Friday, May 21, 2010

Salta at Night/12 Hours in the Desert/Pumamarca

5-19-10 continued.
Since my last post, I took a gondola up the mountain that looks over Salta. I was scared the whole way up but survived and it was beautiful. I took pictures from up there. Then walked the 1073 steps down and walked back to my hostel. I rested for a bit. Then I went around the main places in Salta and took night photos. I then back to my hostel for a bit. Then I headed to the other affiliated hostel for a free BBQ. There I met up with my friend Lisa from my program, and met a friend of hers from her stay in Salta. Turns out her friend is from LA and went to Marlborough and graduated with my friends from there. Small world yet again. I ate delicious food and had wonderful convos. Then I headed back to my hostel to go to bed for my early morning.

After a bad night of sleep, I finally got up at 6:25. I got my stuff together and headed to breakfast. I ate and waited to be picked up. Finally, the van came and I got in. I was with 2 Basques, 2 Australians, 5 Argentines and 1 Brit. We headed out. Our first stop was in a place called Campo Quijano. There we saw a train that used to be part of the train of the clouds. Then we headed out again. I fell asleep for a bit. I woke up when we heading out to see some of the bridges and tracks of the train of the clouds. We got a history lesson on it while we drove out. After some photos, we headed back onto the road. We stopped to take pictures of the beautiful rocks and then stopped in a small town called Santa Rosa de Tastil. There were people selling things. I wandered around and took photos. We then hit the road again, with a stop at a place called Abra Blanca which is 4080 meters above sea level.

We stopped for lunch in a town called San Antonio de Los Corbes. It was a cute little town. I ate llama and rice. It was really good and would eat it again. I took some photos around the town especially of a cute little kid. Then we headed back on the bus. It was like a two hour ride to the Salinas Grandes (salt flats) so I slept most of the way. We arrived. I saw two girls i knew from University of Belgrano so we hung out and took photos. I wandered around and took more. It was beautiful. Eventually, I got back in the van and we headed out. We were now heading to Purmamarca. We stopped at a point called Altos del Morado, which is 4170 meters above sea level. We stopped once more to take photos of the beautiful rocks.

We finally reached Purmamarca, where I grabbed my stuff and wandered the roads. I eventually found a hostel. I dropped my bags. I wandered the small town. They had a market in the center which I checked out. I then followed a road and ended up walking around Los Cerros de Siete Colores (the rocks of seven colors). It was so beautiful. I want to come back here one day. I ran into the Australians, Basques and two girls I saw at the Salt Flats. I took many photos.

I headed back to my hostel. There I showered for the first time since Tuesday. I then walked the town and got dinner. At my hostel, they had a show, which I took some photos and video. I then got ready for bed and slept for the greater part of 10 hours. It was amazing.

I woke up and grabbed breakfast (tea and toast). I then packed my bags and walked around until the bus came to Tilcara. After a 45 minute ride. I have now arrived in Tilcara. A plan is possibly formulating for the rest of the trip. But we shall see. I will be wandering the streets and the mountains of the beautiful area. It is amazing how pretty it is.

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