away from me, in the heart. I shall see you all again soon. I know it. Know that I love you and you will be on my mind always.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Nothing is permanent, not even death."

I woke this morning and wrote my blog of the previous day's adventures. Today was full of packing, stressing, planning and relaxing. After breakfast, I read for a bit, because I am trying to finish this before I leave. Then I slowly put together a cd for a friend, with another one to make. Then I pulled out clothing I want to take with me on my travels, for both my time in various countries and once I am settled. Then I tried to book some flights and hostel. Between spending an afternoon and night in Santiago, Chile and flying into Lima, Peru the next day or getting into Lima at midnight, I chose the former for safety. So the current plan is I arrive in Buenos Aires the 12th and there till the 15th. I fly to Santiago on the 15th and stay in a hostel for the night. I then will have to get up early on the 16th and fly to Lima and will be there till the 19th. By then I will head to Cusco. Now to figure out how to get there. But I have a place to stay up to then so YAY! It did take some stress from the credit card company but I have it figured it out now.

After I packed some more, though there a few minor things I should get before. I then printed some pictures to put in a photo album to take with me. It so soon, I can't believe it. After this, we went out to see the last Heath Ledger movie, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. Being a Terry Gilliam movie, it was extremely trippy but I did enjoy it. I didn't know what to expect but it was pretty damn good. Tom Waits is quite good at being the Devil, and some notable actors step in a very sweet way. After we grabbed sushi at one of those places that has the conveyor belts. It was good and real cheap. Then came home, watched The Soup and then some of SNL but it sucked. So then I read and went to bed.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

This Boy Can Dream

Yesterday after waking up from a pleasant sleep, I got up and grabbed breakfast. Around midday, I headed into the city to see if I could find a cheap decent flash for my D-80. After getting some good advice from the people at the store, I know what I am looking for, an SB-600 or 800. Unfortunately could not find one cheaply, I have decided to try later, maybe even in Buenos Aires, where the exchange rate works in favor. I then proceeded around downtown to do some minor looks at stores. I considered getting black nice pants but I can do that down in BA. I also did a look in Borders for a book that I had some difficulty finding. I typed it into the search box with a result of "likely in store." I dashed over to the Metaphysical section, where I FOUND IT! Great Success. I had not found this but one store. Despite not getting other things I wanted, I got one thing I had been searching for without ordering it! I then headed home. There I had lunch, read and relaxed. I got to talk to Abbey and others via Skype.

My friend from Julia, who lives in Seattle as well, texted me and asked what I was up to for the night. I said no plans. So she told me to come to a friend's house where they were chilling. But first I went to my aunt and uncle's house. This turned into a hilarious episode where my grandparents wanted to go a Japanese restaurant, but the other adults knew it was bad but didn't want to the bubble. Eventually they let up and confessed that it sucked. So we decided to order Chinese food. While we waited, my cousin and I watched Jersey Shore. That show is ridiculous. Then we ate and chatted. After we all parted ways. I stopped at a market and grabbed a six pack to contribute. Eventually after getting a bit lost, including by accidentally turning into a cemetery, I found my way and showed up just in time to catch the tail end of Inglorious Bastards. Wonderful movie I must say. There, was my friend Julia, a Guilford student named Aaron who I have shared a class, there was Guilford alum, Dan Miller, who was my predecessor as Photo Editor for the Guilfordian as well as two of Julia's friends, Josh and Anna.

