Monday, May 31, 2010

Colombian Drug Dealing Model

I woke up and grabbed breakfast. I worked a bit on my homework and uploaded photos. I also dropped off laundry (maybe the last load before I leave). I then grabbed lunch and ate with friends. I then headed to school. At school, I talked to friends while waiting for class to begin. In history, we talked about our papers due next week, I am doing one about the School of Americas, as well as our final that is going to be less intense than our not so difficult final. We then watched a documentary about the failure that was the Falklands war.

I hung out with some of my program heads and friends. We talked about various things including my cuts (ps, I am slightly afraid of the buses now or at least really hesitant about getting off). In Spanish, we talked about another future tense as well as the subjunctive, my mortal enemy. I had my presentation about a newspaper article. I chose an article about this 30 year old Colombian model who got arrested here for being a head of a narcotics trade. Its been one of the big stories recently.

After school, I headed home, where I tried to upload photos and talked to friends. I had dinner and chilled and read for class.

Tomorrow's plan: Class, lunch, going to a cafe to work on a paper/upload photos, dinner, then a friend's birthday party.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rainy Days and Taking Photos

So I woke up to rain, which was very sad. I wanted to go out and see things since I only have three weeks left but the rain hindered these plans. Chelsey and I decided to get food. We ate at a delicious vegetarian restaurant near our residence. We walked around and got cupcakes. I had a red velvet one and a standard one. They were delicious. After, we went into a store. I bought a shirt. We then headed home. I tried to upload photos but it is taking forever because of the internet speed.

I hung out with people. I ate random food leftovers from friends, including an Ecuadorian dish and some nachos. I chilled with friends for a bit. Then I got showered and changed. I went and met up with my NYU friends. We then headed to a club. It was a really fun night

I woke up. I showered and got dressed. Chelsey and I headed out. We went to La Boca to take photos. That is the neighborhood with the various colored buildings. We took photo and looked around. I had a delicious choripan for lunch. After, we headed to the bookstore that I went to earlier in the semester. I took photos and bought Chronicle of a Death Foretold but in Spanish to practice. I am excited. We headed home, where I have been eating food, and hanging with friends and trying to upload photos.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Falling off the Bus

After going out for a friend's last night in Buenos Aires, I had to wake up unfortunately for class due to a make up to the holidays earlier in the wake. In class, we talked about post populism in South America. We also talked about our final paper, which I need to chose a country to write about, as well as the final exam. I then headed home. I ran into a friend on the bus who I hadn't seen in almost two weeks or so. We caught up.

I got off the bus, just a bit too early before it had stopped completely which you are recommended to do because they don't always stop. I had done this before. But today was slightly different. My legs couldn't handled it, and I fell straight down. I looked up, and no one tried to help me (lucky I didn't hit my head), but I saw my friend's face on the bus, she looked a bit worried. As I headed home, I noticed I had two cuts on my arm and on my hip.

I headed home. There, I grabbed lunch. After, I cleaned my wounds. I napped since I had a less than productive night of sleep. It was wonderful. I tried uploading photos after. Its taking forever due to the terrible internet connection. I hung out and then went to dinner. I talked to friends there and ate. I hung out and chatted with friends after dinner, and then Chelsey and I went out for a bit.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I got up for breakfast this morning. I ate some food and then got ready for class. I headed to school and printed my paper that I wrote last week. I then headed to class. We talked about Jorge Luis Borges among other topics. I headed home after school. I ate lunch, and uploaded photos. I napped for part of the afternoon. A pretty simple day. Unfortunately I have class tomorrow which I am not too excited for especially since it is a morning class. I also have to come up with topics for various papers that I have. Hmm...

My photos are slowly getting uploaded. I will let you know when they are all up.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Parade/Editing Photos

5-25-10 continued
I hung out for a bit. Then Andrea, Chelsey and I headed into the madness that was downtown. We got off at Nueve de Julio. We walked around. I bought an Argentine flag. We met up with friends and walked around. We sat in Starbucks and kind of relaxed from the insanity of the big day. We finally headed into Plaza de Mayo for the parade. After like 20 min, not much was happening so some people headed back, leaving Tracey and I there. We watched it for like 30 minutes or so. It was really disorganized in a very comical way. I got video. I will put all my videos up when I get back stateside since the internet is bad and I can also edit them. We then headed home.

