Sunday, May 9, 2010

Delicious Mexican Food...Cupcakes...Ferrias...Peronism

I woke up for breakfast and grabbed my friends Chelsey and Joe. We headed to the immigrations office. There we met up with the most of group and waited for our times to get the visas. We talked travels and other stuff. I am finally got my visa and now an Argentine citizen for the time being. Such a nice feeling. I then headed home and ate lunch. I relaxed and ended up taking a two and a half hour nap, fueled by the singing of Cat Power. When I woke up, I relaxed for a bit before getting dinner. After dinner, I hung out before going to a friend's apartment. It was fun before I got tired and went to bed.

I woke up and relaxed for a bit. It was my friend Joe's birthday. We went out to get Mexican food for lunch and then a bakery for treats. I relaxed for most of the day which was nice. I studied for a bit for my history exam. I grabbed dinner and talked to friends. It was a very nice and peaceful Saturday.

I woke up and got ready. I then headed out with people from the residencia. We met up with fellow CEAers and headed to a feria, an hour or so outside the main part of the city. There were lots of vendors and live music. It was interesting. I had delicious food and look at what different people were offering. Then I met up with the group and we went into a very strange museum. It depicted how to best make various meat dishes as well as stuff about the Guacho lifestyle and more. Very random. A lot of us were unsure what to think.

After, Chelsey and I walked around for a while trying to find the bus home. After a long time, we found it. We talked with other friends of ours on the bus. At home, I studied and skyped my dad. I got food and studied some more. I think I will do alright. I am just trying to predict the possible questions my teacher can ask.

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