We then headed to a restaurant, where some people got food and others beer. Our waitress was convinced Anna looked like one of her good friends and tried to prove it to us via Facebook on a blackberry but it wouldn't work. It was a pretty hilarious episode considering it kept getting worse and worse. She pretty much dug herself six feet deep. Dan and Josh, who is also a photographer, and I talked camera stuff which was cool. I am def jealous of Dan's gear. From the restaurant, Anna and Dan left and Aaron, Josh and Julia and I went to Julia's house where we drank and watched Fired Up! This movie looked sooooooooooo stupid when I saw the trailer but we all could not stop laughing. It was a pleasant surprise. It was a lot of fun. Then I headed home where I went to bed.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Those are bad guys"

Today, I woke up at around 9ish where I hung out and started a new book, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. I had breakfast and chilled. Then around midday, my mom and I headed into the main part of Mercer Island to get pictures that she had printed of mine and frame them to put in her house. After we went to Walgreens to get stuff for my medicine kit for while I am abroad. Then I grabbed lunch with my grandfather. We both got B.L.T.A's and talked about travels and what to do and what to watch out for. It was a pleasant lunch.

After, I was able to quickly talk to Abbey for like 10-15 minutes which was nice. Then I headed into downtown Seattle. There I went to Halfprice Books where I sold a book for 3 bucks and bought one for a dollar more. Then I headed to REI, where my mom and I got more stuff for my travels. I was in desperate need for gas, and finding gas stations in downtown Seattle can be quite difficult. After finally reaching some success, I headed to the travel clinic for the second time in three days. There I got my yellow immunization book actually filled up and signed. After, I headed to try to find Glazers, a camera store but no real luck. I will go looking for it tomorrow or another one. Then I headed home where I have read, ate dinner and desert and watched the BCS Championship Game.

On an unrelated note: This Gilbert Arenas/Javaris Crittenton story gets crazier and crazier. I am really interested in seeing what actually unfolded.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Getting the ball rolling

Taken on with my Colorsplash Flash

So I woke up and read for a bit. Than grabbed some breakfast and read till I finished the book. It was really interesting to read about some of the history of the region I will be heading to soon. Granted, it was a heavily leftist view, but I am a pretty leftist person. Then I started a movies that I was interested in seeing in theaters but never got the chance. The movie is one called Moon starring Sam Rockwell and directed by David Bowie's son.

After this, my mom and I talked and I tried to get a reservation for a hotel in Buenos Aires and I have chosen one called Five Cool Rooms. It was not bad, for as my mom puts it, getting barrings. I also joined a club called South American Explorers Club that have lots of information on different places like arranging trips and transportation etc. They will also hopefully help me store my stuff but first I need to get confirmation from them. After this, I had to go the dentist to get my teeth cleaned which was not so fun. Flossing and blogging/journaling are apparently going to have to be my biggest hobbies this year. YAY! but not. Then I headed into the Columbia City where I knew of a used bookstore but it turns out that they had too many copies of the book I was trying to sell so they would not take it. This book is impossible to sell. So I headed home. There I chilled and talked to Abbey while she was in the country still (she is about to study in London!). I helped my mom with the pictures of mine that she purchased through my website. She ordered one big in canvas and two to be framed. I also got my crazy new color flash that works with most camera. I have only tried out three of the colors (It appears to be a slightly complicated process to change colors).

Eventually, we headed to my grandparents' house for dinner. We talked about my travels and whatnot since they had been to most of where I am planning to go. It was nice to have their perspective. After dinner and cake, we headed home where I have cleaned up the room I stay in and then watched some Modern Family (which is very funny, generally) and Cougartown (which is hit or miss). Then I watched a creepy French filmed called Martyrs. Then off to bed

Tomorrow's agenda is go into Seattle to try to resell this book, maybe go to REI to get some stuff, try to go Glazer's for camera gear and then go back to the travel clinic because they forgot to fill out my card

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Day of Band Aids

Today started off with my Remicade treatment. Got to the hospital in Bellevue where I chilled than met with doctor here where we talked about study abroad and socialized medicine and how it pretty much kicks ass. Then I during my two and a half hours of Remicade, I read a good portion of my book, probably will finish tomorrow morning before my dentist appointment (UGH). Afterwards, I went to drop my prescription and film. Than grabbed lunch before I left for the travel clinic. There I learned a lot about the places I am going and what to watch out for. It shall be interesting. I have to stay clear of the jungle so I don't get yellow fever. I ended up getting 6 shots, three per arm which sucked but they only lasted for like 5 minutes.