I relaxed and edited photos till bed.

I woke up and edited more photos. I then ready for school and ate lunch with friends. I went to class. My economics class was alright. Next week is our last class class which is really weird to think about. So much left but so little time. In Spanish, we went over imperatives. It was good to review it since I haven't learned that in like 3 or 4 years. I headed. I chilled for a bit and edited photos. I got money from the bank. I ate dinner with friends. We caught up on things.

I started the process of uploading photos, we shall see how long it takes. I went to Starbucks for a hot drink with Chelsey since it is starting to get cold here. No me gusta. Then I hung out and talked to friends.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Having an elephant as a roommate.

I woke up after a hard night sleep, due to one of my roommates, whose spirit animal must be an elephant based on the way he snored. I showered and packed my bags. Then I stored them, while I headed out. I walked around Tucuman a bit. Near my hostel, was a former detention center from the "Dirty War." It was interesting to see from the outside. There was a memorial for those who were imprisoned it. I continued just exploring. I grabbed lunch.

Eventually, I headed back and grabbed my bags and headed to the bus station. There was some bird exhibition happening at the mall that was attached to the station. I watched some of the exhibition game between Argentina and Canada. I then boarded my bus. There, I finished the Isabel Allende book and read a whole Michael Crichton book that I liked. I slept most of the rest of the time and listened to music

After getting my stuff, I have come back to the residencia. I unpacked, and said hi to friends and separated my photos into their files. Today, I am not sure what I will be doing minus celebrating the big day with the rest of the city.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Change of Plans isn´t always Bad

I woke up after a very cold night and had breakfast. I bet you can guess what I had. I then showered and got my bag packed. I took a cab to the bus terminal. I decided to try to go back to Buenos Aires in time for the bicentennial celebrations. I bought a ticket to Tucuman with the hope that I could move up my ticket that is suppose to leave Wednesday. After waiting for my bus, we departed. I read more of my Isabel Allende book and listened to music while on the road.

Like most things in Argentina, nothing is on time. Had my first bus been on time, there is a chance I could have made the bus back to Buenos Aires today, but nope. But the positive thing is that I won´t lose money on the ticket and can leave tomorrow getting me back Tuesday morning in time for whatever Argentina has in store for Tuesday night. I figured that I have seen a lot on this trip, and plan to come back to see more. But how more chances will have to experience something like this. No regrets.

I am now in a hostel for the night.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

On the Road

I woke up and grabbed breakfast. Again, it consisted of tea and toast. I then packed my bags up and headed out the door. Luckily, I headed out when I did, because my bus was pulling out when I showed up but I was able to get on. The ride to Humahuaca was a pretty one but I barely made it to my second bus. I actually didn´t but made one that left right after. This bus ride was somewhat stressful because it often was driving near the cliffs. But I survived. After 2.5 hours or so, I got to Iruya. It was a pretty hillside town. I took some pictures and ate llama milnesia for lunch. I then walked around and took some photos, including some of condors.

I then got back on the bus to head back. Besides the stress of driving along the edges, I gave myself a minor panic attack worrying that my bags, especially the one with my passport and wallet would fall off and be loss. When we reached a pit stop, I checked and it was fine. I moved that bag down with me. When we got off the dirt road and headed back to the paved road, we got a flat so it took like 10 minutes or so to fix.We eventually got back to Humahuaca. There I made my decision about where next to go. I chose Jujuy because it was close and easy to get to Cachi, my plan destination for tomorrow. I waited for a bit for my bus. Then I got on. I pretty much listened to music the whole way. I have arrived to Jujuy. We shall about me trying to get to Cachi.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hiking in the Desert/A Spot of Bad Luck

Since the post earlier today, I walked around and bought bus tickets for tomorrow. I then walked around and headed to a place called Pancara. This is an ancient ruins a little outside the city of Tilcara. It was pratically stone buildings and cacti all over the place but still beautiful. I took some self portaits, and then had a couple take a photo of me. I then headed down.

