Saturday, May 1, 2010

2 Goodbyes and 1 Hello Again

I enjoyed a heavy sleep. I relaxed most of the morning. I talked some friends. Two of which left today, due to them just taking Spanish classes. I grabbed lunch and talked to Abbey. Then I hung out with some of the Latin Americans living in the residencia along with some Americans as we prepared to say goodbyes. We had laughs and tears. Then we said bye. One of them lives in Chicago and another in southern Virginia so very easy to see them and to keep in touch. After, I chilled some more. The city was packed with people due to being May Day. I talked to people in the residencia. Andrew and I went to see Iron Man 2, a week before it comes out in the US. I ran into a girl who I volunteered with in Cusco. Small world (YET AGAIN!!) I liked the movie a lot. Good set up for others.

49 days until I leave
50 days until I am home.
So weird.

Figuring out my plans for Salta but I am leaving the 18th and coming back the 24th. Missing only two days of classes.

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