Sunday, January 24, 2010

Waking up to Fireworks

Day 14 (1-24-10)
After a much needed sleep, I was awoken to the sound of fireworks. First of all, why are there fireworks going off at like 9 something in the morning. Second, today is a really cloudy day and hard to see much. I got up and checked people´s responses to my epic journey yesterday. I checked the Peru Rail website to see when their office was opened till so I could figure out my plans. I saw that it was open till 12. When I looked at the time it was 9:30. I quickly showered and all that jazz and left my hostel. Grabbed a cab and headed off to the office.

It was a mad house with many people complaining about what happened. I ran into people who I had met on the train. We talked about our various plans. An Argentine couple from our train, who served as translators, helped me, anAmerican girl named Sophie and a couple from Vancouver cut and get bumped up in line. The Argentine and Canadian couples asked for their money back because they couldn´t do it any other time. Sophie and I decided to go Wednesday. We got our money and bought new tickets. We have to take a cab to where we got on the second train yesterday because the full rail is shut down. So I hope Wednesday works.

After we got that all figured out, then we started to walk to the main square. Along the way, we stopped at this place that Sophie volunteered at, to found out where to get the cab on Wednesday. I asked about their volunteer program, it seemed pretty good but costed almost $800 for two weeks and I think the other one that I was waiting on was cheaper. We then parted ways to meet up on Wednesday. I then went back to my hostel. I was able to briefly talk to Abbey which was nice so we could catch up on each other´s Saturdays. She got to go to Bath and have a Jane Austen full day. I am happy for her.

I then went to get lunch. I went to check if Martha and Danielle were at their hotel but no they had left for Puno. So I decided to treat myself after a stressful day yesterday. I went to a resturant called Jack´s Cafe. It serves breakfast all day. I got scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage. It was quite yummy. Then I went back to my hostel to relax for a bit. I then grabbed some dirty clothes and took to a place to get them washed and dryed. I relaxed for a bit more.

I then went to Skype with my mom since it is her birthday. It was nice to talk to her. I also got an email from the other volunteer program that they will be expecting me in the morning. Woohoo. I was then able to Skype with Abbey. It started to thunder and lightening here. It sucked because it looked like it was going to be a nice day. I won´t miss this weather in a few weeks. I ran back to my hostel. I relaxed for a bit before running to my clothes. Since then I have ate some stuff and packing my bags to leave the hostel in the morning. I am hoping for a good night sleep but we shall see.

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