I then headed to Garganta del Diablo. It turned out to be a 5 or 6 km hike. I was not prepared for this. But somehow found the strength to push on, despite minimal food and water in my body. It was one of the hardest ones I have had to do because of the beating sun which I had also not expected. I finally reached the entrance. I filled up my water bottle. I checked it out. Then I headed back up to the entrance. I rested and tried to get the energy to walk back down. Luckily, I met saviors in the form of a Porteño couple who drove me down. They were really nice. We talked (in Spanish of course) about random stuff.

After, I headed toward my hostel when I stumbled upon a show by the school children for the 200th anniversery of the country. It was cute. I then hung out at the hostel. I discovered I had lost one of my debit cards. I searched all over my bags but no such luck. Somewhere between Wednesday and today, it has vanished into the abyss. Luckily I have the other. I hung out and talked to the other guests before having dinner with some of the people who run the hostel. Soon I plan to sleep, who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Salta at Night/12 Hours in the Desert/Pumamarca

5-19-10 continued.
Since my last post, I took a gondola up the mountain that looks over Salta. I was scared the whole way up but survived and it was beautiful. I took pictures from up there. Then walked the 1073 steps down and walked back to my hostel. I rested for a bit. Then I went around the main places in Salta and took night photos. I then back to my hostel for a bit. Then I headed to the other affiliated hostel for a free BBQ. There I met up with my friend Lisa from my program, and met a friend of hers from her stay in Salta. Turns out her friend is from LA and went to Marlborough and graduated with my friends from there. Small world yet again. I ate delicious food and had wonderful convos. Then I headed back to my hostel to go to bed for my early morning.

After a bad night of sleep, I finally got up at 6:25. I got my stuff together and headed to breakfast. I ate and waited to be picked up. Finally, the van came and I got in. I was with 2 Basques, 2 Australians, 5 Argentines and 1 Brit. We headed out. Our first stop was in a place called Campo Quijano. There we saw a train that used to be part of the train of the clouds. Then we headed out again. I fell asleep for a bit. I woke up when we heading out to see some of the bridges and tracks of the train of the clouds. We got a history lesson on it while we drove out. After some photos, we headed back onto the road. We stopped to take pictures of the beautiful rocks and then stopped in a small town called Santa Rosa de Tastil. There were people selling things. I wandered around and took photos. We then hit the road again, with a stop at a place called Abra Blanca which is 4080 meters above sea level.

We stopped for lunch in a town called San Antonio de Los Corbes. It was a cute little town. I ate llama and rice. It was really good and would eat it again. I took some photos around the town especially of a cute little kid. Then we headed back on the bus. It was like a two hour ride to the Salinas Grandes (salt flats) so I slept most of the way. We arrived. I saw two girls i knew from University of Belgrano so we hung out and took photos. I wandered around and took more. It was beautiful. Eventually, I got back in the van and we headed out. We were now heading to Purmamarca. We stopped at a point called Altos del Morado, which is 4170 meters above sea level. We stopped once more to take photos of the beautiful rocks.

We finally reached Purmamarca, where I grabbed my stuff and wandered the roads. I eventually found a hostel. I dropped my bags. I wandered the small town. They had a market in the center which I checked out. I then followed a road and ended up walking around Los Cerros de Siete Colores (the rocks of seven colors). It was so beautiful. I want to come back here one day. I ran into the Australians, Basques and two girls I saw at the Salt Flats. I took many photos.

I headed back to my hostel. There I showered for the first time since Tuesday. I then walked the town and got dinner. At my hostel, they had a show, which I took some photos and video. I then got ready for bed and slept for the greater part of 10 hours. It was amazing.

I woke up and grabbed breakfast (tea and toast). I then packed my bags and walked around until the bus came to Tilcara. After a 45 minute ride. I have now arrived in Tilcara. A plan is possibly formulating for the rest of the trip. But we shall see. I will be wandering the streets and the mountains of the beautiful area. It is amazing how pretty it is.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

22 Hours, 4 movies, but happiness about being here

I woke up and quickly got ready. I headed out the door when I realized I forgot my ID. I then hurried to school. At school, I did some studying with friends. My professor was there but my History teacher played sub. We took the exam. I then headed home on the bus, where I saw soldiers doing drills. At home, I packed and grabbed lunch. I made sure everything was in order. I then headed out the door.

