Sunday, June 20, 2010

Last Night: Goodbye

I woke up and woke up Chelsey. I helped her last minute pack. Ellis and Taylor came up to say goodbye. After, I hung out until Chelsey had to leave. It was strange. After, I spent a good portion of the day packing my suitcases. I inherited 20 pesos of monedas for the high schoolers who also left today. Eventually, I was pretty much done so I hung out.
I went out to get food with Andrew and Catherine. We watched some of the people we live with play soccer. Eventually we went back to the residencia and just hung out and talked about various things. It was strange that its all ending. Eventually, Andrew started to get ready for bed and watched a movie on tv while he packed and I just chilled.

A calm last night - not too shabby.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Feeling the Music at La Bomba Pt. 2

After waking up,I hung out for a bit with friends and talked about our various nights. I saw Ellis and Taylor. They were busy trying to figure out their next move. I got lunch. After, I went with Ellis and Taylor to help them buy their tickets back to Brazil. After, we walked around and got some things. Then we went our separate ways for a bit.

At the residencia, I spent most of the time packing my bags. Getting near the end. I also said bye to several of the staff. Ellis, Taylor, Chelsey and I went out to dinner. I ate delicious ribs, and we enjoyed some good conversations. After, we chilled for like an hour. Then we headed out to La Bomba. There, we danced to the drumming and had a crazy fun time.

Goodbyes are never easy.

I woke up and watched the first half of the Argentina game at the residencia. At halftime, Chelsey and I headed to Ellis's hostel.There we watched the second half. It was pretty epic of a game. After, I walked among the horns and celebrations and headed to school. At school, I waited 2.5 hours (half an hour into the next class) just to get my grade. It was really annoying. Because of this, I missed lunch. I dropped off my grades and got food.

After, I packed a good portion. I then burnt a cd of photos of the kids from Aldea Yanapay for my friend to give them. I then hung out and packed. I went out and bought a new dress shirt before meeting up with friends for cupcakes. After, I got dressed and headed to the goodbye dinner.

It was delicious. It was an all you can eat place. We all drank and talked and had a good time. But then the goodbyes started and that is when things got sad. Say goodbye to the program directors, especially one was particularly hard. They have been family here and I have nothing but love for them.

After, I went to a friend's apartment where we watched the basketball game and hung with friends. Then I ran into Elysa from Guilford. We hung out and chilled and chatted about the land we miss. Then I headed home.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

One more class till I am no longer a Junior

I woke up and studied for a likely oral exam in econ. I was unsure what to expect. I watched part of the Spain/Switzerland game which was extremely disappointing. After lunch, I headed to campus. At school, I awaited my fate. I checked my final grade where I had gotten a 6 on the final, putting me at 5 which is like a C+/B- range. When it was my turn to get him to give me a grade, he asked if I wanted to try and get some points. So I tried. I ended up getting the same score as before so I didn't lose or gain points which I was ok with. I felt so relieved after.

I relaxed in the cafeteria, talked to one of my program directors, and two friends about Arizona's immigration policies, Lost and more. Then I headed down to Spanish. There I waited for a while to take my oral. When it was my turn, my teacher and I talked about my travels, my beard(she was one of several people who suggested that I don't shave it but trim/clean it up),what I am doing when I first get back, real causal. I then got my grade and left.

My friend Ryan and I headed out to a skate park where I tried to take photos of him skating but lack a good lens for low light which was the case but it was cool. I talked to several skateboarders about stuff. Then I headed home. I got some dinner. Then Chelsey and I headed to Ellis's hostel. There we hung out with her, Taylor, and two Argentine women, and eventually a guy from Madrid who is about to study at the University of Washington. We talked about all kinds of thing. Better day than expected.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Not a bad day

I woke and headed to school not too much later. I studied with some friends. I then took the test which I thought I did pretty well on. I then had to head back and get the paper that he needed to write the grade on and comeback. I waited with friends for over an hour while he figured out our grades. After the wait and anticipation, as well as a nice political discussion with two friends, I got a 9. Two in a row.

After, my friend Mark and I headed to get food since I missed lunch at the residencia. We got sharwarmas. They were delicious. After, we parted ways. I met up with Ellis and Taylor. We went to a bar and watched the Brazi/North Korea game. I was disappointed in Brazil's first half. Luckily for them, they picked it up. After, I picked up the bag I had dropped off to get repaired. It got fixed. I then packed some and cleaned out a few papers. The end is coming close. I then relaxed for the hour or so till dinner.

After dinner, I got some ice cream, wrote and played some quiz games. I am currently watching the Celtics play a lack luster game.

