Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dealing with the Argentine Health Care System...


Unfortunately, I am on a losing streak in terms of missing breakfast. I woke up and relaxed. I watched Lost and talked to Abbey for a bit. Then I headed out. After getting some money, I then headed to the bookstore on campus and picked up one of my books for class. I then ate lunch with some friends. After, I headed to class. In my economics class, it was again really all over the place. But it was talking about Globalization and stuff, which was nice since I knew about the topic. After class, I met up with friends. We talked about Semana Santa plans. Some are going away (to Cordoba, Patagonia or others), others are having their parents visit which is cool. I am thinking of relaxing, maybe doing a day trip or two. I am pretty happy with this plan. I then talked to my Spanish teacher and explained why I wouldn't be in class.

I then headed out and toward the doctor's office. Her office was in an apartment complex. I waited for her to come back from lunch/siesta. She was really nice. She is real versed in Crohn's and speaks English really well. The system here is very interesting. I have to go and order the Remicade from a Pharmacy and have it delivered to the hospital or something of the sorts. It will be interesting. She teased me about not really looking into reading much about Crohn's in Argentina. It is a lot more rare than I thought. I went home after and rested. I ate dinner and skyped with my dad. Now going to a friend's apartment while I hope more of my photos upload. They are taking FOREVER

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