I got the bus station where I relaxed for a bit until I saw my bus was ready. I boarded it but few people joined. I figured more would come on the 20 hour ride. I napped for a little bit. Then I awoke in time to watch the Blind Side. The subtitles were major fails, they seemed to by ear instead of reading the script. For example, instead of Clemson, they put California. After the movie, I read until they put on the Proposal. This time the subtitles seemed to be more commentary with few scenes with subtitles in Spanish. We periodically would stop and pick people up. They put on the Boy with Striped Pajamas. Depressing movie. They need to realize what they are putting on there. Then I went to bed.

After a rough night of sleep, I woke up around 9:30. They put on Seven Pounds in Spanish. I read and finished my book so I have now moved onto an Isabel Allende book. After a few hours more, we finally got to Salta. I took a cab to my hostel and checked in. After, I grabbed two superpanchos (hot dogs) and ate them since I was super hungry. Then I walked around the main part of the city for a bit. I saw a travel place and booked the next leg of this trip. Tomorrow, I am going to the Salt Flats, some towns and going to end up in Pumamarca. After that, I only have possibilities. I have to be in Tucuman by next Wednesday. Between tomorrow and then, I have no idea where I will be until the day before. But that is part of this trip to go with it. I have possibilities but no definites. I will post when possible.

Con Amor y Paz,

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dirty War and Chocolate Cupcake

I woke up and studied a bit more but not much. I packed some but had to drop off laundry. I then had lunch and talked a friend who just got back from Salta and Bolivia. I then headed to school. In History, we watched a very emotional documentary about the people who disappeared during the "Dirty War." I knew it was a very tragic thing but I had no idea what exactly had occurred until I saw this movie and the fact that my teacher was in tears after it. It was a real eye opener.

In Spanish, we went over the homework and had some presentations. After class, I talked to friends before heading home. On the way home, I bought myself a cupcake for later. I studied and wrote a paper about Evita for my literature class since I won't be able to write it in class on Thursday. I then talked to Abbey before picking up my laundry and packing some more. I then had dinner and packed some more. I then finished my paper and studied some more. I may or may not write a short entry before I leave tomorrow but if I don't. I will try to show some proof of my travels while I am about on here if possible, since I don't know the internet connection.

But here are some of many words that I will be carrying with me on my travels

“To the desert go prophets and hermits; through deserts go pilgrims and exiles. Here the leaders of the great religions have sought the therapeutic and spiritual values of retreat, not to escape but to find reality.” - Paul Shepard

“See the world as your self.
Have faith in the way things are.
Love the world as your self;
then you can care for all things.” – Chapter 13 of the Tao Te Ching

"who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?" – Hunter S Thompson

"A man could be a lover and defender of the wilderness without ever in his lifetime leaving the boundaries of asphalt, powerlines, and right-angled surfaces. We need wilderness whether or not we ever set foot in it. We need a refuge even though we may never need to set foot in it. We need the possibility of escape as surely as we need hope; without it the life of the cities would drive all men into crime or drugs or psychoanalysis." – Edward Abbey

"I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move."— Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Un Ratito doesn't mean an Hour and a Half...

I woke up at 7ish and headed out the hospital. I took a cab because I was too tired to walk. Upon my arrival, I checked in and was told to wait a "ratito" (a second basically). But a second here is so much longer. In this case, it was an hour and half. I would start to nod off occasionally and catch myself. My doctor swung by and tried to hurry things along. I finally got permission to go up and get the remicade.

I then headed upstairs where I was to get it. I met another doctor who would be helping me. I then was told that I could move into a room. I ended up getting a bed that usually would seem for a stay in patient. I didn't complained since I figured it allow me to get much needed sleep. I waited for a while and also filled out some forms. I then nodded off a bit while they got it all prepared. I then got the pre stuff and after a while, I waited for the real stuff. It took a while so I just told them that I am going to sleep and they can change it. I put on Cat Power and fell asleep. I spent the better part of the next three hours or so asleep. It was wonderful. I then woke up and watch the final bit drag on. I talked to my doctor and left the hospital. After, I grabbed some much needed food and headed home. I relaxed most of the afternoon and slept some more. I then hung out till dinner. I ate with friends. We made some potential plans. I hung with friends and then some of us went out to a place. Then I headed to bed.

