Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A nice day to relax

Due to the day off, I could sleep mucho and boy did I. After waking up, I read the rest of El Facundo. I am not sure how I feel about it. It was interesting but its not your typical book hence the uncertainty. I sat around and talked to some friends for a while. Then I went out and got some food. I was going to go downtown but I decided to just hang since it was going to be chaotic down there. I watched Whip It, which was a really funny movie and made me want to go to a Roller Derby sometime. Luckily there is a team in Greensboro.

After, I finished up my homework. I then watched Lost before having a Skype date with Abbey. Afterward, I think I finalized up my schedule for the Fall (though depending on some requirements, it is scheduled to change). I am planning on signing up for Colonial Latin American History, English Capstone, 2D Design and an Independent Study (for photography in which I would need to come up with a theme for 20 pictures). I am happy with this current schedule and also the possibilities that the changes might have to endure. I had some delicious empanadas for dinner. I then relaxed and talked to friends before bed.

Going to Iguazu manana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited.

1 comment:

  1. That is a mighty fine schedule my dear :)
    I can't wait to see what you decide on for your photo theme. Woot woot Iguaza!!!!!!!
