Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Vivimos en un mundo donde lo real y lo imaginario, lo cruel y lo sublime, se confunden"

I enjoyed a beautiful slumber and woke up after 9 or 10 hours of sleep. What could be better. After I stirred. I read and enjoyed working internet. Today is going to be a good day. I relaxed for a good portion of the morning and early afternoon. I talked to Abbey, my friend Desiree among others. I then headed out to grab some food. Then I saw an amazing show at the Cultural center here. (if you go to the link, click on exposiciones and then the one called Fricciones y Conflictos en IberoAmerica, that is the show I saw). When I see shows like this, the fire and drive inside of me burns. To see what is possible from one side of the lens to the other. I hope to reach a level where I can get photos like that and be shown on a similar level. It was a great show and I kept some literature on it as a way to remember. While James Nachtwey is my favorite photographer and the one I look up to most, I saw some photographers who motivate me as well. The quote above is by one of them. It says "we live in a world where the real and the imagination, the cruel and the sublime are confused." Is that not truth?

After, I walked around the city about and took some photos. Like I said, I was inspired. I then headed home. At home, I viewed another depiction of the cruelty of our world in the form of the movie Traffic. It was intense but good. After, Joe and I headed out for some chicken sandwiches. They were quite delicious. I went for a walk later. Then chilled the rest of the night.

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