I woke up and talked to friends for a bit. Then I met up with my friend Matt from Brentwood. We got lunch and talked. He told me that one of our classmates is also studying abroad here. After lunch, we walked around. I tried to get a prescription filled but they said I needed a prescription, one which I had until I realized it got thrown out by accident. We walked around a bit more. On the way, we ran into the classmate of ours that we had just been discussing. SMALL WORLD. It was nice to talk to her and we are planning to hang out sometime. Then I walked home and said bye to Matt. After, I tried to find other pharmacies to get it filled. One sent me to another which sent me to another one. I decided to wait till Sunday since it was annoying going further and further away to find this medicine. I will not miss this. I then headed home.

At home, I watched the Al Pacino classic "Dog Day Afternoon." It was instant love in my mind. A great movie, great performances by the leads. After, I went searching for food and then chatted with friends. I then discussed the plans for the night with friends. We got all dressed up and were planning to go to a nice club. Then Andrea and Chelsey and I headed to Andrea's friend's apartment. There we hung out with Argentines and chilled before heading to the the club. At the club, we met up with our NYU friends. We danced and had good times, in the various rooms playing different kind of music. We were there for a good while. Eventually, got tired and tried for a while to get a cab in the cold. I had not expected such a cold here. I didn't pack for it. Un disatre. Eventually, we got home and I slept

I woke up. I then uploaded photos from last night. Then I headed out to the pharmacy I was recommended. I was able to get my medicine finally!! Then I grabbed lunch and headed home. At home, I skyped with my mom and brother which was nice. I then studied for my upcoming exam. I eventually went to dinner with three NYU friends, Lilly from Oakland, Desiree (a different one than the one I have mentioned before) who is from near Seattle, and Natty from Portland Maine. After, I have studied, done Spanish homework and about to catch up in my journal.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

An afternoon at Alto Palermo

I woke up and grabbed breakfast. I then got ready and headed to class. When I got school, I placed an order for the newest book I have to read for class. I was worried I was going to be late for class, since we had a three hour class. But when I showed up, my peers were waiting. Turns out the teacher didn't show, so I could have got more sleep.

After an hour of waiting and talking to friends, we finally started class. In class we discussed the latest book, Santa Evita. I am not sure how I feel about the book. After, I picked up the book and headed home. I ate lunch and relaxed for a bit. Then I headed out.

I got to the mall where I was told I could buy my bus tickets. I searched for a while. Finally when I asked, they sent me to the basement where I could buy my tickets. I finally did. I am leaving Tuesday at 2:30 and coming back the following Thursday at 9 in the morning. I am really excited. I then headed home. I dropped my stuff and headed back out to the mall to meet some friends. We saw Robin Hood. It was pretty good, not amazing like Gladiator but entertaining. It set up a possible sequel and I hope they have one. I then headed home.

At home, I had dinner, then watched the Cavs lose to the Celtics before bed. Tomorrow I get my Remicade treatment.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Club Sandwhich and Economics

After reaching some success and waking up for breakfast, I did my Spanish homework. After which, I read for a bit. Then I got ready for the day and headed out. My friend Desiree and I grabbed lunch and caught up on our lives. It was quite nice. Then we headed to class.

In my economics class, it was more talking about how Latin America is so far behind the rest of the world (minus Africa). I will not miss this class for sure. In Spanish, we reviewed some of the stuff from Monday as well as talked about the conditional.

After, I headed home to nap for a little while and caught up in my journal. Then I hung with people before dinner. After food, I pretty much chilled. Have another long class tomorrow, then planning to have lunch, buy my tickets to Salta and back. Then no idea.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sports Challenge

I woke up and got ready for the day. Then I headed to class. In class, we discussed our midterm for next week, as well as other topics relating to the class. After, I went and talked to my adviser about the attendance problem. Turns out because my class changed buildings that they haven't completely fix the attendance thing so it says I haven't been going to class in the right building but it should be fixed soon.

