Thursday, May 6, 2010

Seven Madmen & Evita

5-5-10 cont.
So I went to a Cinco de Mayo party where I ate delicious tacos and made new friends, including two Porteños, and a guy from New Delhi. They were really cool and I enjoyed their company. Then I danced with friends before heading to bed.

Unfortunately, to make up for a lost class, my literature class is splitting it over two classes so I had class from 10 to 1. It was hard to get up for it but I did. I got to class, where only half of mine or so showed up. The first hour was occupied with writing an in class essay about the Seven Madmen. After, we watched a documentary about Evita, since our next book is about her. After I got my passport photo taken for the visa process happening tomorrow. I then had lunch and relaxed for most of the afternoon. I took care of more things needed for the visa process as well as cleaned up my stuff a bit. I had dinner with friends where we talked about trips with the woman who cooks our food, who made fun of some of the programs for some of the trips to boring places like Rosario. It was pretty funny.

Tomorrow, should be getting my student visa.

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