Monday, June 14, 2010

3 Days of School Left

I woke up and breakfast. After, I reviewed some Spanish. I had to make a copy of my visa as well as one of my pages from my passport. After, I dropped off my suitcase to get fixed. I studied some more but then I met with Ellis and her friend Taylor who are town. After, I got lunch before heading to school. All of which was while fighting the rain.

At school, I studied while waiting to get my history grade. I got a 9 out of ten which is like an A not A-. Then I studied more. The exam, I thought it was pretty good. The article we had to read and answer questions about was about Jacob Zuma, South African president, the man who has many wives and how the second one who cheated on him. She turned out to be the one who I met last summer at the G8 event in Rome. After,I headed home. At home, I read and took notes on readings for tomorrow's final. I spent the majority of the evening on this minus hanging with Ellis and her friend for a bit.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Beginning of the End

Or to see it bigger

Or to see it bigger

Or to see it bigger

I woke up and after getting photos uploaded, I started studying for Spanish. I spent most of the afternoon studying. I am not too worried but refreshers never hurt. I also skyped my dad and Abbey. I have so little time left. I am totally feeling bittersweet. Ellis is coming into town tomorrow for a few days which will be fun despite me being in the midst of finals. After Tuesday morning, I only have three orals. I got dinner and spent some of the evening studying as well.
7 days left. So weird. Final push we come.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Waking up to the Copa

I woke up to the city exploding from Argentina's first goal of the world cup against Nigeria. Good way to woke up. I am so glad I am here for the first part of the copa. I watched the game which Argentina ended up winning 1 to 0. I got lunch and chilled with friends and discussed our nights. I then watched the US and England tie 1 to 1. Good game, bad play by the English goalie. It was a day of heavy rain so I didn't do much. I did start the packing process.

Spent most of the afternoon, chilling and enjoying people's company. I got dinner with friends. Then hung out at night. I watch a movie because I was too exhausted to go out. 8 days left more or less. So weird.

Residencia Bonding

I woke up and got ready. I headed to the immigration office. There, after figuring out where exactly to go, I got the process of picking up my visa. This process only took 10-15 minutes since there was not many other people. I was rather shocked by that. I then headed home. At home, I ate lunch and watched the opening game of the Copa Mundial (World Cup). Fierce battle between South Africa and Mexico that ended in a tie.

It was Chelsey's birthday, and while her roommate got stuff for it. Chelsey and I walked around the Japanese Gardens and took photos and just talked. It was nice. We then walk from there to the place where Chelsey practices polo. It was cool. After hanging out and take some photos. We headed home, where we surprised Chelsey. After that, we got the dinner at the residencia. After figuring out a game plan, we got most of the residencia to come to a club called CroBar with us. It made the night cool and fun in a bittersweet way.

At the club, we were on the VIP list so we had a table and got there early for like some form of foods. It was a great way to just hang out and talk to some people. Then the live music blended with electronics started, and we all started dancing. It was a fun fill night of dancing, plenty of laughs, music from the last three decades (they love the music from the 80's here). It was a lot of fun to hang out with people whom I live with.

Overall one of the best nights I have had in this country.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Magical Realism and Dictatorships

I woke up and got breakfast. I applied some final edits to Abbey's edits of my paper. I headed to school where I printed my paper. In class, we discussed magical realism as well as the dictatorships in Argentina. After class, I headed home and got food. In the afternoon, I read some of Catch 22 and chilled. I had a skype date due to working internet. I hung with friends most of the evening. At night, I had dinner and talked to people then some of us went to a pool hall to play some pool.

Tomorrow: I hope to get my visa among other things.
Hope you enjoy the new look to the blog.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Feeling like I ripped off a band-aid

I woke up and studied the majority of the morning for my exam. I felt like I had a decent grasp on the material though not looking forward to it.I ate lunch and headed to school where I did some last minute studying. I knew some of the questions, others not so much including one where I completely blanked based on the wording. We shall see. Never again shall I take an Econ class, I can tell you this though I know Econ majors who don't like this class. After,I hung out with my program heads and chilled until Spanish.

In Spanish, we did our final prep for our exam on Monday. At home, I worked on my essay while dealing with crappy internet which eventually went dead (so I am writing this in the other building). In my break, I ate ice cream with friends. Paper is now done. This means, I am 4 oral exams and two written exams away from being with school till end of August, some sort of freedom.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Studying for a lost cause

Woke up and headed to class. We talked about the redemocratization and the final. So near the end, its crazy. After class, I picked up the paper I need to get my grades as well as some short stories for my literature class. I grabbed lunch at home. I spent the better part of the afternoon studying for the econ exam that I am not ready for. It just never has clicked for me and I regret not dropping the class when I had the chance. Wish me all the luck in the world.