After, Mark and I went upstairs and talked to people about travel plans with people. I then headed home. I ate lunch. I took a brief nap before talking to Abbey and then my mom. After, I hung out and read and talked to friends before having dinner. After dinner, I talked to some friends and tried to work on an apartment rental apartment. I then played a game with Joe and Catherine about who can name the most MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL teams in 30 minutes. I won with getting all 30 baseball teams, 32 football teams, 29 basketball teams (forgot the Memphis Grizzlies) and 26 out of the 30 NHL teams. I was rather impressed by the amount of NHL teams I got. I then got read for bed.

All my photos from Sunday can be found here.

Some of my favs are the top

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jackhammer Alarm Clock and Bogus Attendance

I missed breakfast to enjoy sleep but this was short lived due to a jackhammer outside pounding away at the sidewalk. I got up, and showered. I then studied for my history exam. I knew most of the material. I eventually got ready and headed to lunch. After a quick bite to eat, I headed to school. There I met up with some of my classmates and studied before taking my exam. I think I did well but I don't know based on the point scheme.

After, I chilled since I had a thirty minute gap between classes. I then headed to Spanish where we learned a new tense and talked about the Barajas bombing in December 2006. After class, I headed home. At home, I almost napped but didn't. My friend Chelsey came in and complained about some problem with the attendance policy. Here you swipe your student card. When I checked my attendance for my classes, I was doing fine except for one that is at 18% which is bogus. I plan to eat with my adviser about it tomorrow because it is a lie. So frustrating. I will not miss this system at ALL. After, I chilled before going to get a bite to eat. Then Chelsey and I headed to our friend Mark's homestay for his birthday. His host mom made all the guests delicious food, and a delicious cake dulce de leche frosting. We talked and played games before I headed home.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Delicious Mexican Food...Cupcakes...Ferrias...Peronism

I woke up for breakfast and grabbed my friends Chelsey and Joe. We headed to the immigrations office. There we met up with the most of group and waited for our times to get the visas. We talked travels and other stuff. I am finally got my visa and now an Argentine citizen for the time being. Such a nice feeling. I then headed home and ate lunch. I relaxed and ended up taking a two and a half hour nap, fueled by the singing of Cat Power. When I woke up, I relaxed for a bit before getting dinner. After dinner, I hung out before going to a friend's apartment. It was fun before I got tired and went to bed.

I woke up and relaxed for a bit. It was my friend Joe's birthday. We went out to get Mexican food for lunch and then a bakery for treats. I relaxed for most of the day which was nice. I studied for a bit for my history exam. I grabbed dinner and talked to friends. It was a very nice and peaceful Saturday.

I woke up and got ready. I then headed out with people from the residencia. We met up with fellow CEAers and headed to a feria, an hour or so outside the main part of the city. There were lots of vendors and live music. It was interesting. I had delicious food and look at what different people were offering. Then I met up with the group and we went into a very strange museum. It depicted how to best make various meat dishes as well as stuff about the Guacho lifestyle and more. Very random. A lot of us were unsure what to think.

After, Chelsey and I walked around for a while trying to find the bus home. After a long time, we found it. We talked with other friends of ours on the bus. At home, I studied and skyped my dad. I got food and studied some more. I think I will do alright. I am just trying to predict the possible questions my teacher can ask.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Seven Madmen & Evita

5-5-10 cont.
So I went to a Cinco de Mayo party where I ate delicious tacos and made new friends, including two Porteños, and a guy from New Delhi. They were really cool and I enjoyed their company. Then I danced with friends before heading to bed.

Unfortunately, to make up for a lost class, my literature class is splitting it over two classes so I had class from 10 to 1. It was hard to get up for it but I did. I got to class, where only half of mine or so showed up. The first hour was occupied with writing an in class essay about the Seven Madmen. After, we watched a documentary about Evita, since our next book is about her. After I got my passport photo taken for the visa process happening tomorrow. I then had lunch and relaxed for most of the afternoon. I took care of more things needed for the visa process as well as cleaned up my stuff a bit. I had dinner with friends where we talked about trips with the woman who cooks our food, who made fun of some of the programs for some of the trips to boring places like Rosario. It was pretty funny.

