Friday, January 29, 2010

The big show

Me and the Big Head
Day 19 (1-29-10)

I woke up and was kind out of it. This was most evident by the fact that the first thing I did was trying to go the bathroom and smacked my head in the doorway. I keep doing that and I am probably going to end up with a major bump on the top of my head. I asked if I could stay a week longer so I am. I then booked flights to Buenos Aires on 13th. There I will stay in the same hotel till the 15th. Then I am probably going to go a hostel till I don´t know when.

I talked to Abbey for a bit before getting lunch. I headed to the big market. They have many people trying to get you to come get food from them. I found one I liked. I ordered lomo saltado and wrote. It was really good. I then headed back to the hostel and hung out. I eventually walked back to the school with my big head in hand.

Today was pretty easy. For the first part I mostly hung out and watched the children play. Then because today was the day of the show, there was no circle time. We had to practice our dance moves. With some minor difficulties, we finally got the kids to practice. Then we headed to the show. I was amazed by some of the information that the children knew for example that Buddha´s real name is Siddartha. I def did not know that when I was their age. Yuri has done an impressive job with this kids.

My "family" was the second to last group to go. Up to the last minute, my group struggled to focus. But when it came time for the performance, they did a pretty good job. I was pleasantly surprised. Yuri called out Justin, Melisa and I for not partcipating so we had to do it just us three. I have both on video that I will post sometime.

After all the performances, the children said their goodbyes to those who are not rerturning. It was sweet to see all the affection the kids had for them. Then all the volunteers for next week had a meeting. This meeting lasted two hours because of discussion. We discussed everything possible, it seemed like at least, related to the project even cocaine and other random things. We finished at 9:30ish. While we were in the meeting, it apparently hailed.

A bunch of us went to the neighboring pizza place because we were really hungry and it was raining. It was a lot of fun. We talked about all ings of things from tv shows to travels etc. Eventually we paid the bill and went back into the hostel. While I waited for the computer, I watched clips from Baraka. It is an amazing movie. I instantly added it to my Amazon wishlist. I didn´t have much time on the computer because they kick us off at 11:30ish. I got off and read and wrote.

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