Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weekend of Goodbyes...Uploading Photos...Writing Papers

After a fun night celebrating my friend Melissa's birthday, I got up in time for my first make up class. We talked about the military dictatorships and the democratization. After, I headed home. There I got lunch and did homework for Spanish class, I eventually went to that class. We talked about the subjunctive. After, I hung out for the afternoon, and tried to start some of my papers. I then went out with two of my NYU friends, Lilly and Desiree, Andrea and Chelsey. We got some food. We then met up with other NYU people for their last night/two of their birthdays. It was fun though it was filled with goodbyes. But there was also a hello in the form of meeting the next door neighbor to my mom. For my final goodbyes for the night to some of the ones I am closest with, we got pizza and said goodbye. It was sad. I may go to NYC for my break in October to see them.

I woke up and worked on my papers. I also sent some postcards and got lunch. I eventually helped Desiree and Lilly get their bags in the cab and said my goodbyes, though I plan to see Desiree in Seattle where she lives. I spent most of the day saying working on papers and uploading photos. I got dinner and kicked it. I went out and hung out with some friends for a bit before coming home and going to bed.

I woke up and uploaded the last batch of photos. I met up with Matt and we got food and ice cream and continued our catching up. After, I wrote a good portion of my literature paper that is due on Thursday. I also skyped with my mom. I ate dinner and continued on my my paper.

All my photos are finally uploaded.

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