Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Club Sandwhich and Economics

After reaching some success and waking up for breakfast, I did my Spanish homework. After which, I read for a bit. Then I got ready for the day and headed out. My friend Desiree and I grabbed lunch and caught up on our lives. It was quite nice. Then we headed to class.

In my economics class, it was more talking about how Latin America is so far behind the rest of the world (minus Africa). I will not miss this class for sure. In Spanish, we reviewed some of the stuff from Monday as well as talked about the conditional.

After, I headed home to nap for a little while and caught up in my journal. Then I hung with people before dinner. After food, I pretty much chilled. Have another long class tomorrow, then planning to have lunch, buy my tickets to Salta and back. Then no idea.

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