Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beautiful Bookstores and Tattoos...

Due to a class being pushed back a week and half, I could sleep in. I did and then I relaxed for most of the morning. I caught up on stuff and uploaded photos to Facebook of people and tried to continue uploading pictures to my Flickr. It is taking a long time due to the mass amount and the internet connection. I grabbed lunch and talked to people. After lunch, I chilled more before walking around for a bit. Back at home, I caught up on some shows and did my Spanish homework.

I then headed to a bookstore called El Ateneo here that is the largest in South America, with people from my group. It used to be a theater that got turned into a bookstore. I didn't take any photos this time, but I plan to next time I go. It was really cool. Saw a lot of possible reads despite the language barrier. I even saw a copy of Harry Potter put in the bindings upside down. From there, Nahuel, the leader for the day's excursion should us a place called Bond Street that was full of Tattoo parlors, skate shops and places of the sort. It was quite interesting. Then we moved onto a pizza place. There we ate a couple types of pizza. We then moved onto other places around the city. This is why I love CEA. They take us to all these places that many people don't necessarily see on their tours of the city. We went to a place that has a lot of cool places to eat and see live shows. I plan to hit up that area sometime. Then we reached an ice cream place and delicious ice cream. Then we headed home. Good day.

Tomorrow: Relax, Class at 1, Doctor's Appointment at 4, No se que mas.

1 comment:

  1. Woot woot for amazing bookstores!! The upside down copy of Harry Potter sounds wonderful!!!
