Monday, March 29, 2010


Devil's Throat

After a very nice night of sleeping, I woke up and hung out most of the morning. I did some homework but pretty much just relaxed. I then went to get lunch. After lunch, I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed over to school with Chelsey and Joe. At school, I talked to some friends before history class started. In class, we talked about neocolonalism in Latin America. It was pretty interesting. I volunteered to help present one of the readings for next class on the Mexican Revolution.

In between classes, I talked to friends about stuff. In Spanish class, we talked about our weekends, as well as learned how certain adjectives change meanings depending on ser and estar. After class, my roommate and I walked home together. I chilled back at the residencia. I finished editing photos. I talked to Abbey and told her about my weekend. Eventually, I grabbed some dinner.

After dinner, I titled most of my photos and put tags on them. I am in the process of uploading them. There are over 350 of them so be patient please.

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