Friday, May 21, 2010

Hiking in the Desert/A Spot of Bad Luck

Since the post earlier today, I walked around and bought bus tickets for tomorrow. I then walked around and headed to a place called Pancara. This is an ancient ruins a little outside the city of Tilcara. It was pratically stone buildings and cacti all over the place but still beautiful. I took some self portaits, and then had a couple take a photo of me. I then headed down.

I then headed to Garganta del Diablo. It turned out to be a 5 or 6 km hike. I was not prepared for this. But somehow found the strength to push on, despite minimal food and water in my body. It was one of the hardest ones I have had to do because of the beating sun which I had also not expected. I finally reached the entrance. I filled up my water bottle. I checked it out. Then I headed back up to the entrance. I rested and tried to get the energy to walk back down. Luckily, I met saviors in the form of a Porteño couple who drove me down. They were really nice. We talked (in Spanish of course) about random stuff.

After, I headed toward my hostel when I stumbled upon a show by the school children for the 200th anniversery of the country. It was cute. I then hung out at the hostel. I discovered I had lost one of my debit cards. I searched all over my bags but no such luck. Somewhere between Wednesday and today, it has vanished into the abyss. Luckily I have the other. I hung out and talked to the other guests before having dinner with some of the people who run the hostel. Soon I plan to sleep, who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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