Saturday, June 12, 2010

Residencia Bonding

I woke up and got ready. I headed to the immigration office. There, after figuring out where exactly to go, I got the process of picking up my visa. This process only took 10-15 minutes since there was not many other people. I was rather shocked by that. I then headed home. At home, I ate lunch and watched the opening game of the Copa Mundial (World Cup). Fierce battle between South Africa and Mexico that ended in a tie.

It was Chelsey's birthday, and while her roommate got stuff for it. Chelsey and I walked around the Japanese Gardens and took photos and just talked. It was nice. We then walk from there to the place where Chelsey practices polo. It was cool. After hanging out and take some photos. We headed home, where we surprised Chelsey. After that, we got the dinner at the residencia. After figuring out a game plan, we got most of the residencia to come to a club called CroBar with us. It made the night cool and fun in a bittersweet way.

At the club, we were on the VIP list so we had a table and got there early for like some form of foods. It was a great way to just hang out and talk to some people. Then the live music blended with electronics started, and we all started dancing. It was a fun fill night of dancing, plenty of laughs, music from the last three decades (they love the music from the 80's here). It was a lot of fun to hang out with people whom I live with.

Overall one of the best nights I have had in this country.

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