Tomorrow, should be getting my student visa.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

I woke up and grabbed breakfast. I studied most of the morning before I had lunch. I then took the bus and talked to friends. I then asked one of my program heads about taking the train here. I think I have the possibility of saving money if I do the 9 day trip, by taking the train where it would take 26 hours instead of 20 hours, but save maybe lots of money and I have done longer on a train so I wouldn't mind. Then I headed to class.

In economics class, we talked about the European crisis and its affect on Latin America. My teacher was extremely non-PC today. Among his things, he said that Bernie Madoff is a saint compared to some Argentine people. It was pretty insane. After class, I and others headed to our Spanish class for our exam. For me, I think it went well. I mean we shall see. I then headed home. I relaxed and talked to friends. I watched Lost and had dinner.

Tonight's plan, go out and eat Mexican food with friends for Cinco de Mayo, the American holiday.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Still Debating...

Originally uploaded by death by water
I woke up after a bad night of sleep. I barely made it in time for class. My professor wasn't there but my history teacher was. She talked about various topics. After, I hung out and I talked to my friend Mark, from Westchester MA. We talked our classes, our Spanish exam and travels. Other friends soon joined us. I grabbed some food and talked.

I eventually headed home. There I studied for my Spanish exam. I am not too worried about. Just have to get some grammatical stuff done. In my study breaks, I talked to people and editing some photos for the fun of it. I studied pretty much until dinner. I ate and chatted with people. I talked to Abbey and relaxed most of the evening.

Still debating the length of my trip to Salta.
This picture is from my friend's trip there. She has given me her itinerary and I would base mine off hers because her trip sounded and looked amazing.

Monday, May 3, 2010

More time in Salta or Bicentennial Celebrations???

I woke up and went to breakfast. After, I was so tired that I went back to bed for a bit. I woke up and looked over some Spanish stuff as while my friend, who went to Salta a few weeks ago, itinerary. I then grabbed some lunch before heading to class. In history class, we talked about Cuba, Peron and more as well as our midterm. After class got out, I talked to Pamela about what could be happening on May 25th, the bicentennial but the Argentine government hasn't decided yet. Only in Argentina. I asked her about this because I am debating if I should stay in Salta longer. Here are the two options.

Plan A: Leave the 18th, get there the 19th and stay in the area till the 23rd and come back the 24th. Only miss three classes but also see a lot less of the area.

Plan B: Leave the 18th, get there the 19th and stay in the area till the 27rd and come back the 28th. Miss 6 classes but also see a lot more of the area.

So I am now trying to figure what to do. I eventually went to Spanish class. We talked about our midterm that is on Wednesday (Cinco de Mayo). After class, I replaced my broken headphones before coming home and studying for a bit for Spanish. I then talked to Abbey for a bit before dinner. After dinner, I studied some more before I headed to a goodnight sleep. I hope...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lazy Sunday

5-1-10 continued
The plan ended up meeting up with NYU people, for third day in a row. We all went out to a club. It was ubercrowded but fun. I met some new NYU people who are real cool. We talked downstairs, and then we danced. After a while, there were just three of us. We made the best of it and danced until it closed. We grabbed some breakfast before one got in a cab and went home. I walked the other one home and then headed home myself.

After lots of sleep, I woke up and did some homework. I grabbed some lunch. I took a pause in between homework and watched "Lost in Translation." I then finished my homework and talked to Abbey. Eventually, some of my friends and I went out to dinner. After, I relaxed and wrote in my journal and talked to friends.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

2 Goodbyes and 1 Hello Again

I enjoyed a heavy sleep. I relaxed most of the morning. I talked some friends. Two of which left today, due to them just taking Spanish classes. I grabbed lunch and talked to Abbey. Then I hung out with some of the Latin Americans living in the residencia along with some Americans as we prepared to say goodbyes. We had laughs and tears. Then we said bye. One of them lives in Chicago and another in southern Virginia so very easy to see them and to keep in touch. After, I chilled some more. The city was packed with people due to being May Day. I talked to people in the residencia. Andrew and I went to see Iron Man 2, a week before it comes out in the US. I ran into a girl who I volunteered with in Cusco. Small world (YET AGAIN!!) I liked the movie a lot. Good set up for others.

49 days until I leave
50 days until I am home.
So weird.

Figuring out my plans for Salta but I am leaving the 18th and coming back the 24th. Missing only two days of classes.