Monday, March 8, 2010

First Day of Classes

I woke up but struggled to get out of bed. It was the first day of school in a while. Even though I had class at 1, this was going to get hard getting used to. I eventually got out of bed and zombied my way over to the shower. After, I got my stuff together. I edited some of my photos from San Telmo, including the photo above (if you click on it, you can see the whole thing). Then I headed out. I stopped at a store and bought a notebook. I then got on the subte and headed to school.

Once at school, I met up with my friend Alana (pronounced like Elena). We grabbed some food and talked. Then I headed to my first class in three months. It is History of Latin America in the 20th Century. This is a topic I enjoy and can't ready to take this class. It seems pretty easy but also rather enjoyable. It doesn't seem to hard. We got out early. I read for a bit and bought the booklet of photocopies of readings for my history class. Eventually three rolled around and it was time for another class. This time Spanish. Spanish seem chill. My teacher has a good sense of humor and will be fun. We discussed the differences in Argentine Spanish compared to others.

After class, I hung with some people from my program. Then I eventually headed back to the residencia. I hung out and finished editing photos and worked on uploading some (which is really difficult considering the internet connection here). I then grabbed a delicious dinner. I hung out and talked to people, grabbed some ice cream and chilled the rest of the evening.

Tomorrow I have a class at 10, Political and Social Change. Then I am going to relax. Then I am meeting up with my friend Stephanie who is showing me an off and on abandoned meat market near where she lives. She has taken some photos there and I want to do the same.

Piece of advice: On hot days like they have here, it is always smart to fill up your water bottle and leave it in the freezer. It is God send.

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