After I got back, I went bowling where I pretty decent considering my arms were stiff from the shots. After three games, I went home only to get texted by my cousin Hank. We met up at his house and him, his sister, Ellis and I went to a restaurant/bar where Hank's friends met us. It was really chill. Ellis, who is going Brazil, and I talked about our respected trips. Then we all met this older couple from North Carolina. The man is a big basketball person who coached Stephen Curry and some others. Pretty cool. Even cooler is that the guy, Joe Frazier, went to Greensboro College. So we talked Guilford basketball. Such a small world. We all talked for like 30-45 minutes and he and his wife bought us all a round of whatever. It was really chill. Then I had a Skype date. Then bed.

Monday, January 4, 2010

"Beside the ashes of the fire"

Today, was the first step in getting ready for my time away. I talked to a girl who seemed pretty chill. She goes down earlier than when I start because she didn't want to sit around for a month. Which is reasonable. After this, my mom and I worked magic and started to figure out health things like my pills and Remicade treatments. After lunch, my mom and I went to the bank to set up an account for me to get money. After I failed to get photos from my new Holga. I am in the process of getting a roll shot and processed. Then I talked to Hallie for a bit. Then I tried to fetch Nicky but I had to wait so I listened to ESPN radio. After getting back I read most, and later finished, my book, Angler, by Barton Gellman. It was real interesting. Now to read the controversial book, Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano. It looks real interested and I am excited to read it. Later after dinner and a good game of Jeopardy, I watched Heroes, one of many shows I will not see live for sometime. Then I skyped with Abbey and imed with my friend Rachel. A pretty relaxing night considering I have my Remicade treatment in the morning and getting shots in the afternoon.
Wish me luck.
Now some soothing music

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beginning of the Beginning

I am slowly getting my stuff ready for my study abroad. This is so weird that it is coming so soon. I am preparing a budget, organizing dates, and getting my gap between January 11th and February 26th. If you got suggestions, let me know.

Another book down

Today, I started and finished Bruce Chatwin's In Patagonia. It was interesting as I prepare to embark my journey to South America. I leave LA tomorrow, or I guess today, to go back to cold Seattle for a week. Trying to figure out my 6 weeks. I am thinking 3-4 days in most destinations.
So tentative schedule.
Buenos Aires: January 11th-15th
Lima: January 15th-19th
Cusco: January 19th-22nd
Macho Picchu: January 22nd
Cusco: January 23rd
Puno: January 23rd-24th
Crossing Lake Titicaca: January 25th-26th
Getting to La Paz: 26th-27th
La Paz: 27th-30th.
Figuring out the rests and costs.
Wish me luck

Friday, January 1, 2010

Broken Flash Drive

Today was rather uneventful.
I slept into around 11, which is late for me. After watching some of the bowl games, I went to my brother's track practice. There I finished off the book I was reading, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. It was a good book. Really sad for the vast majority but the ending was sweet. After getting back, I had to clean up because a former babysitter and her family came to visit. It was nice seeing her again. Afterward, I realized my flash drive, containing some of the original files of photos I have taken here, broke in a way I couldn't get my files off. This was majorly frustrating. After watching part of the Sugar Bowl, my brother and dad and I went out to rent a movie. We chose District 9, a real good movie and commentary on humanity, and grabbed food from Baja Fresh. After watching the movie, I pretty much downloaded all my jpeg files from Flickr, so it was better than nothing.
Pretty meh day.

Twenty Ten - Starting Again A Year Later

Being that this New Years, I shall announce my resolution here.
I will either blog or write or both every day of this year of 2010 (no matter if you call it twenty ten or two thousand ten). Because of my planned travels, I will not be able to blog for periods on end. I will write in my journal, but I plan to write in my journal even when I can a blog. I am slowly preparing myself for my time abroad. It is slowly hitting me.
Anywho, this is only the beginning. I hope to be still at this in 365 days from now.
Good luck to all and Happy New Years.