Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Bill Day

I woke up and relaxed for a bit of the morning. I then started some homework. When I stepped outside of my room. I heard the sound of pouring rain. Good thing I didn't have any plans that weren't flexible. I went out to get some lunch and ate it in my room. I talked to Abbey for a bit. While I did, I had the rest of the tango photos uploaded. After lunch, I continued on my History readings. I then took a break and started "O Brother, Where Art Thou." I enjoyed it. It was funny and a lot different than the previous Coen Brothers' movie I saw.

After, I moved onto my Spanish homework. After that, I chilled and watched an episode of the HBO show "OZ." While gritty in every way, it is well made and interesting. I also kept an eye on the news headlines about the vote for the Health Care bill. The people who went to Iguazu this weekend came back so a bunch of us talked to them about it since we are going next weekend and am extremely anxious. I can't wait. It looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After, I wrote in my journal and listen to the peaceful sounds of Thievery Corporation. I then went to get dinner. When I came back food in hand, I saw that the Bill passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. I am now insured until for four more years or until I have my own plan. I am pumped for 2014 (though I do wish it was sooner) because it means insurance companies can't reject preexisting conditions. Yes while this bill isn't perfect, I see it as a launching pad. I wrote a bit in my journal before heading to bed.

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