Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rainy Days and Taking Photos

So I woke up to rain, which was very sad. I wanted to go out and see things since I only have three weeks left but the rain hindered these plans. Chelsey and I decided to get food. We ate at a delicious vegetarian restaurant near our residence. We walked around and got cupcakes. I had a red velvet one and a standard one. They were delicious. After, we went into a store. I bought a shirt. We then headed home. I tried to upload photos but it is taking forever because of the internet speed.

I hung out with people. I ate random food leftovers from friends, including an Ecuadorian dish and some nachos. I chilled with friends for a bit. Then I got showered and changed. I went and met up with my NYU friends. We then headed to a club. It was a really fun night

I woke up. I showered and got dressed. Chelsey and I headed out. We went to La Boca to take photos. That is the neighborhood with the various colored buildings. We took photo and looked around. I had a delicious choripan for lunch. After, we headed to the bookstore that I went to earlier in the semester. I took photos and bought Chronicle of a Death Foretold but in Spanish to practice. I am excited. We headed home, where I have been eating food, and hanging with friends and trying to upload photos.

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