Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Having an elephant as a roommate.

I woke up after a hard night sleep, due to one of my roommates, whose spirit animal must be an elephant based on the way he snored. I showered and packed my bags. Then I stored them, while I headed out. I walked around Tucuman a bit. Near my hostel, was a former detention center from the "Dirty War." It was interesting to see from the outside. There was a memorial for those who were imprisoned it. I continued just exploring. I grabbed lunch.

Eventually, I headed back and grabbed my bags and headed to the bus station. There was some bird exhibition happening at the mall that was attached to the station. I watched some of the exhibition game between Argentina and Canada. I then boarded my bus. There, I finished the Isabel Allende book and read a whole Michael Crichton book that I liked. I slept most of the rest of the time and listened to music

After getting my stuff, I have come back to the residencia. I unpacked, and said hi to friends and separated my photos into their files. Today, I am not sure what I will be doing minus celebrating the big day with the rest of the city.

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