Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend Recap

I woke up and headed to school for my adviser appointment. It was a really easy appointment. We mostly talked about the time that I wanted. Then I had to fill out some information to get my student id card. After I did that, I headed back to the residencia. I hung out for most of the day due to the fact that I had register for classes in the afternoon. It was nice to just sit and relax most of the afternoon. Eventually, 5 pm rolled around but in typical fashion, the website crashed. 2 hours later, I was able to sign up for classes. I have History of Argentina and Spanish Monday, Tuesday - Political and Social Change in Latin America, Wednesday - Latin America and the Global Economy and Spanish, and finally Thursday I have Argentine Literature. After signing up for classes, I grabbed dinner. I chilled for a while. I then met up with people from my program for srinks and walking around. It was a lot of fun. Eventually I went to bed.

3-6-10. I woke up and chilled for a bit. I was able to talk to Abbey for a bit which was wonderful since it was her 21st. After, a group of us tried going to look for a pool. We got to one, but apparently it was a hotel pool so they of course are not going to let us in. We eventually walked back to the subway station. After relaxing for an hour, Chelsey and I walked around and took photos, especially of a destroyed car (in the process of uploading them now). After meeting up with Desiree, we grabbed some food. Then we hung out for a while. Then some of us decided to see Alice in Wonderland. We ended up seeing 1 am showing. While I enjoyed what I saw, I fell asleep for the second half, which was expected because it was dark and 2 in the morning or so. After, I crashed upon bed.

I woke up and waited online for sign of my friend Alex online. Eventually he did show up, and I had a Skype date with him, Kelsey (21st Birthday), and Kasia. It was wonderful to see and hear them. I miss them so much. After, I headed to grab food. Then we all headed to San Telmo for the big market there. There we walked around. Some shopped, I took photos (200+, which will be edited and uploaded eventually, give me time). It was pretty cool and I will prob return there some time. Eventually, I headed back. I grabbed food and talked to Abbey I then went to Desiree's. We watched (500) Days of Summer and drank wine. Then we swapped music advice before I headed back. I then watched the finale of the Oscars. I failed at my predictions.

I start school tomorrow finally. So werid.

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