Much needed

Monday, June 7, 2010

Forgotten Textbook

I woke up and worked on some Spanish homework and did some history reading. When I headed over to lunch, I was told I couldn't eat there today. So I headed to school, where I got a grilled sandwich and reviewed with friends. I then headed into the classroom. The test was pretty easy, I am feeling quite confident. After, I realized that I forgot my Spanish textbook at home. I called Andrew, my roommate to get him to bring it. While I waited for class and Andrew, I teased one of my program directors about the world cup and Argentina's chances.

Andrew forgot my book at home but it turns out it wasn't really needed for class. We mostly discussed the final next week. So it was all good. After, I headed home, where I started studying for my econ exam. I also finished off the paper due tomorrow. Found out most if not all of the rooms that were previously occupied by NYU students are now with 15 years here for twoish weeks doing a cultural experience, not even learning Spanish. Kind of strange.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weekend of Goodbyes...Uploading Photos...Writing Papers

After a fun night celebrating my friend Melissa's birthday, I got up in time for my first make up class. We talked about the military dictatorships and the democratization. After, I headed home. There I got lunch and did homework for Spanish class, I eventually went to that class. We talked about the subjunctive. After, I hung out for the afternoon, and tried to start some of my papers. I then went out with two of my NYU friends, Lilly and Desiree, Andrea and Chelsey. We got some food. We then met up with other NYU people for their last night/two of their birthdays. It was fun though it was filled with goodbyes. But there was also a hello in the form of meeting the next door neighbor to my mom. For my final goodbyes for the night to some of the ones I am closest with, we got pizza and said goodbye. It was sad. I may go to NYC for my break in October to see them.

I woke up and worked on my papers. I also sent some postcards and got lunch. I eventually helped Desiree and Lilly get their bags in the cab and said my goodbyes, though I plan to see Desiree in Seattle where she lives. I spent most of the day saying working on papers and uploading photos. I got dinner and kicked it. I went out and hung out with some friends for a bit before coming home and going to bed.

I woke up and uploaded the last batch of photos. I met up with Matt and we got food and ice cream and continued our catching up. After, I wrote a good portion of my literature paper that is due on Thursday. I also skyped with my mom. I ate dinner and continued on my my paper.

All my photos are finally uploaded.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

El Commandante

I woke up and got ready for school. I got to campus and bought myself a croissant since I missed breakfast. In class, more about Borges. I want to read more of his works some day, so I put his collected fiction my long amazon wish-list. After class, I headed home. There I ate lunch. I headed to Starbucks after to work on my History essay. I had planned to write about the School of Americas, but based on my thesis I couldn't find too much sources besides the basic information, and I didn't know what else to write about it. So I have gone to my backup option, Che. This way, I can find more sources and use quotes from books I used in a previous paper I wrote.

My friend Devin and I went for cupcakes. After, I went back to working on my paper but also talked to Abbey. I eventually had a quick bite to eat since I am now off to a birthday dinner.

On my way home in 17 days!!! AHH!!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Harry Potter and the Israeli/Palestine Conflict

After a fun party at Desiree's/Kika's. I woke up and did the rest of my Spanish reading. I also did some reading for myself. I grabbed lunch and talked to friends. I then struggled to break some money because in this country change is valuable and the only way to pay for the bus. I will not miss that. I got to school and headed to Econ. While this is the last real class, he still gave us new material instead of reviewing for the final. I will not miss this class at all.

After, I hung out with people from my program before in Spanish. In Spanish, we practiced the subjunctive. My teacher is apparently Harry Potter because she feels like it is really crappy writing. We kept fighting her on it. It was pretty amusing. We also talked about the Israel/Palestinian issue. After, I headed home.

I went to the store, and got the shirt. I practiced with the buttons and it seems to work. Woot woot!!! Then I headed home. There I worked on my Political & Social Change paper. The assignment is two to three pages double spaced, and bullet points. I am writing about Mexico and more or less finished which is really nice since I have two other papers to write, and two finals next week. Not fun. I am hoping to finish out or get close to finishing another paper tomorrow afternoon, though I also have another birthday dinner tomorrow night

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Broken Button and Canceled Classes

I overslept a bit and had to quickly ready for school. After showing up late, I found out it was canceled. So I wasted effort in the rush but I made the most of it and turned in my visa finally. I then headed home. I grabbed lunch. When I took off my new shirt to shower, one of the buttons broke. After, I went to try to get it fixed, the store told me that they can try to fix it tomorrow or give me the money back so we shall see what happens.

Most of the afternoon, I started to research for some of my papers, swapped music with friends, and chatted with some who are leaving on Saturday.

Tonight is the first of three birthday bashes this week